As Election 2011 enters it's final month of campaigning HT says it's too close to call in the Dem. mayoral race. It looks like a three way horse race with T. Galligan, Teresa Perkins, and Rob Waiz in a virtual three way dead heat at this time. Mike Moore looks strong for the fall, but things can change. Perkins campaign seems to be gaining momentum, but she still pulling the old ball and chain of John around. Although she sent him packing he could cost her the race...KV you still have the best slogan, too bad this is the only year you can use it...
HT's political sign poll update later this week...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
HT Acquires Original Print of Perkins Sign Issue
Exclusive to BatBlog HT obtains the original photo from yesterday's John and Teresa Perkins putting up mayoral signs !!!
Looks like more than just NSBHM worried about the candidacy of Teresa Perkins. The original print shows several looking on as John and Teresa put her signs up. How many politicians can you find in this photo ?? The question is who took the picture ?? HM said he did, but he is clearly looking from behind the building...Possibly Young Matt Chinn... The mystery continues....
Exclusive to BatBlog HT obtains the original photo from yesterday's John and Teresa Perkins putting up mayoral signs !!!
Looks like more than just NSBHM worried about the candidacy of Teresa Perkins. The original print shows several looking on as John and Teresa put her signs up. How many politicians can you find in this photo ?? The question is who took the picture ?? HM said he did, but he is clearly looking from behind the building...Possibly Young Matt Chinn... The mystery continues....
Has NSBHM Gone Too Far ???
HT has always thought NSBHM did a good public service, attending Council meeting, government watchdog, political activist etc. But I think he's gone a little too far with his latest expose' on candidate Teresa Perkin's signs being erected by her ex-husband John. Taking secret photographs might be over the edge Honest Mike and it might be illegal. Mike Moore is a good, solid candidate he doesn't need this kind of help and if I was Candidate Moore I'd distance myself as far as I could from HM and I'd tell him to STFU your killing me. I always thought his obsession with TG was personal and kind of funny but now HT wonders about HM.....
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Gotcha !!! |
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NSBHM checks out the latest in Telephoto Lens |
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Send in the Clowns - Jeff Politics 2011
Well if you read GAW and the CCC they have morphed into Jeff's version of "Send in the Clowns" with back and forth accusations of an alleged anonymous phone call and the back and forth on MM's changing Party. No wonder Jeffersonville has the reputation it does when it comes to politics.What ever happened to discussing issues ?? And they're are plenty of them in this years election (clowns and issues) Come on HM and Goliath, both of you support good candidates let's talk issues not who called who and when. Goliath don't turn GAW into a political duel between you and M.H. It's in M.H's DNA but don't get sucked into the cesspool of local political bickering and dirty tricks. GAW is losing it's moxey and style, and alienating some of it's regular readers.
ET TU Goliath
Well if you read GAW and the CCC they have morphed into Jeff's version of "Send in the Clowns" with back and forth accusations of an alleged anonymous phone call and the back and forth on MM's changing Party. No wonder Jeffersonville has the reputation it does when it comes to politics.What ever happened to discussing issues ?? And they're are plenty of them in this years election (clowns and issues) Come on HM and Goliath, both of you support good candidates let's talk issues not who called who and when. Goliath don't turn GAW into a political duel between you and M.H. It's in M.H's DNA but don't get sucked into the cesspool of local political bickering and dirty tricks. GAW is losing it's moxey and style, and alienating some of it's regular readers.
ET TU Goliath
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Mayoral candidate Teresa Perkins - A BatBlog Fan ???
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Dem. Candidate Teresa Perkins |
This either a Classic HT Tee $15.95 + S&H or a Designer HT muscle Tee at $ 19.95 + S&H. Obviously Ms. Perkins must have class and looks stunning in her HT Gear. Good Luck in the Election TP !!!
Monday, March 21, 2011
HT's Informal Mayoral Sign Poll
HT in his travels around the city of Jeffersonville has conducted an unofficial, informal Mayoral Sign Poll. Who has the most, biggest, most clever political signs of the candidates for Mayor of Jeff. It's still early and HT will update as we move closer to Election Day, but here is my first report...
Most Signs : It's early but Mike Moore definitely has the most signs out so far, especially in the eastern part of Jeff which includes most of the recently annexed area. Of the Democrats from what I've seen Teresa Perkins is holding her own with Waiz and Galligan it looks pretty close a( tossup) for the Dem.s in the sign department
KV has his clever slogan "Kevin in 11" on his few scattered signs that I have seen. Galligan does seem to have a slight edge in the downtown area other than the areas he plans to bulldoze for his Canal.
