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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Friday, December 30, 2016

Popplewell Update and Rumors...

Have we elected a crook ???
Thought I would update the Popplewell situation... as I traverse around the area a lot of people feel we have elected a crook to the county council. The recent allegations and rumors stemming from Popplewells forced ?? resignation has only fueled the outrage among the local electorate. Compounded with what appears to be a cover up by local authorities makes this the top news story headed into the new year.

 Questions heard by The BatBlog include ....Why no criminal investigation ??? Has Popplewell been hired by sheriff Jamey Noel after his resignation from the CPD ?? What store did the alleged theft occur at ??? Do we the public have any recourse about his election to the council ???

 The Batblog has heard answers to all these questions but none have been confirmed as of yet... which just makes the story even more intriguing. The BatBlog  called for earlier a complete non partisan investigation by the Indiana State police to answer and publicize the answers to these questions and more. A concerned public has the right and is owed these answers and we encourage everyone to voice their concerns to all elected officials...

 Especially concerning is the Clarksville PD and town council's refusal to date to provide some insight to these allegations. It is their duty as elected and public officials to serve and provide the public with information... as well Mr. Popplewell if innocent should more than anyone want a complete investigation to clear his name.

Stay vigilant my friends and The BatBlog welcomes all input through the comments section or e-mail and your anonymity is guaranteed through both mediums....

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas and Feliz Navidad !!!

The BatBlog wants to wish all it's readers  a safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!!

Please enjoy the BatBlog's traditional Feliz Navidad by some of the BatBlog's regulars.... (from L to R and top to bottom) K. Vissing, HT, Big Q, Goliath, The Hood...

Thursday, December 22, 2016

A Jeffersonville Christmas Story

The BatBlog Presents it's traditional yearly version of  A Jeffersonville  Christmas Story....Which includes a cast of Jeffersonville's local politicians past and present....

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Be Careful Who You Vote for...

 The recent story about newly elected Clark Co. councilman Mike Popplewell brings up several issues.

While you can never be sure about all candidates, their backgrounds and character....sometimes there are warning signs. That appears to be the case with Popplewell who was involved in a credit card controversy well before this year's election. You would think that would be a throw up a black flag against his candidacy but it was apparently overlooked or not widely known because Popplewell finished 2nd and won a seat in a large field that included two incumbent councilmen (Vissing and Hubbard.)

 It has become popular lately with their local successes  to be a Republican. Many Democrats for varying reasons including wanting to be on the winning side have flipped allegiances. The Popplewell matter should be a warning to those who just vote for the person because he or she has a (R) beside there name.

This isn't an indictment of just the GOP as Democrats have had more than their share of embarrassing and illegal behavior by office holders as well ...a pretty good list includes (Rodden, Perkins, Jacobi, Adams) all who have been in legal trouble here recently...

Another issue arising from this is how we hire our local police. As long as The BatBlog can remember local police have been hired by having some connection usually politically or and through family. Qualifications a lot of the time don't matter and "Who"  you know is the determining prerequisite to becoming a police officer.  Which makes for and has led to some embarrassing situations and unprofessional police work at times...

Don't get us wrong we have some good officers, but The BatBlog would
like to see experience, training and an educational background in law enforcement be the main prerequisite for obtaining positions on the local police and sheriff's departments and not "Who you know"...and do you your homework before going to the voting booth...If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck more than likely It is a duck...

And as always  "Remain vigilant my friends"

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Cowboy...Wishing You a Quick Recovery

The BatBlog wishes Gary "Cowboy" McGowan a quick recovery and best wishes on his recent accident. Cowboy  Jeffersonville's most famous citizen and by far the all-time Jeffersonville Red Devil's biggest fan and supporter. Good Luck Cowboy the whole City is rooting for you and your quick recovery !!!

Monday, December 12, 2016

The Popplewell Affair...

Recently elected Clark county councilman Mike Popplewell (R) apparently is back in trouble. According to the News /Tribune Popplewell was given the choice to resign from the Clarksville P.D. after an alleged theft from a local business. Popplewell submitted his resignation but denied the theft charges.

Even before the recent election where Popplewll finished second and is to be seated on the county council in 2017 there were allegations of credit card misconduct in a prior incident. While Mr. Popplewell is entitled to due process and his day in court The BatBlog believes Sheriff and Clark Co. Rep. chair Jamey Noel needs to thoroughly investigate these allegations and if any improprieties are proven to be true, Noel should ask and push for Popplewell's immediate resignation on the County council as well...

