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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Look for More Obstruction....It's All About Politics

Once again mayor Mike Moore has a plan in the works to develop the main entry into Jeffersonville along the 10th St corridor. Yesterday's proposed development includes two retail centers, three restaurants and hotel. It appears to be an impressive proposal to enhance the major "Gateway" into the city that will bring tax dollars, jobs and improve the aesthetics of this important area.

 So let the political games and obstruction begin.....It's no secret that the Jeffersonville city council and the mayor pretty much despise each other. With this being an election year, this is a plum announcement by the mayor with the election being less than six months away. You can almost bet your last dollar head obstructionist Ed (Moe) Zastawny is "googling"(that's his way of doing research) "Keystone in an attempt to dig up some dirt on the proposal's developer. Already Moore's biggest critic NHBSM (Not Honest But Simple Mike) is dissing the chosen developer (Keystone) though he knows nothing about them.

  Hopefully the Moore administration has done their homework and crossed their T's and dotted their I's this time so as not to allow another frivolous lawsuit like the one filed last year. Not Honest Mike's lawsuit not only delayed a similar project but scared off the potential developer White Reach from
doing business with the city.

 The BatBlog predicts this hapless Jeffersonville city council will now go into their political stall mode to hold up this project as long as possible (remember where you heard it first). They will want no part of breaking ground anytime before election day to minimize Moore's re-election chances.

 The last project they (council) stalled over sewer problems, traffic thru restaurants and other petty issues...and look for more of the same on this project. This councils wants to feel important but they end up looking foolish and stupid like they have with wanting the new Jeff "Green team" manager to have a certification that only 37 people in the whole world have, ending Jeff city court and the ritzy glitzy, over priced soccer complex no one wants.

 Moore isn't without fault in this feud between him and the council, but he has shown a propensity to get things done with attractive projects ...Veteran's Pkwy., the riverfront and the east end are  thriving under Moore's leadership..... he has earned a second term,... especially when his opponent Dennis Julius has shown NO leadership capabilities during his term on the city council.

As for the new entry way project......Let the games Begin !!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

HT...The Only "Qualified" Candidate for "Green Team" Manager

It appears that the BatBlog's own HT (Hoosiertaxpayer) is the only "qualified candidate" for the newly formed Jeffersonville "Green Team" manager. The Jeff city council has been griping about the new manager hired by mayor Mike Moore as not having the certification for the position. Since there are no certified Horticulturist in Indiana or Kentucky and only 37 worldwide with the credentials the council says is necessary. HT has come forward with his certification to fill the position if needed.

 HT is a Master of Horticulture and has the certificate to prove it and years of experience in the field of horticulture. The only problem appears to be the difficulty HT might have working with the idiots  on the council ,none of whom are "certified" to be city council members....It should be interesting....

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Ed (Moe) Z's Certification Program Exposed

Ed "Moe" Z is big on certificates and certification
Congratulations and good job to Integrity Matters of the Clark County Chatter. She has exposed the certification program that Jeffersonville city councilman Ed (Moe) Zastawny wanted to use in the recent hiring of the City's "Green Team " manager. It appears that the organization Moe cited for "certification" is nothing more than a money grabbing scheme for what may or not be a group of supposed Horticulturists. Neither Indiana or Kentucky has anyone that has attained any of the 3 certifications the group offers. Probably because of the outrageous prices they charge to  be a member or take their certification test.

 The BatBlog believes the reason that only 37 people nationwide and one Saudi Arabian has achieved this certification is because the certificate and it's credibility isn't worth the paper it's written on. This is just another case of Ed. Z and his city council cronies trying to blow smoke up the taxpayer's asses and expecting us to buy into their stupid ideas and actions. Like the decision to eliminate Jeff city court and the soccer facility scam earlier this council has proven their poor ability to provide leadership with our tax they continue to play childish political games instead of working toward progress...Most likely the council's cry for certification was just another political jab at mayor Mike Moore's choice for the position...another case of political jealousy and counter productive behavior from an non productive city council...

Stay Vigilant My Friends...

Monday, May 25, 2015

We can never repay those who gave the ultimate so that we might enjoy the freedoms and pleasures of life . All we can do is remember and thank them for their ultimate sacrifice, even though it is not nearlyenough...

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Job Qualifications For City Workers

It's interesting that City Councilman Ed (Moe) Zastawny is pining on the Clark County Chatter about the lack of qualifications of the newly hired "Green Team" manager by mayor Mike Moore. It seems that Ed Z. (Moe) would like someone with a horticulture degree or certification to lead the newly formed "Green Team"... a qualification the new manager doesn't have.

