Election day 2014 is a little more than two months away. We here in Clark Co. will be making important decisions in key law enforcement and judicial positions. One of the most important of these positions is the county prosecutor, where current Deputy prosecutor Jeremy Mull (R) faces Jeffersonville attorney Robert Bottoroff (D). GAW (Goliath and Wimmens News) has posted Mr. Bottoroff's ideas on the prosecutors position. In turn the BatBlog would like to talk about Mr. Mull's candidacy with an opening statement by current Clark Co. Commissioner Rick Stephenson and Jeremy's own words on his candidacy.
Jeremy Mull has an impressive combination of resume', background, and experience prosecuting most of the key cases the last several years here in Clark Co. Mr. Mull details his upbringing, education, experience below and in his website which which we encourage everyone to check out at
:Jeremy Mull for Prosecutor The BatBlog also would like to encourage you to vote for Jeremy Mull this fall. We feel he is the most qualified, most experienced and along with his hard work and integrity has earned the respect and confidence of the people of Clark Co. to be their next County Prosecutor... Vote for Jeremy Mull
Clark Co. Commissioner Rick Stephenson on Jeremy Mull :
Since meeting Jeremy almost two years ago I have come to consider him a friend. My first impression of him was of his unobtrusive manner. He is not out there trying to grab every bit of face time his position offers. To the contrary he tries to avoid being the center of attention. His way is not to be a flamboyant socially acceptance hound as so many are, IMO the most flashy thing he has is his Corvette.
We have seen many articles about the qualifications of his opponent and little said about Jeremy's. I would like to let everyone know about this man that I am proud to call my friend.
This is taken from his website and says more of this man's commitment to justice than I ever could. His commitment to justice is not just local but worldwide as you will see, The self sacrifice of not only his time, but his personal safety shows his dedication to bringing justice to the world.

Thanks to my good parents, I had the opportunity to grow up on a chicken and cattle farm with my brother and sister, helping raise forty-thousand chickens and a herd of beef cattle, and putting up square-bale hay in the summers. I was able to grow up fishing, learning to shoot with BB guns, slingshots, a bow and arrow, and riding horses, motorcycles, and go-karts. I worked almost full-time throughout high school, starting out working at a wood factory in the summers, then carrying out groceries, stocking shelves, and unloading semi-trucks after school until I graduated. I graduated from Eastern High School as Valedictorian in 1992. I attended college at Indiana University Southeast, while also working forty to fifty hours per week guarding furniture factories, hospitals, and industrial facilities for Pinkerton Security and its successors. I graduated with a B.A. in Psychology, and was named "Outstanding Student in Psychology" and "Outstanding Public Speaker." I obtained my Juris Doctorate from Indiana School of Law, Bloomington, where I was one of the few students to start and successfully complete the "Accelerated Law Program," obtaining my law degree in two years instead of the customary three.
I interned in the Clark County Prosecutor's Office in 1998, became a Clark County Deputy Prosecutor in 1999, and worked in that capacity until 2006. During that time, I prosecuted thousands of drug cases, including many high-level dealing cases, complex conspiracy cases, and homicide cases. From 2006 until 2008, I served as the Chief Legal Advisor to the Police Peacekeeping Mission in Sudan, and then as Police-Prosecutor Coordinator in Afghanistan, on behalf of the U.S. Department of State, International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Division. In 2008, I was requested by Clark County Prosecutor Steve Stewart to accept the position of Chief Deputy Prosecutor in Clark County, and, after accepting, have served in that capacity ever since. I have been an Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice at Indiana University Southeast since 2001, teaching criminology, criminal law, and criminal procedure classes during evening hours to hundreds of students working towards a career in law enforcement. I currently instruct local police officers on Indiana criminal laws and procedures, both in an academy setting and via presentation of legal updates. I have taught prosecutors across the state for the Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council on prosecuting Habitual Offenders. I have also trained United States Law Enforcement Professionals who are deploying to Afghanistan with the United States Military on Afghan law and police/prosecutor procedures on behalf of the United States Department of Defense. This training is used to assist the Afghans identify, arrest, and successfully prosecute terrorists, insurgents, and other serious criminals.
I have received extensive training in law enforcement and prosecutorial subjects. I am a graduate of the U.S. Secret Service course in Hoover, Alabama on Forensic Computer Analysis and Presentation in Court, and their course on Forensic Mobile Device Examination and Cellular Networks. In addition, I graduated from the U.S. Attorney's Office course on Investigation of Computer Crimes at the Plainfield Police Academy. This type of training is essential for a competent prosecutor, as most murder and many sexual assault cases in today's era necessarily involve forensic electronic device analysis and a thorough understanding of the technology and legal requirements for admissibility in court.
I also graduated from the National District Attorneys Association course on Arson and Explosives Investigation and Prosecution, and the Advanced Trial Advocacy course, both in Columbia, South Carolina. I further graduated from courses on the Use and Management of Confidential Informants (essential to successfully eradicating narcotics trafficking), the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance Methamphetamine Investigation Course, PowerPoint for Law Enforcement (for criminal jury trial presentations), Michigan State University's Criminal Intelligence Course (for identifying and taking down criminal networks), and courses on field-testing drugs, investigating animal cruelty cases, and prosecuting child molesting cases. I graduated from the Northeast Counterdrug Training Center and Indiana State Police Top Gun Undercover Drug Investigation Course, and have returned as an instructor in all subsequent Indiana courses. I also completed the World Bank's Financial Crimes and Corruption Investigation Course. These are just a few examples of the extensive training that I have worked hard to obtain over the course of my career so that I can be the most knowledgeable, competent, and capable prosecutor possible.
I have obtained convictions in thousands of criminal cases, and successfully conducted dozens of jury trials in Clark County, including murder, attempted murder, arson, child molesting, bank robbery, battery, drug dealing, residential burglary, and theft cases.
I understand that over 90% of all crime in Clark County is related to drug use. For families of the drug-addicted, this can be a heartbreaking process of seeing a loved one move towards self-destruction and harmful behaviors. For crime victims, drug-fueled crimes can lead to death, injury, medical bills, property-loss, increased homeowners premiums because of break-ins, and a loss of the sense of security. In response to this, I was a founding member of the Clark County Drug Court Program, which seeks to put some low-risk drug-addicted offenders into intensive treatment and court monitoring programs, and has been proven to greatly reduce recidivism and help graduates live productive, law-abiding lives. I continue to believe that mandatory treatment should be required of all criminals who have a drug problem. However, for those individuals who sell drugs and, in effect, facilitate the crimes in our community, I firmly believe that lengthy prison sentences are the most effective way to rehabilitate them. If elected, I will use all of my experience, training, and resources to attack the supply of illegal drugs in our community to reduce crime and to reduce the heartache of family members of those persons affected most.
I live in Clark County. I care deeply about keeping our community safe for the sake of my loved ones and yours.