The BatBlog has been out of town recently but wishes all readers a belated Holiday Greeting...
Looking forward to discussing recent events including our huge tax cuts and the new downtown school location next week stay tuned...
And it wouldn't be Christmas without the staff and contributors rendition of Feliz Navidad...
Enjoy !!!
Friday, December 29, 2017
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
No More Moore !!!
Chester the Molester aka Judge Roy Moore goes down in the overwhelmingly Republican state. Alabama voters woke up and thumbed their nose at the hypocritical Evangelicals and The Donald and their attempt to put a child molester in the U.S. Senate. Now we need to remove the abuser in Chief who will be crying "Fake Election" tomorrow....
Build that Wall !!! Lock Him Up !!! Make Prison Great Again !!!
Build that Wall !!! Lock Him Up !!! Make Prison Great Again !!!
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Friday, December 8, 2017
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Monday, December 4, 2017
BatBlog Quiz...Who's the Biggest ScumBag ???
With the outage recently of all the sexual abusers, The BatBlog wonders who's the biggest ScumBag out there ??? Trump , Cosby, Weinstein are apparently about equal in the number of victims. Moore sinks to a different level with underage victims and Cosby had to use drugs to get his victims. Tough decision and the BatBlog has no answer and frankly hates tackling this issue, but it's out there...
Our only answer and solution Lock Them Up !!! Lock Them Up !!! Lock Them All Up...
Our only answer and solution Lock Them Up !!! Lock Them Up !!! Lock Them All Up...
Friday, December 1, 2017
Lock Them Up !!! Lock Them Up !!!
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Let's make Prison great again !!! |
Who's next ??? Kushner, Sessions or even The Donald himself ??? Members of the Trump team are dropping like flies as the drip, drip, drip of the Russian investigation uncovers more and more lies and deception...and who is next to throw their former colleagues under the proverbial bus ???
Paul Manafort and now Michael Flynn both charged with Flynn already pleading guilty and it's only a matter of time until they all start singing like canaries to cover their own asses. Trump's wig must in a spin as special prosecutor Mueller slowly springs his rat trap...

Trump the ultimate control freak has to be in charge and had to know in his desperation to win at all costs that his team was working with the Russians. It's only a matter of time and who will sing first and drag the liar in chief under the justice bus...Maybe Trump can work now to make prison "great again"....
Lock Them Up !!! Lock Them Up !!!
Monday, November 27, 2017
Jeffersonville's 10th and Spring Project...
One of the BatBlog's readers inquired about an update on the 10th and Spring (gateway area) project(s). Maybe Mayor Moore will give us any planning and potential projects that may be in the works. The BatBlog is unaware of anything happening right now.
A couple of earlier proposed deals have been cancelled...these things happen, developer financing falls through, parties have differing ideas, this is not uncommon. Cooperation and what works best for the city is what is most important.
The BatBlog feels a grand, huge project isn't totally necessary as this potentially could create traffic concerns but we will leave it up to Mayor Moore and his team to decide. Their planning has so far in his term been impeccable and the rapid progress and growth of Jeffersonville's amenities, jobs, housing options and retail shopping is unparalleled in Jeff's history.
It's not how quick or soon this "gateway" project get's done it's making sure it's the right fit for the new Jeffersonville....
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving from The BatBlog...
HT and the staff here at the "award winning" BatBlog would like to wish all our readers a Happy and safe Thanksgiving and present our annual depiction of the 1st cyber Thanksgiving...
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
The Utica Billboard Issue....
While the BatBlog doesn't necessarily like billboards, especially in scenic areas. We believe if the town of Utica followed all the legal procedures necessary they should have every right to lease their land and receive some of the revenue the billboards produce....and who gives a rat's ass what River Ridge thinks...
There appears to be lots of twist and turns to this story and possible some dirty politics involved but bottom line is if this is legally Utica land ??? they can do what the hell they please with it. If River Ridge doesn't like it they can pony up the money buy out Utica and Outfront Media (the sign company.)
Unfortunately it looks like River Ridge wants to play the 500 pound legal Gorilla, flex there monetary and political muscles in court against small town Utica with their meager funds and zero political pull to fight potentially lengthy court battles.