The BatBlog isn't sure of the legal ramifications in these incidents by an elected official... but to protect county residents of another embarrassment by an office holder and because it is just the right thing to do...Noel needs to step forward and take control of this situation and immediately...

Monday, December 5, 2016

Fundraiser and Boycott for the CCC

Quasar attempting to fix the problem ???
In an effort to help the local cyber community the "award winning"  BatBlog is calling on for a fundraiser for the Clark County Chatter and administrator Quasar (shown above) otherwise known as The Big Q. We also are calling for a boycott of all Google products by all local computer users. Currently Google is holding The Big Q and the CCC by the balls in what looks like a hostile attempt to crush the local community forum.

Google has removed CCC from it's search engine and posts a warning to users that attempt to access the site that it is "Deceptive."  The BatBlog doesn't know what the Big Q has done to precipitate this ongoing warning  and banishment from Google but we support the right of freedom of speech and due process.

The BatBlog is calling on the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and other famous right wing nuts to come forward in protest of this blatant censorship of their right wing message. Supporting a fund raiser to among other things ...

1.) Allow The Big Q to update his computer from a rumored Commodore 64 to something more current. Maybe a Tandy 1000 as an upgrade...

2.) Purchase legitimate software from a  legitimate and secure provider that can't be hacked...

3.) Hire an IT guy who knows WTF he's doing...

4.) If all else fails provide front money to possibly bribe a Google representative to get back on the Web as a member in good standing...

We hope the Big Q hasn't sent Google a condescending personal message warning them like he does the membership of the Chatter... to behave or be banned. That might be a problem even the boycott and fundraiser can't fix...

Friday, December 2, 2016

The Singing Gondolier ???

Jeff Gondoliers ???
As noted in Wednesday's BatBlog Jeffersonville city councilman  Ed "Moe" Zastawny once again voted against a project of the current administration the "downtown residential overlay" Moe on many occasions has voted against projects and griped about current mayor Mike Moore and his policies and projects. The BatBlog in it's endeavor for the top news stories has inquired around town on what gives with Moe ?? Is it politics  or what ???

Singing Gondolier ???
 Several interesting theories emerged from The BatBlog investigation all of course strictly rumor and political conjuncture. The most interesting of which is what we call  the "Gondolier Theory." As discussed in Wednesday's post there may still be a faction of "Canal" supporters ...those in favor of the controversial "Galligan's Gully" the plan to pump sewer water through downtown Jeffersonville and call it a tourist attraction.

 Moe Z. being an political ally of Galligan and the "The Canal" and according to a rumor told to The BatBlog may have been in line for one of the prized Gondolier positions on the proposed Canal. Gondoliers traverse canals in boats called gondolas transporting tourists and sometimes providing entertainment such as singing (see video below).

 The BatBlog has no idea if Moe is a talented singer or even was in line for one of the gondolier positions.... but with the Canal idea apparently still in the conversation it does make for an interesting theory as to Moe's opposition to many administration projects....

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The New Downtown Jeff ???

Recent changes in zoning requirements have some downtown residents of Jeffersonville up in arms. The city's Planning and Zoning Director Nathan Pruitt put together a plan that was narrowly passed recently by the City council on a  (5-3 ) vote. The plan to create a new "downtown  residential overlay" district  is designed to create additional housing units downtown in the near future.

  Some of the current downtown residents are not to happy with the approved changes feeling their voices weren't listened to or heard in the decision. The changes would allow for larger (taller) apartment buildings to be built to accommodate more downtown housing units.

 While the progress of the downtown corridor has been recently exciting and booming the concerns of current residents should be looked at carefully. People for the most part are leery and rightfully so of dramatic changes in the environment  they reside in , especially when pushed by government....Increased traffic, property values and the quality of life can all be effected with changes like the city has proposed.

 The BatBlog thinks if done right and the proper patience and planning this new district could be very beneficial and current residents could coexist with the changes. The City must make sure though that they take the current residents concerns and input into consideration. Current residents and taxpayers can't feel they are getting this shoved down their throats.

 On a curious other note ...note that the Downtown Jeff Facebook page  image (shown above) has a map that appears to show "Galligan's Gully" the once proposed Canal running through downtown Jeff in might be time to replace that image...Can you dig it !!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

A Time to Give Thanks ...

To All The BatBlog Readers and my cyber friends...