 The BatBlog wonders just what qualifications an insurance salesman like Moe or for that matter any member of the current City Council has to manage and budget millions of dollars of tax dollars ??? The answer is NONE. The current council which consists of an insurance salesman, a former busboy, a fireman, a florist, etc, etc. has absolutely NO qualifications or experience managing a large financial budget like the duties are of a city council. It appears that Moe is being quite the hypocrite in complaining about the new manager's lack of qualifications because it appears that the new manager is just as qualified if not more for his job as Moe is for his.....

 As the BatBlog has pointed out before and it's unfortunate, but in politics the most qualified or best person for a particular office doesn't always win. The same is true in a vast majority of city workers where "who you know" is the major requisite for attaining a position. Over the years most police, fireman and city workers were hired through some connection to the people or party in power . This is not to diminish the job they may have done,  but most of the time more "qualified" people were overlooked. That's just the nature of the political beast.

 Let's be honest politics and elections at the city level are nothing more than a popularity contests. If you can kiss enough  asses  or blow smoke up enough people's ass you can be elected...Qualifications and experience mean nothing. So the next time Ed (Moe) Z. complains about someone's lack of qualifications for a particular city job he needs to think about the asses he kissed and the smoke he blew to get his job on the city council....and be thankful...

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Why The GCCS Referendum Will Fail....


 In November local voters will be presented with a referendum to update and supposedly improve the Greater Clark Co, School system. The referendum will ask for a tax increase of about $60 per household to fund this update. While the BatBlog feels most people would be more than willing to pay the $60 to improve education...this referendum is doomed to failure and rejection by Clark Co, voters. The rejection has nothing to do with the cost, though people do hate tax increases, it is about the lack of faith in the school administration and school board to do the right thing and spend the money wisely and efficiently. The GCCS administration has been somewhat secretive in releasing the complete study on the proposed changes  to the public... leading to a greater mistrust and lack of confidence in this proposal.

 The closing of neighborhood schools, consolidation and construction of new buildings are the contributing factors that make the general public leery and dubious of how this money earmarked for "improvement" will be well spent.

Whether it is nostalgia or just the close proximity the public loves their neighborhood schools,,,they feel a connection to these schools. On the other hand the school administration does not and the indifference puts a major roadblock up on any chance the referendum has of being passed by the voting public. The public and rightfully so feels the GCCS administration and school board is more concerned with high paying administrative jobs and studies than basic better education our young people.

 Keep the neighborhood schools open , spend money updating and improving existing facilities, show the concern about better education....than shuffling students around and relocating them to ritzy blitzy new schools. Maybe then you can restore confidence to the voting public that their tax dollars are well spent....but we doubt that will happen...


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Remember When continued.....

"There is a sad, moldering degeneracy on the riverfront of Jeffersonville"

Not a whole lot has changed that a young NHBSM with the beard ??? Must be a politician near by....

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Remember When....

Youngstown Shopping Center - 10th St. ...Circa 1950's

Anyone remember what stores besides Kroger's, Bacon's and Woolworth's and I believe Taylor's Drug Store was on far left corner ??? Also what was the National pictured ???

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Meiners' Plan for Compliance of the EPA Consent Decree

You will find William Meiners profile and solution to the EPA Consent Decree on combined sewer overflows on pages 4 and 34 of the voter's guide (below) will be amazed at the line of bullshit and corresponding outrageous sewer bills that have been inflicted on Jeffersonville residents and taxpayers all for the sake of politics....
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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Jeffersonville Missed a Great Opportunity Yesterday....

William (Bill) Meiners
 Unfortunately in politics a lot of times the best man or most qualified doesn't win. It maybe for lack of financing, a lack of interest to campaign, lack of name recognition, or just plain bad luck in getting your message heard.

   Jeffersonville missed a great opportunity yesterday to elect the most educated, most not political, and probably the most qualified to help us citizens moving forward with his honest, intelligent approach. William (Bill as I know him) Meiners  the Rep. candidate in yesterday's Jeff mayoral race fits the bill in all the above mentioned qualities. Bill would be the  first to  admit he is no politician and probably was well aware he had little if no chance in yesterday's primary election.

 William Meiners who started his own engineering firm is well versed and educated on problems facing the the City of Jeffersonville, most notably the EPA consent decree on combined sewer overflows which is a big bear facing our community and the outrageous sewer bills that go along with it. Meiners outlined his plan in detail in the News/Tribune Election Guide (on the right hand side of the N/T home page). This should be mandatory reading along with Bill's profile on his education and experience. It explains how we citizens have been hoodwinked by the Canal proponents and he offers a educated solution, that if implemented is a cheaper solution than any proposal thus far , including the Canal or the huge pipe line that has been mentioned as a solution to the EPA mandate.

