So let the political games and obstruction begin.....It's no secret that the Jeffersonville city council and the mayor pretty much despise each other. With this being an election year, this is a plum announcement by the mayor with the election being less than six months away. You can almost bet your last dollar head obstructionist Ed (Moe) Zastawny is "googling"(that's his way of doing research) "Keystone in an attempt to dig up some dirt on the proposal's developer. Already Moore's biggest critic NHBSM (Not Honest But Simple Mike) is dissing the chosen developer (Keystone) though he knows nothing about them.
Hopefully the Moore administration has done their homework and crossed their T's and dotted their I's this time so as not to allow another frivolous lawsuit like the one filed last year. Not Honest Mike's lawsuit not only delayed a similar project but scared off the potential developer White Reach from
doing business with the city.

The last project they (council) stalled over sewer problems, traffic ....drive thru restaurants and other petty issues...and look for more of the same on this project. This councils wants to feel important but they end up looking foolish and stupid like they have with wanting the new Jeff "Green team" manager to have a certification that only 37 people in the whole world have, ending Jeff city court and the ritzy glitzy, over priced soccer complex no one wants.
Moore isn't without fault in this feud between him and the council, but he has shown a propensity to get things done with attractive projects ...Veteran's Pkwy., the riverfront and the east end are thriving under Moore's leadership..... he has earned a second term,... especially when his opponent Dennis Julius has shown NO leadership capabilities during his term on the city council.
As for the new entry way project......Let the games Begin !!!