 Here's wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving Day...enjoy and have a safe holiday with family and friemds..

Monday, November 21, 2016

Special GCCS Board Meeting

A reader e-mailed The BatBlog details of tonight's School board meeting...

There will be a special board meeting on Monday November 21st at 7 o'clock at the Greater Clark administration building for the purpose of approving 1028 Resolutions for 3 proposed projects:
Northaven renovation project $6 million Projected tax impact 1.97 cents/ $100 AV
Charlestown Middle project $7 million Projected tax impact 2.3 cents/ $100 AV
River Valley project $9 million Projected tax impact 2.96/ $100 AV
Once the Board passes this (which they will) the community will have 30 days to gather signatures for or against.
This $22 million in bonds is in addition to the $8 million the board approved a few months ago.
The decision about what to do with Maple and Spring Hill won't be made until spring and could possibly mean more bonds.
Go to to view the agenda although no specifics are given
So for those of you NOT PAYING ATTENTION...they want to take out an additional 22 million less that SEVEN months after the 8 million they asked for in April.  According to the administrator's estimates in the April Resolution hearing, the cost of enclosing all three schools according to code would be 2 million per school over three if my math is correct that is six million (2 million per school) x 3 (years) = 18 million.  SO WHY ARE THEY ASKING FOR 22 MILLION?  THAT'S 4 MILLION MORE THAN ESTIMATED MERE MONTHS AGO!!  
For the April 5th meeting at which the 1028 Resolution was approved there were fancy PowerPoints and lots of information put out there for the public to see what the money was being spent for.  Now, there is NO INFORMATION!!!!  Nothing has been posted on BoardDocs, nor is the meeting published on the Greater Clark County Schools Facebook page.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Say it Ain't So Joe....

According to a News/Tribune article fourth place finisher in the recent Clark Co. council race Joe Hubbard (D) is considering filing for a recount of last Tuesday's election. "Say it ain't so Joe"...while legally he has every right to file ,  his only real chance would be to knock out fellow democrat Kevin Vissing for the 3rd position, The two republicans elected have solid leads for the first two positions... When The BatBlog went to press.  K. Vissing had about a 20 vote lead over Hubbard.

   The BatBlog thinks Hubbard should be a good sport and let the recount idea drop. If the GOP candidates were within reach we could understand it. A recount could only knock out Vissing if the results are overturned. We have seen in the past how recounts here locally have been a disaster in determining the actual vote count. So in the best interests of  everyone and to avoid infighting within the Dem. party we believe Joe Hubbard should step aside. K.V. has been a solid officeholder and Hubbard is a young man with future elections ahead of him...So Let it go Joe...

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Trump Presidency...

Unlike the over the top, radical and divisive campaign ran by Donald Trump in this year's presidential race, look for the Trump presidency to be a watered down version of things he promised. Don't look to soon for "The wall" or a mass extradiction of illegal aliens or even high paying jobs returning to the U.S.

 The BatBlog will certainly give Trump a chance to "Make America Great " and hopes for the best. One needs to realistic though....these campaign promises may be undoable even with a Rep. majority in both the Senate and House. The reason is simple A wall across the Mexican border would cost billions and his claim Mexico will pay for it is not plausible. Deporting illegals will involve a massive amount of manpower and money as well.  The notion that companies will magically just move jobs back to America is unrealistic also.

 The one thing Trump could influence is Obamacare, no doubt it will be changed to some extent but the idea he can make health insurance affordable while covering pre existing conditions is a pie in the sky promise that like most of his proposals may be mere dreams and campaign rhetoric...

 Washington D.C. moves slowly so any changes will take time. The BatBlog unlike the right wing with Obama will give Trump his due and every opportunity to come through with his campaign promises. We hope we are wrong about his policies and they work for the betterment of everyone like he promised on the campaign trail....

Sunday, November 13, 2016

It's Official... BatBlog Wins 2016 Goliath Award !!!

Once again for the 3rd time in the last 6 years and for the 2nd consecutive year , The (Award Winning) BatBlog has won the prestigious Goliath Award for excellence in blogging and best local Blog award. In the gala annual award presentation at Mick's Lounge HT was presented his award by Goliath before an overflow crowd.

Obviously missing from the ceremony was 6 time loser Quasar of the nearly extinct Clark County Chatter who reportedly was on the phone begging Google to remove the "Unsafe Site" moniker from the Big Q's faltering site.