Biggest Signs :Rob Waiz wins this category hands down. You can see his signs from downtown Louisville. Isn't there an ordinance on the size of these things ?? If bigger is better than Waiz wins by a landslide you could reforrest Vissing Park with the wood and cardboard used in the making of these signs.
Classiest : Teresa Perkins wins in this category a little bit of a design and a simple message a classy looking political sign. Kevin has his catchy slogan and a few stars, I'm surprised he didn't put that he was a cousin of Rich Vissing on his sign, but I guess it wouldn't fit. Mike Moore's are pretty basic, plain and to the point.
Analysis : If signs are significant give M. Moore an edge right now the Dem. primary still too close too call. Give Moore the edge in actually having the most in somebody's yard also., most of the candidates stick sign anywhere you find a little open space...which I believe is illegal but never inforced...
Side note; Anyone interested in HT for Mayor signs ?? HT has a garage full of them after being declared ineligible for the election. Even though this is still in court, I'll let them go CHEAP !!!
HT in his travels around the city of Jeffersonville has conducted an unofficial, informal Mayoral Sign Poll. Who has the most, biggest, most clever political signs of the candidates for Mayor of Jeff. It's still early and HT will update as we move closer to Election Day, but here is my first report...
Most Signs : It's early but Mike Moore definitely has the most signs out so far, especially in the eastern part of Jeff which includes most of the recently annexed area. Of the Democrats from what I've seen Teresa Perkins is holding her own with Waiz and Galligan it looks pretty close a( tossup) for the Dem.s in the sign department
KV has his clever slogan "Kevin in 11" on his few scattered signs that I have seen. Galligan does seem to have a slight edge in the downtown area other than the areas he plans to bulldoze for his Canal.
Biggest Signs :Rob Waiz wins this category hands down. You can see his signs from downtown Louisville. Isn't there an ordinance on the size of these things ?? If bigger is better than Waiz wins by a landslide you could reforrest Vissing Park with the wood and cardboard used in the making of these signs.
Classiest : Teresa Perkins wins in this category a little bit of a design and a simple message a classy looking political sign. Kevin has his catchy slogan and a few stars, I'm surprised he didn't put that he was a cousin of Rich Vissing on his sign, but I guess it wouldn't fit. Mike Moore's are pretty basic, plain and to the point.
Analysis : If signs are significant give M. Moore an edge right now the Dem. primary still too close too call. Give Moore the edge in actually having the most in somebody's yard also., most of the candidates stick sign anywhere you find a little open space...which I believe is illegal but never inforced...

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Spring Break 2011 - Cancun, Mexico
The Jeffersonville power brokers are relaxing in Cancun, Mexico on Spring break as they prepare for the rigors of the upcoming campaign. Goliath, YMC, NHBSM and TG enjoyed the fun, sun and nightlife of Cancun cavorting with college coeds and vacationers. Rumor has it that Goliath was trying to broker a chicken supply deal with Mexican authorities and was pushing his cheap baubles and trinkets from his blog on to beach goers. The BatBlog has obtained the exclusive photos from TMZ of Spring Break 2011 Cancun, Mexico
Here the guys are seen enjoying a game of dominos TG won but HM said he cheated...
The boys before departing Standiford field
The Jeffersonville power brokers are relaxing in Cancun, Mexico on Spring break as they prepare for the rigors of the upcoming campaign. Goliath, YMC, NHBSM and TG enjoyed the fun, sun and nightlife of Cancun cavorting with college coeds and vacationers. Rumor has it that Goliath was trying to broker a chicken supply deal with Mexican authorities and was pushing his cheap baubles and trinkets from his blog on to beach goers. The BatBlog has obtained the exclusive photos from TMZ of Spring Break 2011 Cancun, Mexico
Here the guys are seen enjoying a game of dominos TG won but HM said he cheated...
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A relaxing game of dominos on the beach |
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Jeff powerbrokers at airport |
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Just after arriving, headed for their beach side bungalow |
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Smiling coeds asked about HT and just smiled wishing he was there |
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Happy St. Paddy's Day !!!
I have been among the Chatter Chicks and lived to tell about !!!
HT and the Chatter Chicks....