Here'e hoping little Utica kicks the Gorilla (River Ridge) square in the balls and prevails either thru proper monetary compensation or wins their legal battles. The bad thing is River Ridge has that political muscle and well Utica is Utica...
Meanwhile The BatBlog is looking at purchasing advertising space on one of the billboards already constructed and River Ridge can kiss our Bat ass !!!
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Local Authors

Also former Judge and local attorney Dan Moore has a novel out titled Your Honor available at CLICK HERE... and Amazon CLICK HERE...
Both these gentlemen are well respected in their fields and as members of our community, and with their long experiences in law enforcement and the justice system these should be good reads and The BatBlog invites readers to check them out. We also wish both of them them Good Luck with their new endeavors in the literary field....
Friday, October 27, 2017
The Snooze and Journal Attempts To Block Content....
The local newspaper The Snooze and Tribune is once again trying to block it's content and attempting to coerce local readers into paying for their articles. The BatBlog realizes newspapers in general are hurting in today's internet and electronic era, but baiting readers to read their articles for one thing just doesn't work.
In this highly technical society there are multiple ways of reading and accessing sites that try to block and sell their content. The BatBlog had a post several years back detailing how to view this blocked material...we won't reproduce it here but there are several options.
Our contention is that internet content was meant to be uncensored and free. Web sites are receiving advertising dollars for their sites and by limiting readers they will be reducing their advertisement revenue potential as site views go down, but that is their business decision.
It didn't work once and it won't work again as there are too many other "Free" outlets for local news and let's be honest The Snooze and Tribune lags behind most outlets and even some blogs with their up to date news stories...They have some good young writers and it's a shame that some of their work won't be seen by some due to this money grab....
The BatBlog will always remain free, and we will continue to check out the N/T but we won't be paying for it....
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Conspiracy Uncovered.... Goliath award...
The BatBlog investigative dept. has uncovered a conspiracy that has been hatched to deny The "award winning" BatBlog the 2017 Goliath Award. GAW news (fake news service) posted a photo CLICK HERE FOR STORY last week attempting to tie HT to a tawdry, cheap strip joint named The Batcave.
The BatBlog has denied any affiliation of this establishment which features nude dancers and totally nude girls. This is an outrageous attempt to deny The BatBlog an unprecedented 4th " Best local Blog" award.
While details of the investigation of the photo involved has yet to be completed it appears that the photo was made circa 1960 (before HT was even born) and has been altered. We have obtained the original photo which appears to show the possible conspirers who are attempting to defame HT's Blog.
We are not sure yet of his involvement but the original photo (shown above) clearly shows Goliath in a upstairs window. A young Pesty Flannigan is also pictured at the front door. It's isn't clear yet if or how deep Pesty and Goliath are involved in the conspiracy to defraud The BatBlog out his fourth award.
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Ann Optimus ??? |
The most interesting thing the photo and investigation reveals is on the placard above the establishment which reads "Starring Ann Optimus". It appears Ms. Optimus may have been the star attraction and lead stripper at the all nude bar, and what makes it more interesting is that Ms. Optimus is now a local blogger who has also been announced as a contender of the aforementioned, formerly prestigious Goliath award.
The BatBlog dossier is blatantly false we have no connection to a cheap strip joint. What is a bigger investigation is possible collusion between Ann Automus, Pesty and Goliath to deny The BatBlog the 2017 best local blog award and give the award to Ms. Automus. The investigation continues as this goes to press....the story has been forwarded to The New York Times and The News/Tribune
Monday, October 23, 2017
Good Riddance Pitino !!!
After three separate sordid affairs the Univ. of Louisville finally has fired their sleazebag basketball coach Rick Pitino. Supposedly a good catholic Pitino allegedly coughed up money to pay for an abortion for a woman he admittedly had sex with on a local restaurant table. She later was found out not to be pregnant and tried to extort Pitino but U of L stood behind "Tricky" Rick and he kept his job.
Couple years later the Uof L basketball program which Pitino runs was found to have supplied prostitutes and strippers on campus dorms to recruits and basketball players. Once again Tricky Rick kept his job, denying he knew anything about the practice of supplying blow jobs and whatever to his players.Sure he knew nothing about it <sarcasm added>....
