Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
The Oracle's Followers - Censored
Seems like the BatBlog's post last week on the Orifice has ruffled the feathers of some of his followers. Several obscene filled replies had to be censored and deleted due to some very crude language and content. HT normally detests censorship and is open to criticism, but these went beyond good taste. I guess I should have expected as such , with the Oracle good taste , civility , truth and decency are pretty much not in his vocabulary....
Friday, November 23, 2012
The Oracle's return includes many ALLEGED conversations with some Republicans of "notability." With that in mind The BatBlog sent it's investigative team out to look into these supposed conversations and the "Orifice" err Oracle in general. Speaking with several top rank Democrats and Republicans and one City Councilman who only spoke on the promise of anonymity the BatBlog discovered some interesting information concerning the Oracle.
Oracle's Identity
There has been much speculation on the identity of the Oracle and when asked the city Councilman who preferred to remain anonymous chuckled and replied the Oracle is the brainchild of old political enemies of the mayor many of whom contribute to the lies, personal innuendos that is the Oracle's method of operation. He went on to state that the Oracle consists of the usual subjects you might suspect from a former administration, one of whom slithered out of a trash can where he resides on occasion, he said jokingly.
How it Operates
Another prominent Democrat stated you notice how the Orifice never names names it's always someone he bumped into. That's because these individuals he bumps into are basically a figment of the Orifice's collective imagination. He also shook his head and stated that's just the way these people operate, if you can't beat the mayor at the ballot box print lies, personal barbs, sleazy innuendo in an attempt to undermine him, with no regards to common decency or the families that might be effected by the lies and rumors.
On Switching Parties
The BatBlog also talked to a prominent Republican in the know and asked him about the Orifice's claim of some Republicans being upset with the GOP accepting the mayor who was a former Dem. He stated of course there was some upset about it, but politically, party affiliation is basically not a big issue in City races a and the mayor if he choose to run for reelection he will be welcomed by party leaders. He is a proven, popular vote getter it would be stupid for the GOP to turn their back on him, he stated.
Local Watchdog
The BatBlog also spoke to a higher up in the Democratic Party about the local self appointed "watchdog" who after campaigning for the mayor is now his biggest critic. He roared with laughter and said that's his method of operation, he did the same thing with the previous administration. He has an exaggerated sense of importance like the Oracle and feels he can effect the public's perception and elections..... the fact of the matter 95% of voters don't follow all this political bullshit and could care less.
Final Thoughts
Finally one local, well respected party leader and political observer concluded, I wouldn't put too much stock or believe anything printed by the Oracle, you have to consider the source and realize their agenda and that basically all they pander to are people that didn't vote for the mayor anyway....everybody else realizes it's more politics and lies and your basic bullshit from a bunch losing crybabies and narcissists ...
The Oracle's return includes many ALLEGED conversations with some Republicans of "notability." With that in mind The BatBlog sent it's investigative team out to look into these supposed conversations and the "Orifice" err Oracle in general. Speaking with several top rank Democrats and Republicans and one City Councilman who only spoke on the promise of anonymity the BatBlog discovered some interesting information concerning the Oracle.
Oracle's Identity
There has been much speculation on the identity of the Oracle and when asked the city Councilman who preferred to remain anonymous chuckled and replied the Oracle is the brainchild of old political enemies of the mayor many of whom contribute to the lies, personal innuendos that is the Oracle's method of operation. He went on to state that the Oracle consists of the usual subjects you might suspect from a former administration, one of whom slithered out of a trash can where he resides on occasion, he said jokingly.
How it Operates
Another prominent Democrat stated you notice how the Orifice never names names it's always someone he bumped into. That's because these individuals he bumps into are basically a figment of the Orifice's collective imagination. He also shook his head and stated that's just the way these people operate, if you can't beat the mayor at the ballot box print lies, personal barbs, sleazy innuendo in an attempt to undermine him, with no regards to common decency or the families that might be effected by the lies and rumors.
On Switching Parties
The BatBlog also talked to a prominent Republican in the know and asked him about the Orifice's claim of some Republicans being upset with the GOP accepting the mayor who was a former Dem. He stated of course there was some upset about it, but politically, party affiliation is basically not a big issue in City races a and the mayor if he choose to run for reelection he will be welcomed by party leaders. He is a proven, popular vote getter it would be stupid for the GOP to turn their back on him, he stated.