I have been among the Chatter Chicks and lived to tell about !!!
HT and the Chatter Chicks....
Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
Election 2011 - Draino's Poll
Breaking on the Bat-Blog! The numbers from the latest poll. (Don't tell the CCC!) KV 8%, RW 25%, TG 26%, TBP 32%,undecided 9%. The poll sampled "likely voters" not just a random group. The poll was two step with another question asked "That if you haven't made a hard decision made yet, whom would you possibly be learning towards?" That moves some votes and also accounts for the undecided precentage that still haven't made a final decision at this time. Seven weeks until the primary. The questions about a three party race for the fall were very interesting. The "party switching thing" has some real statistical vote "holding"problems. One political camp in particular won't be too happy. Draino!
HT's Comment and Analysis on Poll
HT sees some possible problems with the results of Draino's Poll. HT doesn't question TP's ability to pull 32 % of the voters or any of the numbers although KV's 8% seems rather high, (but then there are a lot of Vissings in Jeff.)
The problem I see and this is a real concern in the election as well. How many MM supporters will vote in the Democratic primary ?? And How will they vote ?? Will they vote for the strongest or weakest candidate ?? By MM supporters voting for what they perceive as the weakest candidate, this could possibly make his election in the fall easier, at least in theory...
This is a problem when runoff elections are not used in primaries. Runoff elections narrow the field to the top two vote getters and then another election is held with only the top two vote getters participating. This eliminates results being skewed by large fields, and would probably be appropriate in this election but unfortunately won't be used.
HT doesn't question Draino's numbers but wonders in what context and how they should be perceived. HT feels no matter what ,MM will be a strong candidate this Fall .Non withstanding the EN's poll, MM is a popular and proven vote getter with strong issues in his favor.
HT feels it's Mike Moore's election at this point in time no matter who the Dem. candidate is.
A bigger question is (HT has been told) are Goliath, TG, Honest Mike, and young Matt Chinn on spring break together in Cancun ????
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Election 2011- Updated Analysis
As we head into the last month and a half of the 2011 primary race HT will give his analysis on how the races are shaping up so far. In the Democratic mayoral race it looks like a tight race developing between TG the incumbent and Rob Waiz former mayor (2004 -2008) and newcomer Teresa Perkins. The question is can TG overcome the negativity created by higher taxes, higher sewer bills, annexation and Vissing Park.
Waiz a polished politician at this time looks like the best bet to defeat Galligan. He has the name recognition, core supporters and likability associated with a winning campaign and should get a lot of support from the annexed and disgruntled voters. He also ran a close race with TG in the mayoral primary four years ago.
While HT likes the things Teresa Perkins brings to the table, her leadership experience, education , background and being a political newcomer. HT wonders if her message is getting out to the rank in file voters, which is difficult for first time candidates to do.
Kevin Vissing well he does have a catchy slogan (Kevin in 11). He seems to agree with TG on everything, which makes you wonder if he was just a plant by the Galligan campaign to split the anti- Galligan vote. KV has no chance of winning this election.
RECAP: Galligan benefits from the four person field, the anti- Galligan votes will be split and votes for Perkins and Vissing will definitely hurt Waiz. This split of votes could help Galligan overcome the negative issues he is facing.
HT would hope the non-traditional candidate Perkins can get her message out, he likes that she hasn't been tainted by the political machine and could bring experienced non political leadership to the Mayor's office. Kevin Vissing " catchy slogan" and don't quit your day job.
At this point though it's too close to call, but a slight edge to Rob Waiz. Things can change though in the final six weeks.
As we head into the last month and a half of the 2011 primary race HT will give his analysis on how the races are shaping up so far. In the Democratic mayoral race it looks like a tight race developing between TG the incumbent and Rob Waiz former mayor (2004 -2008) and newcomer Teresa Perkins. The question is can TG overcome the negativity created by higher taxes, higher sewer bills, annexation and Vissing Park.
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TG counting on split vote |
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Waiz front runner ?? |
Kevin Vissing well he does have a catchy slogan (Kevin in 11). He seems to agree with TG on everything, which makes you wonder if he was just a plant by the Galligan campaign to split the anti- Galligan vote. KV has no chance of winning this election.
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Perkins needs to get her message out. |
HT would hope the non-traditional candidate Perkins can get her message out, he likes that she hasn't been tainted by the political machine and could bring experienced non political leadership to the Mayor's office. Kevin Vissing " catchy slogan" and don't quit your day job.