HT wants to thank Goliath and his staff at GAW News for this amazing award. HT puts it nearly as prestigious as his many "Most Interesting Man in Pekin" awards (6 times running). HT also thanked the staff at The BatBlog  and Mrs. HT for the support in making  winning the Goliath possible...

Looking  forward to 2017 and a threepeat !!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Counting Votes in Clark Co.

Let's see...that's one for Vissing
  The nation had elected a president and counted over 100 million votes across four time zones yet still Clark Co. hadn't finished their counting (50,000)  votes until about 4 A.M. Wednesday morning. According to the News/Tribune the delay was attributed to absentee ballots...doesn't everyone have absentee ballots ??? The article also said a new machine just bought last year counted the absentee ballots. The BatBlog doesn't claim to be an expert on counting votes but just a suggestion .... maybe a new machine and method of vote counting is needed to bring us up to at least to 19th century methods and technology...

My pile is bigger than yours Tom (hee, hee)

Kevin Vissing Winner !!!

It looks like Kevin Vissing has won re-elelection to the Clark Co. Council even though he as much as conceded last night on The BatBlog. It appears Kevin has edged out fellow incumbent and Democrat Joe Hubbard by .01 % of the vote for the last at large spot on the council. I assume this is official as the vote counting in Clark Co. last night was a real cluster f _ _ _. A hundred million presidential votes counted before Clark Co. could count 50,000.

A recount may be forthcoming but Congratulations are in order to Kevin if these results are final...

Election 2016...The Aftermath...

"The Donald" shocked the experts, proved the polls wrong and hit on the frustration of the rural working class people and Donald J. Trump is now President of the United States. Democrats across the board felt the wrath of the working class who have seen good paying jobs dry up and went for change. As a Democrat I accept the result and wish Trump success as a successful presidency is good for all Americans.

 Trump promised some big things and it's up to him now to deliver those big promises. He has the huge advantage of Rep. majorities in the House and Senate....let's see if he can hold up what he said he can do...Clinton was the personification of the establishment and career politician and couldn't overcome that and the political baggage of her years in service.

 Locally and nationally and in the state,Democrats took a serious pounding and even some good and popular Democratic incumbents got caught up in onslaught. The GOP has a stronghold now on the electorate and will be given a chance to make things better...Congratulations and Good luck to all the winners !!!

More on Election 2016 as the week moves on...Thanks to everyone for checking out The BatBlog we have put up some good numbers ourselves this week...

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

BatBlog Live !!! Election Night Coverage 2016...

The votes are mostly cast and The BatBlog correspondents are out ready to report the results...Catch all the coverage all night on The "award winning BatBlog...

Monday, November 7, 2016

BatBlog's 2016 Election Eve Special

Welcome to the BatBlog Election Eve special, a final look and prediction of tomorrows important races....

The big race of course is the presidential contest between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Every indicator and statistical  model points to a Clinton win, though the race has tightened  lately. Trump will win Indiana and Clark Co. easily, no surprise there, but The BatBlog predicts Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the 1st woman President of the United States. Trump has buried himself with his divisive message.  Minorities (Hispanics, Muslims and to a lesser extent blacks) are coming to the polls in droves to vote against The Donald. Trump's poor standing also with women and the college educated will bury any chance of him winning..

Early on Indiana state races looked good for Democrats especially the U.S. Senate seat. A late surge by Todd Young (R) has Dem.'s concerned and Evan Bayh's return to office in jeopardy. The BatBlog predicts a close race but Todd Young led by GOP supremacy in the Hoosier state will narrowly win.

In the 9th dist. U.S. House of Representatives contest surprisingly to The BatBlog Shelli Yoder's (D) trails Trey Hollingsworth (R) in the latest polls. Once again it looks GOP domination will continue to be a huge influence at the polls. It looks like to the BatBlog that Tennessee Trey has bought himself an election.

 The only state candidate who might avoid the GOP bandwagon is Dem. gubernatorial candidate John Gregg in governor's race. As of a couple a days ago Gregg had a small lead and The BatBlog thinks he will hang on and win the state house.

Locally in Clark Co.look for three Democrats Vissing and Hubbard in the county Council race and Edwin Coots in the coroner's race to win out over the GOP's strong influence. These races could be close though and expect one Rep. possibly Popplewell to win the other slot on the council as the other (D) Smith will be defeated... In the school board races The BatBlog  predicts winners in Kate Hutchison and Kelli Dattilo...