 I can avow for Bill's honesty, intelligence and education as I attended school with Bill for 12 years. he is a fine person that has shown to be a brilliant engineer, inventor, and thinker but most of all he's an honest man. Fortunately or unfortunately (I guess it's all how you look at it,) Bill is not a politician. He wouldn't kiss asses for votes or give you a line of political bullshit like the typical politician...he will tell you like it is.....So going forward we are left with a restaurant manager and florist both of whom inherited their businesses (unlike Bill who started his own) as the two candidates for mayor, and Bill the man most qualified, who wouldn't be swayed by political games will be on the sidelines watching......We missed out on a great opportunity....

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Election 2015 ...The Winners and The Losers

  An expected a terribly low turnout led to some upsets on Election day 2015. Most surprising to the BatBlog was the loss of Dawn Elston in Dist.6 Jeff City council race to winner Teresa Hicks. The most watched race Dist. 1 city council goes to Dustin White in a slight upset over three other contenders including "Toxic" John Perkins who finished dead last... again....Get the hint John ??? I supported Becka but Dustin White will make a fine candidate and councilman...

Not many other surprises as Vicki Conlin, Mike Moore and Dennis Julius won easily in their respective races. Ron Ellis, Nathan Samuel and Josh Rodriquez won the Dem. bids for Jeff City Council at Large bids. the Rep. at large slots were won by Matt (Lapdog) Owen, Steve Webb and Steve surprise there.... and  Albert Frazier edged Ray Wilkey in Dist. 4 council race...

 Finally Congratulations to Martina "Tina "Webster who won her Sellersburg City council race easily...Watch out for Tina she's a rising star for the local GOP and Clark Co. well congratulations to all the  other

Election 2015...A Protest Vote

 As predicted the turnout for today's city election was minuscule, HT voted in Dist. 6 at about 5:00 PM and was voter number 190 ....a terrible message from an electorate that doesn't seem to care. Hopefully in especially Dist1. there was a better turnout across town.

 In response HT cast somewhat of a protest for none of the favorites except Dawn Elston for Dist.6 City Council. Elston is the real deal. For mayor Louis Hancock will receive at least one vote...mine. Julius has shown NO leadership ability, has NO personality and has given us NO idea what his intentions are for the future. So I voted NO for him , as I know little or nothing about Mr. Hancock he couldn't be any worse.... though he has a snowball's chance in hell of winning....

In City Council at Large I dissed the two favorites Samuel and Rodriquez for the other three candidates...Jordon, Smith, and Ellis. I actually like Samuel but he has voted along with morons on the council too often....

Finally I voted for Denny Frantz for City Clerk ...I expressed my reasoning why in an earlier post.
Conlin is the favorite and will most likely win.

Some will say that was protest voting or I lost my vote....but I voted how I feel and with the conviction that we need new faces and fresh ideas especially on the City council level. I might not have many winners on my ballot but Ms. Elston... but in my heart I voted correctly and that's all that matters....

Monday, May 4, 2015

City Council At Large...Election 2015

There will be a pretty crowded field for the Jeffersonville City council at large positions in Tuesday's primary. Five Rep.s and five Dem.s will face off for the three open seats with the winners(top 3) facing off in the fall. Name recognition is huge in what will probably be a minuscule turnout for a primary with very few contested races. On the GOP side incumbent Matt Owen on name alone will probably win. Owen needs to be replaced he has been a major disappointment, he authored the ordinance that eliminated Jeff City court ...a very stupid move and seems to be a lapdog for GOP chair Jamey Noel.

  The BatBlog feels Steve Webb and Tony Wadsworth will grab the other two GOP seats. On the Democratic side we predict Nathan Samuel, Rodriquez and Ron Ellis will win the Dem slots. Two other contested races are the 4th Dist where Ray Wilkey faces Albert Frazier for the  Dem, slot...we have met Wilkey and he's a fine young man but the race is hard to call because of the unknown factor of the 2 candidates....

Finally in the 6th Dist. Dawn Elston should win easily over Teresa Hicks on the Dem.side. Also the BatBlog hopes people give Russell Brooksbank a good look in his Libertarian bid for a spot on the Clarksville Town Council he faces a tough race against John Gilkey but we need more blue collar working people like Russell in government. I don't think the people of Clarksville could go wrong by voting for Russell Brooksbank,,,,

TOMORROW ....Election Eve Special we will look at all the races again and final predictions and a look at the Fall election....