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Catchy slogan |
Friday, March 11, 2011
Japan's Earthquake
I don't think I have ever seen anything like the images and videos from the devastating Japanese Earthquake. It certainly reminds us of the uncertainness of our lives and the power of Mother Nature. It reminds me of how trivial our day to day problems really our in comparison to what these people are going through. God sometimes works in mysterious ways and let's all keep these people in our prayers......
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
HT Wins Goliath Award !!!
Best Internet Website
HT proudly accepts his 2011 Goliath award Goliath Awards. This 1st annual award for "Best Internet Website" is the most prestigious award in the universe. HT congratulates the other Goliath winners, and to all the other entrants , better luck next year. HT would like to dedicate this award to the late Hunter S. Thompson who inspired HT's Gonzo Blogging style. Thank You
Best Internet Website
HT proudly accepts his 2011 Goliath award Goliath Awards. This 1st annual award for "Best Internet Website" is the most prestigious award in the universe. HT congratulates the other Goliath winners, and to all the other entrants , better luck next year. HT would like to dedicate this award to the late Hunter S. Thompson who inspired HT's Gonzo Blogging style. Thank You
Friday, March 4, 2011
Game On !!! MC
Young Matt C. has chosen to lampoon HT in his inferior Blog Matt's blog This cheap poorly photoshopped picture especially unfair because HT is very proud of his finely tuned body and leaves HT no choice but declare GAME ON !!! Your not messing with latte drinkers, chicken herders, NHBSM or Goliath. Your fooling with HT and his lean mean fighting machine body...
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The Real HT on the beach |
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The Tom & Matt Show |
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Guest Commentator Draino - Is Goliath Losing It ???
H-T MUCH CONCERN AND WORRY! Does GOLIATH need a CHARLIE SHEEN type intervention? The latest round of GAW postings which have come just after the "Junta" seized control at the rival CCC, have some observers worried about Goliath! What could be going on with him? Some Sheen quotes and the subsequent disconcerting Goliath subject manner posts and rants:
" I will not believe that if I do something then I have to follow a certain path because it was written for normal people. People who aren't special. People who don't have tiger blood and Adonis DNA."
"I'm tired of pretending like I'm not special. I'm tired of pretending like I'm not bitching, a total fricking rock star from Mars, and people can't figure me out, they can't process me. I don't expect them to. You can't process me with a normal brain."
Exibit A: Divine Machinations "Goliath's mind rumble back to various times when the sluggards was belittling and bemoaning GOLIATHandWImmens blog saying the pageviews was artificals, that Goliath just 'flash in pan' and
pretty daggone soon Goliath be talking to himself in Cyberspace. Well well well, life has funny way of turning out. Goliath still standing tall in Blog world meanwhiles we has seen others
come and go."
Exibit B: What happened to the Devil Worshiper? GAW's sudden concern with "Leather Sexual clothing" and artifacts. "Apparently, 'Satanic Artifacts' refers to just about any sort of spooky creepy item. We have therefore taken the liberty of doing some Internet research and offer the following as representative images of 'satanic artifacts'. " Exibit C: Is there something wrong with the 'Anti Gay' Leadership? Pornography is destructive and it can ruin a person's life, and it ruined my life," he said at the conference, admitting that he had his hands in his pants, but maintaining that he wasn't masturbating. "Do I have problems? Yes. Did I do something wrong? Yes."
Exibit D: Best Blog? Goliath explains on goliath Film's International that hsi blog THE BEST darned blog around! I'm certain that Erma Thrask would sternly warn him that "pride goeth before the fall" ! Exibit E: EXCESS/MASS QUANTITIES OF JAEGERMESISTER CONSUMPTION! "Goliath finish his deeeelicious Latte and head out, bnack down to the OHIO RIVER."
This is an obvious manifestation of a "Chalie Sheen type denial" of consumption of large quantities of Jaegermeister and partying excessively on the river masked as a simple consumption of Perkfections coffee specials.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
New Feature on the BatBlog
Best of the Batblog
To the right is a new feature "Best of the Batblog" where from time to time we'll post some of the very best stories from the past. just click on the picture to take you to the complete story. Today's feature NSBHM's Birthday Party
To the right is a new feature "Best of the Batblog" where from time to time we'll post some of the very best stories from the past. just click on the picture to take you to the complete story. Today's feature NSBHM's Birthday Party
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