Local Watchdog
The BatBlog also spoke to a higher up in the Democratic Party about the local self appointed "watchdog" who after campaigning for the mayor is now his biggest critic. He roared with laughter and said that's his method of operation, he did the same thing with the previous administration. He has an exaggerated sense of importance like the Oracle and feels he can effect the public's perception and elections..... the fact of the matter 95% of voters don't follow all this political bullshit and could care less.
Final Thoughts
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Feel Good Story of the Week - A Brave Young Man
No politics on this Thanksgiving week. Here's a wonderful story about a courageous young man, who has fought for his life. A story that puts thing in perspective of how we some times take life for granted.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Suing The City Council
Come on mayor Moore if you really want to try and work withe City Council taking them to court might not be the best approach. The County has been doing this for years (suing other departments) and it's only made them a laughing stock but put us more in debt, and some lawyers a lot of money. It could be a long 3 years ..
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Whose Getting the Most Publicity ???? The Jeffersonville City Newsletter
Mayor Mike Moore and the Jeff City Council are at it again. The Council seems to feel Mayor Mike is getting all the kudos and publicity and like two toddlers fighting over a tricycle "That's not fair." It all began with the Council moving recently fired Communications Director Leah Farris to the Parks Dept. and now the bickering continues over who the new CD will answer to and the funding of the position.
The BatBlog has heard the Council would like to hire the Oracle as CD, who has previously held that position and has a close, secret relationship with several of the Council members. With that in mind the BatBlog has obtained several photos ops of how the Council would like City News Letter to look in order for the Jeffersonville City Council to get their due amount of Publicity....
Jeffersonville City Newsletter
Nov. 2012
Welcome to the November 2012 issue of the Jeffersonville City Newsletter. A look at the events and happenings in the City. Also a look back at some this past years great events brought to you by "Your" City Council. Brought to you by those most responsible for the these great events and continuing gridlock and malaise of our fair City.
Dress like a Farmer Day
This past summer "Your" City Council presented a "Dress Like a Farmer Day" at the local Farmers Market...
Once again the Riverstage was a popular place to be, brought to you by Your City Council. Here several council members rehearse before their City Council Performs Live Night at this past summers Riverstage....
Wine Tasting Night
Your City council also once again hosted a wine tasting night at 300 Spring. A good time was had by all....
Jeff Aquatic Center
The Jeff Aquatic Center was the place to be on hot summer days, here we have several members of Your City Council enjoying the day at the Aquatic center brought to you by your City Council...
New Event for 2013
Your Jeff City council would like to announce a new event brought to you by Your City Council
the 1st annual Jeffersonville City Council Golf Scramble coming this spring... See you there....
Coming in Dec. Holiday Issue of the Jeffersonville Newsletter
with Holiday Events and more from 2012 Events.... brought to you by :
Your City Council
The BatBlog has heard the Council would like to hire the Oracle as CD, who has previously held that position and has a close, secret relationship with several of the Council members. With that in mind the BatBlog has obtained several photos ops of how the Council would like City News Letter to look in order for the Jeffersonville City Council to get their due amount of Publicity....

Nov. 2012
Dress like a Farmer Day
This past summer "Your" City Council presented a "Dress Like a Farmer Day" at the local Farmers Market...
Once again the Riverstage was a popular place to be, brought to you by Your City Council. Here several council members rehearse before their City Council Performs Live Night at this past summers Riverstage....
Wine Tasting Night
Your City council also once again hosted a wine tasting night at 300 Spring. A good time was had by all....
Jeff Aquatic Center
The Jeff Aquatic Center was the place to be on hot summer days, here we have several members of Your City Council enjoying the day at the Aquatic center brought to you by your City Council...
New Event for 2013
Your Jeff City council would like to announce a new event brought to you by Your City Council
the 1st annual Jeffersonville City Council Golf Scramble coming this spring... See you there....
Coming in Dec. Holiday Issue of the Jeffersonville Newsletter
with Holiday Events and more from 2012 Events.... brought to you by :
Your City Council
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Clark County Chatter Down
Well it took only 3 days of GrumpyGranny's absence and the CCC is down. What happened ?? Lots of rumors flying from the word on the street. The most logical is that technically challenged Administrators Quasar and MBHeights started fooling around with settings and blew up the server. Another possibility being thrown around is that AN (banned 3 times) hired a hacker who hacked into the system and deleted most of the files. A hostile takeover by Goliath, Goliath (technically challenged himself) sent YMC with new software he obtained in China has uploaded a Chinese Virus in hopes of reviving the hopelessly dead and always boring Goliath's Coliseum forum is another rumor out there. Any one out there who has heard any other rumors please share them here at the BatBlog.