Finally while being on probation for the earlier disgrace, Pitino's program is now charged with paying $100,000 to a recruit to attend U of L to play basketball. This was apparently the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back and U of L trustees finally fired Pitino along with A.D. Tom Jurich last week.
The BatBlog doesn't know what is more disgraceful Pitino's hypocritical sleazy actions are the fact it took U of L three separate embarrassing instances before firing "Sleazeball Rick." It is also another example of the mess of inter collegiate athletics and the importance schools put on winning at any cost...U of L deserves all the embarrassment heaped on it by not acting as soon as "Sleazy Rick" showed who he really is the first time he disgraced the university...Good riddance Sleazeball !!!
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
A Look Ahead to 2019 Part II...The Others
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Dem.s only hope |

On the Republican side there are several current GOP city councilpersons drooling awaiting Moore to retire or step aside so they could take a shot at the mayoral slot. Among them is Matt "Lapdog" Owen, Ed "Moe " Zastawny, and Lisa Gill. If and when Moore steps aside look for a mad scramble among these three. The best choice would appear to be Gill who is respected for listening and taking care of her constituents. "Moe" and "Lapdog" need to just stick to appearing in the various parades we have during the year...
Things can change quickly in politics but Republicans look firmly entrenched in power for the immediate future and at this time the Jeffersonville mayor's job is Mike Moore's as long as he wants to keep it...There are many who crave the position, but realize he is unbeatable for the foreseeable future...
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Will She or Won't She ??? A Look Ahead to 2019.... Part I
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Thinking of a mayoral run ??? |
The unparalleled growth recently has brought Jeff to new levels of prosperity and stature not only in the east end where retail and commercial development and jobs are soaring... but also a downtown that is bustling with new amenities, restaurants, brew houses, and future retail and residential opportunities.
One would think and rightfully so that mayor Moore would be untouchable in 2019 when the next mayoral race will take place. At this time Moore would have to be an overwhelming favorite if he should choose to continue forward into a third term.That doesn't mean there aren't others on the local political scene that don't have eyes toward mayor's office in the near future and beyond...

Sellers like Moore has been a popular vote getter in the local political scene serving several terms on the Jeff city council and defeating incumbent and popular Rick Stephenson in the last GOP primary for a C. C. commissioner slot, then sailing on to victory in the general election...She along with Ed "Moe" Zastawny and Mike "Mr. Green Jeans" Smith were particularly thorns in Mayor Moore's agenda during his first term as mayor... as they served together on a council that was reeling from the defeat of Tom "Bulldozer Galligan in the 2011 mayoral contest. Despite the three Stooges' early attempts at obstruction, Mayor Moore's ideas and leadership have brought Jeffersonville to historic levels with a promising future.
Our sources say the only thing holding Sellers back from a run at the mayoral slot is Moore's success and popularity during his terms of unprecedented growth. Ego and revenge sometimes clouds political judgement so the question is Will she or won't she ??? Stay Tuned...
Coming soon Part II...The Others
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
We're Back with an Exclusive Story...Drug Court Plaintiffs Denied....
************************************A BATBLOG EXCLUSIVE**********************************
The Jeffersonville/ Clark Co. Blog has received documentation from one of the Clark Co. Drug Court Plaintiffs. The document which is available online CLICK HERE TO READis a ruling by Judge Sarah Evans Barker of U.S. District Court. Judge Barker's ruling is a serious blow to the class action lawsuit filed by the drug court defendants in former C.C. Judge Jerry Jacobi's drug court. The plaintiffs in the lawsuit alleged their civil rights were violated by being held without due process for months longer than their original sentences and other rights violations .
Basically Judge Barker's ruling is that the various Clark Co. officials and Drug court employees named in the suit were acting in the official capacity of the state and therefore cannot be sued, because they were representing the state. Judge Jacobi is immune and signed basically a plea agreement that he never run again for a judges position and he disbanded the Clark Co.Drug court program.
While we are sure Judge Barker's ruling will be appealed and the class action suit will continue in what will be a lengthy case, this ruling is a serious setback and a sad commentary on how these people were apparently treated without recourse. The primary blame is on Jacobi who goes scott free even with his blatant disregard for basic human rights and dereliction of his sworn duty to uphold the law.
For those drug court defendants illegally held, here's hoping this is just a bump in the legal road and somewhere in the future you are compensated for the wrongs you were subjected to.