Local Libertarians fielded a full slate of candidates for the first time this year in Clark Co. but will be rather insignificant in the election. Kelley Curran is a good choice and gets The BatBlog's endorsement in countu council race but faces a difficult, uphill challenge as Libertarian's just aren't viable yet as major contenders. Even with the two most unpopular candidates in history in the presidential race the Libertarian candidate will be lucky if he gets 5 % of the vote.

Whatever your affiliation be sure to Vote....

and check in tomorrow for The BatBlog's Election day coverage

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Nate Silver on the 2016 Goliath Award

 The world famous statistician and election guru Nate Silver of the 538 website has released his latest and last prediction on the 2016 Goliath Award...The two blogs  in the running for the prestigious award are the two time past winner the "Award Winning" Batblog of HT and the perennial loser the (CCC) Clark County Chatter of Quasar. From the beginning it was never much of a race as the odds on favorite HT and his Blog has soared in popularity...

Here are Silver's final prediction...As you notice from the Chart below Google's indictment of Quasar's Chatter for producing a "Deceptive Site"  unsafe where possible phishing and stolen passwords, and where credit card information could be stolen pushed The BatBlog to unprecedented numbers, In contrast The BatBlog has been cleared as 100% safe by Google and is actually a Google supported site.... The  case is clear for the 2016 Goliath Award...The "Award Winning" BatBlog by HT...

Friday, November 4, 2016

Down The Stretch We Come ...Election 2016

 Things are getting interesting as Election 2016 hits the final few days. The presidential race nationally appears to be tightening as does the Indiana Senate race. The latest polls have Bayh and Young neck and neck with the momentum in Todd Young's favor. Trump will win Indiana that's never been in question but surprisingly to The Batblog  the latest polls have Shelli Yoder trailing Tennessee Trey Hollingsworth by 3 points in their 9th dist. house race.

 The only Democrat who seems to be avoiding the Republican trend here in Indiana is John Gregg who according to the latest poll is 4-5 points ahead of Holcomb in the gubernatorial race as we enter the final few days of campaigning.

 The GOP trend is also very strong in Clark Co. as well....Trump is up by 8 points in the county and The BatBlog wouldn't be too surprised if the GOP has strong showings in the few county races on the ballot. Vissing and Hubbard are Dem. incumbents who could get some stiff opposition from the Rep. candidates and we see one Rep. at least being elected to the council...Even the coroner's race where Coots have held the office forever could get a strong effort by Billy Scott the Rep.and the County commissioner's races are in the bag for the GOP...It will all be over but the celebrating come Tuesday.

 Don't forget to Vote !!! and if your a Democrat you might want to vote often...

Conspiracy Theories on the Demise of the CCC...

The local internet forum the Clark County Chatter's disappearance from the World Wide Web has spawned various conspiracy theories across the web. Since the Chatter thrives on mostly obscure, right wing conspiracies from obscure internet sites, The BatBlog thought it only fair to post the various theories about the demise of the Chatter. So here goes..,


1. An opening salvo by GAW in the internet wars...this would be GAW's third war and after winning the first  two Goliath intends to hack them into internet oblivion...

2. Quasar's parents disconnected the internet from their basement so that the Big Q might have to look for a real job....

3. The constant linking to obscure, delusional  right wing sites included one that hacked into CCC's data base which Google describe as phishing therefore removing them.

4. It just imploded from the negative karma...

5. One of the many former members who were banned for disagreeing or mentioning The (Award winning) BatBlog  hired  Chinese or Russian hackers to bring the CCC down.

There are numerous other theories flying around if you happen to hear any more feel free to share them...

Thursday, November 3, 2016

CCC Hacked ???

 What's going on with the Clark Co. Chatter the local internet forum ??? Users are getting a "Deceptive Site Ahead" message when trying to access the site and warns of attackers attempting to garner personal information. Are the Russians involved ??? Is the Big Q a Russian double agent ?? Bad Karma ???

 Stay tuned to the "Award Winning" BatBlog were you are always safe from hackers....

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Clark Co. Commissioners Races

 Two of the three Clark Co. commissioners positions are up for grabs this election year 2016. In Dist.1 former Jeffersonville city councilwoman Connie Sellers (R) faces two opponents Miguel Hampton (D) and Ryan Jefferson (L). In Dist.2 incumbent commissioner Jack Coffman faces only token opposition in Libertarian Shawn Bostock ...there is no Democratic on the ballot for this position.

