I'm not trying to minimize Mr. Stephenson's actions or the seriousness of the charges, but personally I believe in this instance of giving him another chance and hopes he does continue in his position as Clark Co. Commissioner. I know some will say it is hypocritical because I said that in the recent arrests of two other prominent office holders...that they should resign.
Personally I see this case differently for several reasons. First of all Rick stepped forward publicly answering questions from both friends and critics. He didn't hide behind an attorney and admitted he was in the wrong and accepted full responsibility without excuses, unlike those in the two other recent cases. Another reason, anyone who drinks (myself included) has probably on occasion made the same bad judgement as Mr. Stephenson of driving after drinking and may or may not have been caught.. Not trying to minimize Rick's arrest, DUI is a serious offense and should be punished accordingly but I think also a lot of us realize it could have been us on some occasions and sympathize to some degree. Good people do make mistakes, but good people also accept and own up to their mistakes, don't make excuses and remedy their mistakes by making sure they don't happen again.
Finally this is the Christmas Season and forgiveness and good will for our fellow man should be forth coming. I forgive Rick, Teresa P. and Danny R. and wish all of them well moving forward and hope they can all learn and be bigger people for their mistakes just as I would want anyone to forgive me for any mistakes I have made in my life...
I hope everyone had a great Christmas Season and Wishing you all a Happy New Year !!!