John Gregg (D) who gave Mike Pence a run for his money in 2012 has a good chance of claiming the governor's house for the first time in over a decade against last minute replacement candidate (R) Eric Holcomb. It isn't a sure thing for Gregg in the predominately leaning Rep. state of Indiana, but chances are better than in recent memory for a Dem. victory.
Chances are even better in the U.S. Senate seat in Indiana where the popular and politically successful Evan Bayh returns to try and grab the seat held now by the GOP. Bayh and his father Birch have always been popular with voters in the state and very successful over the years. Evan Bayh has been a two term governor and senator in the state of Indiana and should defeat opponent Todd Young (R) currently Representative in Indiana's 9th district...
In the 9th Dist. U.S. House seat Shelli Yoder (D) faces Trey (Tennessee Trey) Hollingsworth (R) the millionaire businessman who in a controversial move relocated to Indiana just to run for Congress. Local resident Russell Brooksbank a Libertarian is also in the race but shouldn't be a factor.The move to relocate by Hollingsworth should be enough to put Ms. Yoder over the top. It's hard to believe that local Hoosiers will want a rich outsider to represent them against the native Yoder.... political leanings non withstanding...
The BatBlog strongly endorses all three Democrats and looks for all three to do well in their respective races, especially Evan Bayh who is a proven winner and leader in the Hoosier state...