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The Indiana Governors race doesn't seem to have drawn that much attention. Most people the BatBlog included feel Mike Pence the GOP candidate will win easily. The popular current Governor Mitch Daniels has paved the way for four more years of Rep. rule under Pence. It doesn't even look like Gregg is campaigning hard or spending much money. We haven't seen or heard a single ad for Gregg. Because of Daniels the BatBlog endorses Mike Pence and we believe it will be no contest with Pence winning easily.
Because of my friend Jules the BatBlog did a little research about the Indiana Gubernatorial race. It looks like Gregg is a lot closer than originally thought and this is actually a close race. With that in mind the BatBlog rescinds it's support of Pence and throws it behind John Gregg for Governor. Thanks again Jules