Meet the Candidates - Election 2011
More of HT's Analysis
With HT's candidacy at jeopardy and in limbo at this time I have decided to move forward and examine all the candidates in the 2011 mayoral election as well as some other local races. HT will try to be unbiased and fair in analyzing each candidate and their chances. My analysis will culminate with a pre-election night Prediction Special where I will predict the upcoming races. HT was very accurate in predicting the inroads made by the GOP in the Clark County, state and national races last year and should provide some interesting predictions this year as well. You can look forward to guest commentary, by my friend the mysterious "The Hood Hunts in a Pack" as well. I'm sure he'll weigh in from time to time. I will also post updates from GAW-
Goliathandwimmens ( the local place to be for breaking election and political news.) I encourage all readers as well to leave comments about the candidates and races. It looks like an exciting and interesting election with a very diversified field for voters to chose from. Over the next several weeks I'll take each candidate and one by one thoroughly go over candidacy and analyze their chances in both the primaries and the general election. We will even post some odds where you can make a bet with your local bookie.
Young Mr, Owen has withdrawn from mayor's race and will run for City Council at Large
Tomorrow we'll analyze Tom Galligan- D- Incumbent Mayor
Mike Moore |
Withdrew will run for City Council at Large |
Tom Galligan |
Rob Waiz |
Theresa Perkins |
Kevin Vissing