One last thing heard today is Quasar is frantically trying to locate ColtsFan and SuperMike to try and fix what they screwed up. But SM and CF are demanding huge technical fees, to bring in back up...
Stay Tuned the BatBlog will relay any information it receives about the Chatter....
One last thing heard today is Quasar is frantically trying to locate ColtsFan and SuperMike to try and fix what they screwed up. But SM and CF are demanding huge technical fees, to bring in back up...
Stay Tuned the BatBlog will relay any information it receives about the Chatter....
Friday, November 9, 2012
Totalitarianism 2012
Thread from the CCC on OBAMACARE>>>>CLICK HERE
We are all Socialists being led to our doom by the Head Socialist in Chief Barack Obama who will seize all our guns as we are forced into lines for our government mandated Obamacare and then rerouted to another line to receive our government mandated cheese.......
This of course is before Obama names himself Dictator in Chief and declares we are now under total totalitarian rule......his first order is to reinstate slavery and place John Boehner, Mitch Mc Connell and all Tea Partiers in chains
Our only recourse and Salvation is of course >>>>CLICK HERE
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Great Story
From the News and Tribune an Amazing Story it's a shame the newspaper and TV news don't have more stories like this..
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Open Letter to Grumpy Granny ...AKA Donna

Tried to send you a personal message but you had already deleted your Chatter account. Not knowing how to contact you directly, I'll say it here and hope you drop in. I just wanted to say how disappointed but also happy for you as well, for giving up Administrator duties of the CCC. I know you've put your heart and soul into making it a successful well respected forum. And critics can say what they want but you succeeded to the highest degree. As I stated in my post to your resignation thread you have been equally fair to everyone and was the best part of the Chatter taking it to a high level of respectability.
We didn't always see eye to eye but they were minor scraps where I was mostly in the wrong. Any disagreement we had after hearing your firm but always polite response. I recognized your fair and caring attitude and the fair and caring person you are.
The reason I stated I was happy as well for you giving up the Chatter, is I know it was a strain on you at times. You related to me privately a couple of instances and I could tell it was becoming a hassle. I can only imagine the behind the scenes bickering that goes on and I am aware of some health issues you have. So hopefully the every day strain of watching out , counseling, disciplining the adult children of the Chatter will make your life a little easier. I hope so and hope I wasn't too big of a contributor of your headaches.
Thanks again Donna (Granny) I hope you will stay in touch in either through the CCC or local blogs you have truly become a friend and hope to hear from you. I can honestly say you are one of my cyber friends I would truly be honored to meet some day, it would be my honor.
Just a side note, you should be really proud of your nephew Ryan who ran an honorable, good race in Tuesday's election. At such a young age to do so well against veteran political campaigners says he has a bright future in politics or whatever endeavor he chooses in the future. Mrs. HT and I voted for him and told a lot of family and friends about him. Good Luck to him in the future.
Lastly I hope you don't mind me publishing this publicly but there were some things I wanted to say personally and this the only way I could think of to contact you plus I wanted to let everyone know my thoughts to you. Again Thanks,Good Luck and here's hoping the Best for you......Sincerly
Granny she did it "her way"....
Monday, November 5, 2012
Election 2012 - Election Eve Special
Welcome to the BatBlog's Election Eve Special where all the major races will be rehashed, predicted and the BatBlog endorsements reviewed.
Be sure to Vote !!!
President of the U.S. BatBlog Endorses
Barack Obama will win reelection in a close race. Obama was narrowly beaten in the BatPoll and Romney will carry Indiana easily. Tight race in actual vote Obama wins with about 290 electoral votes.
U.S. Senate Indiana
Another tight race (R) Mourdock is controversial and (D) Donnely has done well in the BatPoll and has a chance to upset him in traditionally Rep. dominated Indiana. BatBlog endorses and picks Donnely in a close race.