  Republicans should regain hold of both of these seats. Coffman and Rick Stephenson (who lost to Sellers in the GOP primary) have done solid jobs and Coffman deserves reelection. Sellers as city councilperson showed that she could be obstructive at times, but is a popular vote getter and she will win easily as will Coffman...

 Seems kind of curious that the Democratic party couldn't put up any candidate in Dist.2 or a more known candidate in dist.1. other than "Toxic John " Perkins. Word on the street is that Democratic chair Tom Galligan didn't want to run a strong candidate against Sellers since she was basically a puppet to Galligan when he was mayor of Jeff and she was on the city council...

Whatever !!!  Republicans will keep both seats...

The BatBlog endorses Jack Coffman(R) and Miguel Hampton (D) for Clark Co. commissioner...

Monday, October 31, 2016

Can Democrats Rise in State Races ???

It looks like Democrats have a real shot in 2016 of claiming some state races that have been held exclusively by the GOP in recent history. Namely the Governor, Senate and the 9th dist. House of Rep. seats.

 John Gregg (D) who gave Mike Pence a run for his money in 2012 has a good chance of claiming the governor's house for the first time in over a decade against last minute replacement candidate (R)  Eric Holcomb. It isn't a sure thing for Gregg in the predominately leaning Rep. state of Indiana, but chances are better than in recent memory for a Dem. victory.

  Chances are even better in the U.S. Senate seat in Indiana where the popular and politically successful Evan Bayh returns to try and grab the seat held now by the GOP. Bayh and his father Birch have always been popular with voters in the state and very successful over the years. Evan Bayh has been a two term governor and senator in the state of Indiana and should defeat opponent Todd Young (R) currently Representative in Indiana's 9th district...

 In the 9th Dist. U.S. House seat Shelli Yoder (D) faces Trey (Tennessee Trey) Hollingsworth (R) the millionaire businessman who in a controversial move relocated to Indiana just to run for Congress. Local resident Russell Brooksbank a Libertarian is also in the race but shouldn't be a factor.The move  to relocate by Hollingsworth should be enough to put Ms. Yoder over the top. It's hard to believe that local Hoosiers will want a rich outsider to represent them against the native Yoder.... political leanings non withstanding...

 The BatBlog strongly endorses all three Democrats and looks for all three to do well in their respective races, especially Evan Bayh who is a proven winner and leader in the Hoosier state...

Saturday, October 29, 2016

They're Baaaack !!!

 Frick and Frack, Moan and Groan, Beavis and Butthead or Flush and Float or whatever you want to call them. The two biggest local whiners and crybabies are back on the Clark Co. Chatter. NHBSM and Kruger after an extended absence following Mike Moore's resounding re-election...  return to take some cheap pot shots at the mayor after slithering away with egg firmly planted on their faces after supporting Moore's opponent Dennis Julius in the 2015 mayoral election.

  There is nothing wrong with opposing policy of office holders or choosing to support the candidate of one's choice...but Flush and Float take it to a whole other personal and juvenile level. Like NHBSM's silly childlike refusal to put Moore's name in capital letters and Krueger's whining about his delusion of imaginary slush funds.

 Most readers realize the whining and petty shots are an attempt to get back at the mayor after he (Moore) unceremoniously fired Flush (NHBSM) but readers are mostly just amused by their childish rants and pay little attention to these two grumpy old men. As the results of the election proved Moore is popular and taken Jeffersonville to new levels developmentally and growth wise...

 Keep on whining Moan and Groan you make for good blogging material...

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Clark County Coroner's Race

  Clark Co. residents will elect a new coroner this November. The race includes former coroner Edwin Coots (D) , Billy Scott (R) and Libertarian candidate Kelli Khuri. The coroner position over the years has been held by several members of the Coot's family who have served admirably and with class. That's why The BatBlog endorses Edwin Coots for the position in this years election.

 While the coroner position is mostly administrative it  typically is held by local funeral directors and Mr. Scott and Mr. Coots are both in that field. Nothing against Ms. Khuri as she did a fine job as a county council member, but The BatBlog feels she would be better as a different public servant other than coroner.

 All of the candidates we feel would do an excellent job we just feel Mr. Coot's experience and tradition give him an edge. The strong showings recently of the GOP party here locally could make this a close race...but Coots should win

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Clark Co. Council Race

 Clark Co. residents will elect three council at large seats on Election day 2016. Three candidates from the Dem, Rep. and the Libertarian parties will vie for the seats on the council. The candidates include two current  Democratic council members Kevin Vissing and Joe Hubbard running for re-election.