The Jeffersonville/ Clark Co. Blog has received documentation from one of the Clark Co. Drug Court Plaintiffs. The document which is available online CLICK HERE TO READis a ruling by Judge Sarah Evans Barker of U.S. District Court. Judge Barker's ruling is a serious blow to the class action lawsuit filed by the drug court defendants in former C.C. Judge Jerry Jacobi's drug court. The plaintiffs in the lawsuit alleged their civil rights were violated by being held without due process for months longer than their original sentences and other rights violations .
Basically Judge Barker's ruling is that the various Clark Co. officials and Drug court employees named in the suit were acting in the official capacity of the state and therefore cannot be sued, because they were representing the state. Judge Jacobi is immune and signed basically a plea agreement that he never run again for a judges position and he disbanded the Clark Co.Drug court program.
While we are sure Judge Barker's ruling will be appealed and the class action suit will continue in what will be a lengthy case, this ruling is a serious setback and a sad commentary on how these people were apparently treated without recourse. The primary blame is on Jacobi who goes scott free even with his blatant disregard for basic human rights and dereliction of his sworn duty to uphold the law.
For those drug court defendants illegally held, here's hoping this is just a bump in the legal road and somewhere in the future you are compensated for the wrongs you were subjected to.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Friday, September 22, 2017
Trump and Jong Un

It's pretty easy to be a badass and play nuclear war if you have a concrete bunker with 5 foot thick walls protecting you when push comes to shove.... but millions of citizens lives are at risk while these two badasses will be cowardly hunkered down playing with their army men..
It's scary that two spoiled, rich, bullies hold in their hands the lives of millions of people across the globe while Kim Jung Un and "The Donald" are playing "Mine's Bigger Than Yours" that holds in the balance a possible catastrophic thermo nuclear war.
Trump who used his father's privilege and money to dodge the army draft now wants to play soldier along with the idiot in charge of North Korea who was born into this world as some kind of demagogic leader. Neither has the experience, smarts or common sense to manage a military
operation as they flex back and forth at each other from opposite ends of the world.
No doubt the U.S. could wipe N.Korea off the face of the earth and that Jung a fool and a madman. that's a given,... but Trump is being played by him.. You don't poke sticks at somebody deranged and you don't risk killing innocent people just because you lack self control and want to act tough and be Mr. BadAss ...
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Young Pups vs. Old Mules
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Think I got one more run in me Tom ??? Hee Haw |
The GOP's main contenders are young pups fairly new but successful so far in the local political game. Matt "Lapdog" Owen, Zach Payne and Callie Jahn head the list. All of whom are in their 20's are early 30's. Conversely the Democratic list has old mules "Toxic" John Perkins and Tom "The Bulldozer" Galligan heading the slate of potential candidates are both in their 70's. This pretty much sums up both the differences and the successes lately of both parties in local politics.
The BatBlog for years has been calling for an influx of new, young vibrant Democratic candidates for local elections but so far it just hasn't happened. Rank in file Democrats let out a collective moan every time we hear that "Toxic" John is considering another, what will prove to be disastrous run at political office. Don't get us wrong HT himself is an "old mule", most old mules are wise, but as a Democrat it is time for changes in our party leadership both nationally and locally...

Monday, September 18, 2017
New Blogger in Town...
Southern Indiana Open Minded
The BatBlog would like to welcome a new local blog to the Blogwars and after previewing the first several posts we would highly recommend checking it out CLICK HERE...It's well written on local issues and provides another forum for debating and commenting on the stories here in Southern Indiana...
The BatBlog must warn the new gal in town that The BatBlog has pretty much destroyed the local competition in the past in the Blog Wars...Goliath and GAW News and The Clark County Chatter lay in ruins after attempting to take on The "award winning" BatBlog. While wishing the best of luck to the new contender we warn them in advance....
Seriously check it out and leave some comments and welcome another cyber voice and opinion to local news and issues...
Again here's the link Southern Indiana Open Minded
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Above the Law, Abuse of Power and Dereliction of Duty
The BatBlog endorsed Clark Co. prosecutor Jeremy Mull in the last county prosecutor's election but we were disappointed, shocked and frankly outraged at Mull's recent decision NOT to prosecute the Louisville police officer arrested for domestic battery this past week. Mull's lame attempt at reasoning for dismissing the case is equally shocking and outrageous to the people who he is sworn to protect.