Indiana Governor
This is a tightening race that the BatBlog originally thought was a lock for (R) Mike Spence but Polls show (D)John Gregg making inroads recently. The BatBlog still thinks Spence will win in GOP dominated Indiana but Gregg who ran even in the BatPoll could surprise. BatBlog endorses John Gregg
9th Dist. Indiana Congress
(D) Shelli Yoder has her work cut out for her against incumbent (R) Todd Young. Recent re-districting has given Young an even bigger advantage with traditional GOP counties being placed in the 9th Dist. Yoder has ran an aggressive race and has done well in the BatPoll, and look for her to do better than expected but ultimately the BatBlog sees Young winning. BatBlog endorses Shelli Yoder
Clark Co. Commissioner Dist.1
Incumbent (D) Ed Meyer faces off against (R) newcomer Rick Stephenson in the Dist. 1 Commissioners race. Stephenson amassed nearly 75% of the votes in the Batpoll which seems to be a very good indication where the local Clark Co. races are heading. Look for a victory by Stephenson over Meyer as the GOP sweeps both Commissioner's races. The BatBlog endorses Rick Stephenson.
Clark Commissioner Dist. 2
Another incumbent (D) Les Young faces former Co. councilman (R) Jack Coffman in the Dist. 2 Comm. race. Again the incumbent Young ran very poorly in the BatPoll and the BatBlog predicts a GOP sweep in the Comm. races as Young will fall to Coffman, BatBlog endorses Jack Coffman in Dist.2.
Clark Co. Council at Large - 3 members elected
The Clark Co Council will elect three at large members, 3 Democrats and 3 Republicans will face off for the 3 seats. In the BatPoll all 3 GOP candidates ran strong placing in the top 4 along with (D) Susan Popp. The BatBlog sees 2 of these 3 open positions locked up by (R) Kelli Khuri and (D) Ms. Popp. The remaining seat could be a dogfight among (R) Ryan Lynch, (R) Ronald Brogan and incumbent (D) Kevin (Kevin in 11) Vissing Young Mr. Lynch has run hard and the BatBlog predicts he will claim the 3rd seat along with Khuri and Popp. The BatBlog endorses all 3 Khuri, Popp , and Lynch.
School Board Races
There will be 4 members of the GCC School Board elected Tuesday as well. 2 incumbents Christine Gilkey (Dist.5) and Becka Christensen in (Dist.7) face difficult races by well known opponents. Dale Moss retired writer for the CJ will face off against Gilkey in Dist. 5 and Teresa Perkins a mayoral candidate in last years Jeffersonville primary will go up against Christensen. The BatBlog thinks Mr. Moss will unseat Ms. Gilkey and Ms . Christensen will hold off Ms. Perkins in what could be a tight race. In the other S.B. races the BatBlog predicts victories for Jerry White in Dist. 6 and Vickie Boisseau in Dist. 2 both of whom ran strong in the BatPoll. In the S.B. races the BatBlog endorses Moss in Dist.5 Christensen in Dist.7 Alice Dorman Butler in Dist.6 and Vickie Boisseau in Dist. 2.
Locally it could be another major beatdown for the Dem. party as party leadership continues to thumb it's nose at the rank and file Democrats. The appointment of (Toxic) John Perkins to the vacant Commissioner's seat was just one more major gaffe that could lead to a sweep by the GOP in the County races. In the state and nationally look for a mixed result Democrats have a real chance at the Indiana Governor and Senate seat. Nationally look for Democrats to keep control with a majority in the Senate while the GOP will keep their advantage in the House of Rep.
Make Sure To Vote !!!
Be sure to Vote !!!
President of the U.S. BatBlog Endorses

U.S. Senate Indiana
Another tight race (R) Mourdock is controversial and (D) Donnely has done well in the BatPoll and has a chance to upset him in traditionally Rep. dominated Indiana. BatBlog endorses and picks Donnely in a close race.
Indiana Governor
This is a tightening race that the BatBlog originally thought was a lock for (R) Mike Spence but Polls show (D)John Gregg making inroads recently. The BatBlog still thinks Spence will win in GOP dominated Indiana but Gregg who ran even in the BatPoll could surprise. BatBlog endorses John Gregg
9th Dist. Indiana Congress
(D) Shelli Yoder has her work cut out for her against incumbent (R) Todd Young. Recent re-districting has given Young an even bigger advantage with traditional GOP counties being placed in the 9th Dist. Yoder has ran an aggressive race and has done well in the BatPoll, and look for her to do better than expected but ultimately the BatBlog sees Young winning. BatBlog endorses Shelli Yoder
Clark Co. Commissioner Dist.1
Incumbent (D) Ed Meyer faces off against (R) newcomer Rick Stephenson in the Dist. 1 Commissioners race. Stephenson amassed nearly 75% of the votes in the Batpoll which seems to be a very good indication where the local Clark Co. races are heading. Look for a victory by Stephenson over Meyer as the GOP sweeps both Commissioner's races. The BatBlog endorses Rick Stephenson.
