Anyone interested and all Jeffersonville residents should check out Savile Road's comments and insight on the
Clark County Chatter on the Jeffersonville thread "City Court abolished but 3 Mil spent on soccer fields". Savile Road points out and asks a lot of intelligent questions about the Jeff city council's decision to spend a whopping 3 million dollars on a parking lot for the new soccer complex.
He points out about 17 solid questions that I'll post below that should be required reading for all Jeffersonville taxpayers about the new soccer complex.
A little about Savile Row ...he is a very intelligent well versed former office holder here in Jeff , well respected from a prominent Jeff family....I won't give his name but he is rumored to be local internet legend "The Hood" aka "The Hood Runs in a Pack". He used to be a regular contributor to the BatBlog but I think I pissed him off on comments about some of his local Democrat cronies but I wish he would come back.
He knows a lot about government, law and Jeff political history. City Councilman Ed Zastawny commented in Savile Row's thread but backed off of answering the very pertinent questions that need answering. Keep up the good work Savile Row keep kicking their ass and you're always welcome on the "Award winning" BatBlog......and to Ed Z how about some answers...What are you afraid of ???
Savile Row's Questions on the new Soccer Complex
Jeffersonville City Council Watch
The "Spin and Spin" on this huge project is that it will generate "some"revenue.....?
1.) What is the total investment cost from all sources to be?
2.) What is the dubious Return on Investment (ROI)?,
3.) What is the risk of this folly?,
4.) Are there special interests pushing this through?,
4.) What is the per acre cost of the tiny 11 acres parcel?,
5.) What is being taken off the tax rolls that will not be income producing
in the future?,
6.) What is the sustainability cost for this elitist project?,
7.) What will be the attendant yearly costs to the taxpayers for road construction/maintenance,
police, city employees, facility and venue maintenance, utilities, repairs, insurance, traffic, etc.?,
8.) Why is the government competing with private enterprises?,
9.) Why will this terrible location will see yet more questionable funding?,
10.) What is the likelihood that the revenue GUESSES are accurate?,
11.) Will competition from Louisville venues, Clarksville, New Albany,
other local private or public venues planned
have long term negative consequences?,
12.) Other cities have been stuck with failing , pie-in-the-sky venues.,
13.) With the dire condition of county government,
the projected additional costs of city government,
the close to bankruptcy of the hospital,
the projected costs for the huge planned school construction,
the costs of the courts and the jail, etc.,
is it wise to gamble Jeffersonville's current rainy day buffer on this expensive roll-of-the-dice?
14. Why are the other needs of the city being neglected?
15. Why not utilize tax money more wisely for real economic and job creation efforts
with much better leverage and a much better return?
16.) With the growth of the city, the cost of basic police and fire will sky rocket.
Those basic services should be funded first.,
17.) What is the risk that this this projected revenue will last?,
Capital costs, bond issues, cost of yearly maintenance,
questionable returns on investment,
pie-in-the-sky projections,
diversion of funding and the neglect of other pressing and very expensive city concerns,
entering into competition with private venues ,
less buffer with depletion of rainy day funds,
elitist project, lack of sensible prioritization of city tax expenditures,
built in problems,
poor site selection, arrogance of public officials....
What's not to like?
Where is the C-J and the N-T on this grandiose scheme?