Mull cited "there are two conflicting accounts of the story"....well duh... probably 99.9% of domestic abuse cases have "conflicting accounts." Abusing pieces of shit never admit to any wrong and always attempt to throw the blame on the opposite party and victim.
Mull went on to say how he didn't want to spend a large amount of taxpayer money on a case where he thought a jury would "find him not guilty at the end" Which in our mind is total bull shit.... The taxpayers want and expect their tax dollars spent on putting (POS) abusers behind bars and protecting citizens...and while some cases lack evidence and are questionable going to trial one only need look at the victim in this case then let the jury decide guilt or innocence...
One has to wonder if the reason for dismissal is because or influenced by the fact the alleged abuser belongs to the LPD ??? is this a case of privilege ?? Would any ordinary man on the street be given the same break from prosecution ??? The BatBlog thinks this smells of police being placed above the law and we feel confident that they are many domestic abuse cases with far less evidence prosecuted every day.
In our mind the citizens of Clark Co. have been betrayed, we just wonder why ??? Is Mr. Mull trying to protect his won-loss record ?? Were strings pulled behind the scenes politically or other wise ?? Who is standing up for the victim???
Maybe it's time we find a new prosecutor to stand up for victims instead of the abusers and has the balls to prosecute cases that cry out for justice ....
Friday, September 8, 2017
The Great Goose Caper...Who Killed the Geese ???
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"There's some more of the little bastards" Steve |
Baity at first blamed the Indiana Dept. of Natural resources (DNR) for making the decision to murder over 200 geese... but come to find out Baity signed a application with euthanasia option circled according to the DNR.
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Solved major flip flop case !!1 |
So the mystery deepens... who circled the box for euthanasia on "the goose slayer's" application ??? who is responsible for murdering the geese ??? The BatBlog thinks this might be a case for Sellersburg police chief Russ "Inspector Clouseau" Whalen who recently solved and broke up a major flip flop theft ring CLICK HERE for Story and in the process nailed former Clark Co. sheriff Danny Rodden for allegedly dining with an alleged prostitute. Great work inspector Whelan !!! while nothing was prosecuted , as far as the BatBlog can tell not one flip flop has come missing in Clark Co. since you cracked the case...
He may be just the man to solve the Great Goose Caper... Stay tuned to The BatBlog we'll be there until ever feather is uncovered....
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Liar, Liar Pants on Fire...
According to Clarksville city manager Kevin (Jung Un) Baity the city had no say so in determining the fate of the over 200 geese recently murdered who resided at the Clarksville town hall property.
The BatBlog has a hard time believing that when the city contracted with the company they weren't given some option on whether to relocate or destroy the geese. That can be equated to going to the local butcher shop and the butcher telling you get what meat he decides for you...
It sound more like passing the buck and throwing the blame elsewhere on what was a stupid and heartless decision by Clarksville officials, who probably thought the execution would never be publicly known and are now attempting to cover their collective asses.
This wouldn't be the first time Jung Un Baity stuck his foot in his mouth. He threatened earlier in the year to flood Jeffersonville if they didn't share in paying for Clarksville's drainage problems. Who ever made the final decision to brutally kill these birds needs to man up and explain the reasoning behind it, as curious public would like to know... it is after all our tax dollars with goose blood all over them.....
Monday, September 4, 2017
Clarksville Geese Problem...
After reviewing yesterday's post The BatBlog has come up with a brilliant solution to the Clarkssville geese problem. Instead of euthanizing the geese population like was done recently ...relocate and create a wildlife nature preserve and wetlands at Clarksville's historic cultural landmark Theatair X.

The BatBlog will be presenting these plans at the next town council meeting plus requesting a meeting with the Clarksville town manager to get the ball rolling to save the geese and provide greater cultural opportunities for Clarksville residents and other Theatair X patrons...
Save the Geese !!!
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Geese Murders...
The town of Clarksville made another stupid and heartless decision recently...murdering hundreds of geese that make their homes on the town hall property. The geese were trapped , euthanized and then incinerated by contractors hired by Clarksville officials.