 With the current financial situation facing Clark Co. these council positions are important positions to fill,  as the council is the fiscal body of county government and guardians of our tax dollars. The BatBlog believes both incumbent candidates (Vissing and Hubbard) deserve and have earned re-election. Their experience and time spent handling budget concerns in their first term gives them an advantage over the other candidates. This current council has for the most part done an excellent job handling the budget crunch the past few years.

 The BatBlog's other endorsement goes to Libertarian candidate Kelley Curran. Ms. Curran has been active locally in the community for several years and has shown the kind of interest, intelligence and caring of community that would make her an excellent councilperson. Kelley will have a difficult battle ahead as Libertarian Party hasn't reached the prominence or the financial backing enjoyed by the two major parties.

 The influx of domination by the GOP here in the county recently will make the Republican candidates tough competition for all three seats and these could be close races across the board, The BatBlog believes in the best interest of all Clark Countians Kevin Vissing, Joe Hubbard , and Kelley Curran are the right choices for the these county council positions...

Be sure to Vote !!! and vote for Kevin , Joe and Kelley...

Monday, October 17, 2016

BatBlog Hacked by Putin and the Libertarians

The "Award Winning" BatBlog and BatPoll has been hacked by the Russians and Libertarians... in what looks like a consorted effort to swing the upcoming elections. Our sources say Vladimir Putin and an unnamed Libertarian operative have leaked the hacking to WikiLeaks for world wide attention. The BatBlog takes this very serious and our IT Dept. is researching whether the BatBlog e-mail account has also been appears that over 25,000 deleted e-mails from a private server may be in the hands of Putin and the Libertarian operative...Stay Tuned...

Friday, October 14, 2016

Trump Supporters in Serious Denial...

Not all but a lot of Donald Trump supporters are in serious denial, as one by one women are coming forward with serious charges of sexual improprieties and assaults over many years. The released video tape and subsequent dismissal by Trump as his behavior as just being "locker room " talk has incited more and more women to come out to the public with their salacious stories.

 While some prominent GOP members and leaders have dis-endorsed  The Donald , the big majority of his supporters are standing behind their candidate even as these accusations are nearing Bill Cosby like proportions. Trump's comments  in the video tape and others made on the Howard Stern radio show have exposed Donald as nothing more than a sexual predator, a real sleaze bag, and hypocrite.

 While it's true these incidents are a he said / she said type situations...none of these women appear to be looking for anything other than getting their story out after Trump's boastful comments and denials. The women and their stories appear to have a real sense of credibility and truth to them. Which makes it even more astonishing that most of his supporter's including many top GOP leaders still support him . Kudos to John Kasich, Jeb and Georges Bush, John McCain  among others (but still a minority) that had the good sense to save face and realize just who and what Trump is...

There is a serious case of denial going on among the Trumpster's, as they squirm daily awaiting the next exposed incident by other accusers, Sexual misconduct and indiscretions aren't new to presidents and politicians, there is a sordid history of other occurrences of office holders and candidates of both parties. Character does matter though and Trump's has proven he has neither the character, temperament or smarts to be president.

 Trump has probably sealed his fate of any chance of winning the presidency and exposed himself as the hypocrite, phony and liar he really is...he needs to slither away from the American political life and back into Trump tower where he belongs and stay there for good....

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Michelle Obama...The Closer

 No matter what your politics are or how much you might detest Barrack, you have to admit Michelle Obama is one of the classiest first ladies this nation has ever seen...

The 2016 Election Bat Poll

The highly accurate and always interesting BatPoll is up for the 2016 Election. Highlighted by the controversial and contemptuous presidential race ...this should be an exciting election cycle. Democrats have an opportunity to gain seats in the Senate, House and Governor that have been held by the GOP in recent years...

Tell your friends and relatives and be sure to vote in the "Award Winning" BatBlog's  2016 BatPoll.

VOTE HERE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

BatBlog's Election 2016 Coverage...

 The "Award winning " BatBlog will once again provide coverage, endorsements, predictions and the highly accurate BatPoll for Election 2016. National , state and local races will be covered in depth. The BatBlog looks forward to you the reader's input as we analyze this years coming election in what has already been a contemptuous  campaign cycle. Whether you are Dem., Rep., Libertarian or just don't care be sure to vote and stayed tuned in the coming weeks to The BatBlog for all the coverage and stories....And always "Remain Vigilant my friends"....

