Much like the national political scene, the constant bickering and political games of our local politicians, ex politicians and "want to be's" has reached a point that the only thing being accomplished is the constant bickering ,gossiping, name calling, releasing personal emaills etc. All to the detriment of the local citizens and taxpayers.
Dem. primary candidates |
After the political blood bath of the Dem. primary last May in which no candidate received a majority of the vote, Mike Moore was elected Mayor in November's general election by a substantial margin. No sooner had Mayor Mike Moore taken office then an obvious political enemy starts a blog (the oracle) who's sole purpose is to vilify MM's every move, no matter what it is.
Instead of moving on, working together and accepting the facts and results of the elections. TG supporters led by several holdover members of the TG city council and ex councilman have fought MM on every move and decision he has made no matter how big or small that decision might be. Mayor Moore hasn't helped his cause either by some of his decisions and acts that seem to be merely political in nature.
TG had a great fall |
Fueled by TG's bitterness of defeat and jealous of MM's popularity with the electorate we now have City Council member Ed Z. childishly (allegedly) leaking Emails to the public and press instead of facing the issues man to man or settling it the proper venue.
Its time to move forward, no we didn't elect MM king and he needs to step down from his high horse and along with all the political players do what they were elected to do work together for the betterment of Jeffersonville, and quit the political games and bitterness.
Hear what Moore did today ??? No E-mail me tee hee hee ! |
Taxpayers and residents want an improved, better place to live and the energy produced by the political in fighting that has crippled Washington D.C. is counterproductive for that to succeed. If the bickering, name calling, political infighting continues Jeff will continue to be what it is, instead of what it
could be,
King Mike and his high horse |