The BatBlog realizes that geese can be annoying and make a mess as they seem to shit about every 5 minutes...but surely there was a more humane and decent way to eradicate them from this area. Wouldn't it just as easy to release and relocate this wildlife in another area possibly somewhere along the river ???
We don't want to sound like PETA who does get carried away at times, but while geese aren't cuddly and cute like dogs and cats they are God's creatures...and in our mind this situation was handled poorly by town officials ...
Obviously you can't hunt geese in this area but goose hunting is legal in Indiana and while hunting does get the same result (a dead goose) it is a sport and can provide food and help limiting the geese population...It is certainly better than the senseless murder in Clarksville....
For the story from the News/Tribune CLICK HERE
Save our geese !!! Save our geese !!!
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
The Hypocrisy of Politics and Politicians.
The recent human disaster of hurricane Harvey and the aftermath flooding in Texas brings forward the blatant and utter hypocrisy of politics and politicians. Interesting statistic is that all but one GOP U.S. senators and house of representative members from Texas voted AGAINST funding a bill that would provide aid and financial relief for victims of hurricane Sandy that devastated eastern states including New York and New Jersey.
You would think any bill that provided relief for storm victims would be a no brainer but these GOP conservative politicians tried to deny the implementation due to fiscal conservative concerns and not being able to fund some of their other pet projects....Of course most eastern seaboard states are also predominately Democratic and normally vote so...Think this is a coincidence..???
Now that the shoe is on the other foot and the victims of this tragic storm are the constituents of these hypocritical politicians they are crying a different tune and already begging for federal aid the same aid they voted to DENY the victims of Sandy. Hypocritical ??? You bet your ass it is...
Most prominent is Texas senator Ted Cruz who voted against the bill. He along with others Texas
GOP lawmakers praised and brought "Hypocrite in Chief" Donald Trump to the area in an effort to get federal money packages the same packages they voted NO on just a couple years ago ...
Moral of the story... be careful the next time it might be you who needs help and actions can be reversed where you're the one that get's bit in the ass....and the money that will be spent on this tragic disaster The Donald can kiss his wall goodbye and probably his tax cuts as well....
The BatBlog will be watching as well how Democrats respond to the money for Texans ...hopefully they are bigger than political games and less of hypocrites than their republican coharts...
Build that Wall !!! Drain that Swamp !!!
Monday, August 21, 2017
The Eclipse....Underwhelming
Maybe it's a sign of age but after all the hype and new's coverage of today's solar eclipse, one word that comes to mind is Underwhelming...Maybe in the locations where there was a total 100% eclipse the experience was more exciting but locally one had the feeling of "Is that all there is".
This isn't the first time the media has over hyped an event and won't be the last with school's closing , people traveling to remote locations and, employees taking off work for the amazing spectacle <sarcasm added>.... Granted scientifically this was a significant,rare event but the next time the media starts plugging the next eclipse I think I will sit it out...
This isn't the first time the media has over hyped an event and won't be the last with school's closing , people traveling to remote locations and, employees taking off work for the amazing spectacle <sarcasm added>.... Granted scientifically this was a significant,rare event but the next time the media starts plugging the next eclipse I think I will sit it out...
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Save Our Statues...
Probably for different reasons but The BatBlog agrees with Donald Trump that the statues of Confederate figures shouldn't be removed or in some cases destroyed. While "The Donald" is probably just appeasing his base, The BatBlog feels this is just taking political correctness to a ridiculous new level and is downright silly and a waste to remove these memorials.
Most of these statues are located in southern states where the Confederacy is a big part of the history and culture of those Americans born and raised in the south. While maybe some of these monuments were erected with prejudice and racial overtones in mind they still depict the history of our forefathers and the framing of our nation.
Will we allow political correctness take this one step farther ???... several presidents Washington and Jefferson unashamedly owned we remove these as well ??? More than likely a lot of these Confederate statues depict figures who neither owned slaves or even believed in slavery. They may have just been caught up in the circumstances of where they lived to fight for the Confederacy.
The BatBlog in it's travels has seen several Confederate statues and never once thought they represented racism or prejudice. I always felt they were to represent history and to honor the brave soldiers who fought on both sides. These monuments have now become another talking point that after all these years all of sudden have become controversial and divisive...Just plain Silly...Save Our Statues !!!
Friday, August 18, 2017
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