A little break from politics today to award Oldgoat of the Clark County Chatter the BatBlog "Asshole of the Month" award. It's hard to believe this insensitive bastard is a former police officer (or so he says anyway.) Oldgoat believes we need to lock up or "institutionalize" every addict. In his own words "no way society should have to put up with them."
Gee Oldgoat any suggestion of where the money comes from to build these tens to hundred thousands of institutions to lock up and "institutionalize" to protect our society from these "addicts."
And which addicts should we include ??? hard drugs, marijuana, pain pills, alcohol, gambling, caffeine ??? Better make that about a million new institutions if you include every addiction listed above or is some addiction OK with you.???..Or maybe we could just "institutionalize" insensitive assholes like you to protect you from those evil addicts.
If your really ex law enforcement Oldgoat you should know that U.S. law enforcement, has already been locking up addicts and casual drug users for years in the so called "war on drugs." Guess what Oldgoat it doesn't work. Our jails and court system are filled with addicts,users and dealers and the problem is still growing.
Addiction is complicated, the dynamics of who and why will become addicted is unknown, and let's face it almost everyone in someway is addicted to something or some kind of behavior. That's unless of course you are one of those holier than thou individuals/ assholes like Oldgoat.
Congratulations to Oldgoat your insensitive rant hasn't gone unnoticed it has earned you the BatBlog's "Asshole of the Month" award. Oldgoat along with NHBSM, Krueger and Quasar are four examples that anyone can use a computer....but should keep their thoughts to themselves so as to not look like a dumbass....