Clark Commissioner Dist. 2
Another incumbent (D) Les Young faces former Co. councilman (R) Jack Coffman in the Dist. 2 Comm. race. Again the incumbent Young ran very poorly in the BatPoll and the BatBlog predicts a GOP sweep in the Comm. races as Young will fall to Coffman, BatBlog endorses Jack Coffman in Dist.2.
Clark Co. Council at Large - 3 members elected
The Clark Co Council will elect three at large members, 3 Democrats and 3 Republicans will face off for the 3 seats. In the BatPoll all 3 GOP candidates ran strong placing in the top 4 along with (D) Susan Popp. The BatBlog sees 2 of these 3 open positions locked up by (R) Kelli Khuri and (D) Ms. Popp. The remaining seat could be a dogfight among (R) Ryan Lynch, (R) Ronald Brogan and incumbent (D) Kevin (Kevin in 11) Vissing Young Mr. Lynch has run hard and the BatBlog predicts he will claim the 3rd seat along with Khuri and Popp. The BatBlog endorses all 3 Khuri, Popp , and Lynch.
School Board Races
There will be 4 members of the GCC School Board elected Tuesday as well. 2 incumbents Christine Gilkey (Dist.5) and Becka Christensen in (Dist.7) face difficult races by well known opponents. Dale Moss retired writer for the CJ will face off against Gilkey in Dist. 5 and Teresa Perkins a mayoral candidate in last years Jeffersonville primary will go up against Christensen. The BatBlog thinks Mr. Moss will unseat Ms. Gilkey and Ms . Christensen will hold off Ms. Perkins in what could be a tight race. In the other S.B. races the BatBlog predicts victories for Jerry White in Dist. 6 and Vickie Boisseau in Dist. 2 both of whom ran strong in the BatPoll. In the S.B. races the BatBlog endorses Moss in Dist.5 Christensen in Dist.7 Alice Dorman Butler in Dist.6 and Vickie Boisseau in Dist. 2.
Locally it could be another major beatdown for the Dem. party as party leadership continues to thumb it's nose at the rank and file Democrats. The appointment of (Toxic) John Perkins to the vacant Commissioner's seat was just one more major gaffe that could lead to a sweep by the GOP in the County races. In the state and nationally look for a mixed result Democrats have a real chance at the Indiana Governor and Senate seat. Nationally look for Democrats to keep control with a majority in the Senate while the GOP will keep their advantage in the House of Rep.
Make Sure To Vote !!!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Election 2012 - Mick's Lounge Poll
President Governor
Romney 34 % Shelli Yoder 35%
Obama 32 % Gregg 22%
Undecided 10 % Pence 25%
Didn't know who was running 8 % Evan Bayh 12%
Bill Clinton 7 % Too drunk 6%
Passed out or too drunk to respond 6 %
George Wallace 3 %
9th Dist. Congress
Yoder 92%
Lee Hamilton 1%
Young 1%
Too drunk 6%
Monday Tune in to the BatBlog's Election Eve Special
Thursday, November 1, 2012
The Oracle Slithers Back into the Blog World
After being silent for a couple of months the Oracle has slithered back onto the scene. Much like a spineless reptile he is the Oracle had to take time from his busy schedule to pile on Mayor Mike Moore's recent personal problems. Posting a silly, mindless post about an old Chuck Berry song that supposedly refers to the mayor.
Word on the street is the Oracle is being charmed from his hole, basket or where ever former Communications directors go to cry after losing his job by a couple of political enemies of MM one current sitting councilman and one former councilmen. who then sit back and teehee like little school girls and then high five the Oracle.
People like these are what's wrong with Jeffersonville politics. Instead of manning up and confronting the mayor over politics they choose the slimy path of sneaking behind the back and striking at one's family and personal life. Just like a slimy, spineless snake in the grass would....
Word on the street is the Oracle is being charmed from his hole, basket or where ever former Communications directors go to cry after losing his job by a couple of political enemies of MM one current sitting councilman and one former councilmen. who then sit back and teehee like little school girls and then high five the Oracle.
People like these are what's wrong with Jeffersonville politics. Instead of manning up and confronting the mayor over politics they choose the slimy path of sneaking behind the back and striking at one's family and personal life. Just like a slimy, spineless snake in the grass would....
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