Rumored preliminary meetings believe Ms. Hoffman's legal representatives want the new east end bridge named The Destiny Hoffman Bridge
Well the deal making and ass kissing have just begun. Yesterday the Clark Co. prosecutor's office dropped all past charges against the former drug court defendant Destiny Hoffman who was held in jail more than 5 months past her original 2 day sentence without counsel representing her. The BatBlog presumes that Ms. Hoffman maybe contemplating offers from over anxious attorneys from all over the country as she considers a civil suit against Clark Co....
The BatBlog has learned of a rumor that County officials may be huddling together soon in order to come up with a compensation package to dissuade Ms. Hoffman from filing suit. The rumored details are as followed...
1. Naming the Clark Co. Courthouse the Destiny Hoffman Courthouse for 1 month...
2. Name Destiny grand marshal of the annual 4th of July parade putting her in Kevin in 11's sports car with him driving...
3. Have the honorary title of "Co.Commissioner for a day" and getting to spend the day hobnobbing with "Toxic" John Perkins and learning how government works or in Clark Co.'s case doesn't work....
4. Lifetime invitation to the annual Hibernia Coon Supper where all the politicians and NHBSM go to blow hot air and eat a raccoon once a year....
5. Lifetime membership in the CCC and tour of the operation (in Quasar's parent's basement)...
6. Gift Certificate good at Mick's lounge...
7. One free skate session at the downtown Jeff ice skating rink...
8. One get out of jail free card good at any Clark Co. Jail (misdemeanors only)
9. Attendance of a Jeff High basketball game with now Clark Co.'s 2nd most famous person "Cowboy"
10. A guided tour with Tom Galligan, M. Smith, Ed. Z, and C. Sellers of where the Canal was supposed to be....
The BatBlog Legal Dept. has studied this offer and they don't believe this package will be enough to ward off a potential lawsuit....
How about permanently naming the courthouse the "Destiny Hoffman County Courthouse" she might end up owning it outright anyway ???
And how about Destiny Co. Indiana instead of Clark ??
* Stay tuned to the BatBlog as negotiations continue....