Friday, October 7, 2016

Barrack Obama's Legacy...

  Contrary to what the somewhat delusional far right wingnuts would have you believe, Barrack Obama's presidency has been mostly a success and a positive for the American people. A lot of people forget how bad the situation was eight years ago when Obama inherited the mess left by George W. Bush.

 Battling a divisive, hostile Congress and Senate from day one, Obama's policies and leadership have led America from a nearly disastrous depression and scary times to a promising future for the United States of America. There is still work to do and Obama hasn't been that shining, great unifier that many expected but all in all Americans are much better  off after the Obama tenure as president.

Unemployment is down, the stock market has recovered, prices especially fuel (gas) have dropped from record highs, and the housing market has recovered from an unprecedented downturn. The A.C.A. (Obamacare) is still a work in progress and the outcome is still in doubt...but for some (uninsured and those with preexisting medical conditions) it has been a life changer and success.

 The delusions promoted by the wingnuts that Obama would confiscate firearms were just that... delusions. While he has promoted stricter gun control and background checks any confiscation was just a myth that the right perpetuated in an attempt to scare a certain section of the uneducated electorate...The same with ACA the right claims medical costs have soared under Obamacare...the costs were soaring before ACA and regardless will rise in the future. This is a problem moving forward with as of yet no answer. The negatives of ACA are offset by the millions once ineligible that now are able to get healthcare...

History will be kind to the Obama presidency... his approval rating which has soared recently to levels unheard of for  the last year of a two term president. Considering he had to fight from day one an unfriendly, combative Congress , Obama's successes are that more remarkable...Over 55% give Obama a positive approval rating...a sign of a successful past eight years.

 Going forward the gap between the wealthy and everyday Americans continues to grow as is corporate greed . This continuing problem needs to be addressed...As well we need a growth in better paying jobs and some plan to reduce the enormous rise in medical costs and the ever going national debt...

Things though have improved . You'll never get the right to admit it as they went all in against Obama before he even took the presidential oath...The birthers now know look stupid just as those with delusions that Barrack Obama's terms as president weren't for the most part a success...

Here is Nate Silver's of 538 statistical ratings from various historian's and presidential experts..As you can see Obama ranks pretty high...
In January 2013, New York Times journalist and statistician Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight composed a composite list of previous presidential rankings by scholars for the purpose of predicting President Barack Obama's ranking among presidents.[37]

Monday, October 3, 2016

Lindon Dodd Article....Tilting at Windmills

  Recently News/Tribune opinion writer Lindon Dodd wrote a piece expressing his disdain for the local blog scene. CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE... The BatBlog doesn't know if Mr. Dodd had any particular blog or forum in mind particularly the "Award winning " BatBlog but here is my spin on his article....

First of all Mr. Dodd  appears to be overly melodramatic in his self proclaimed "crusade" against social media in Indiana. Unless there is some instances The BatBlog isn't aware of no one here locally that  has had their "life destroyed" by blog or forum posts as Mr. Dodd claims has occurred  on multiple instances.

 Are politicians, public figures, patronage job holders, media personalities and writers subject to criticism on social media ??? Yes they most definitely are, just as they have been for hundreds of years on other mediums before the internet was even thought of.

Do people some times get carried away and over zealous with criticism on social media ?? Certainly.... nothing gets blood boiling quicker than politics and political discussions that at times are contentious and personal. On the same behalf anyone who enters public life on the above mentioned positions knows or should know, criticism comes with the territory. If you are thin skinned it's best to avoid that particular situation and position.

 Of course that doesn't give one the right  to state malicious personal lies, but personally I just haven't seen that here locally.  A responsible blogger or forum moderator will moderate all comments because libel and slander laws DO apply contrary to what Mr. Dodd stated in his article. Rumor,satire, and disagreement on politics, political positions and appointments aren't libel.

Mr. Dodd by his blanket labeling Anonymous posters and bloggers as "cowardly liars" appears to be a little hypocritical. If these actual "life destroying" posting actually occurred he should bring them forward and name specific people, blogs  or forums where they were posted.  Otherwise The BatBlog feels much like Don Quixote Mr. Dodd maybe fighting (tilting) his own imaginary windmills. Good luck in reinventing the internet Mr. Dodd are going to need it.