Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Don't Fuck With Comey...
If there is one thing Comrade Donald Trump may learn in his 100+ days as president of the U.S. it might be "Don't Fuck with James Comey". Comey recognized as intelligent, hard working and respected and the reports coming out now is that he is known for his meticulous detailing of his job and keeping detailed records as director of the F.B.I.
Allegedly there are several timed, dated and detailed memos made by Comey's after interaction with The Donald, including instances where Trump asked him to drop the investigation of Mike Flynn. If so proving that Trump is a liar and potentially guilty of obstruction of justice...
Comey is scheduled to testify before Congress in the next couple of weeks in what will be must see TV. Comey recognized as a straight shooter by both Dem.'s and Rep.'s will be putting his reputation on the line and given the past histories of both Trump and Comey who would you be more apt to believe ???
Trump may learn the hard way ...You don't fuck with James Comey...
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Russ "Inspector Clouseau" Whalen Solves the Crime of the Century ???
Seems like Sellersburg police chief Russ "Inspector Clouseau" Whalen DIDN'T solve the crime of the century after all. Citing lack of evidence and taking The BatBlog's advice Clark Co. prosecutor Jeremy Mull refused to prosecute former sheriff Danny Rodden on a prostitution charge.
Inspector Clouseau found out it isn't a crime to eat dinner with an alleged prostitute at Cracker Barrel. Trying to be THE big fish in a small pond Whelan ran to the press and TV stations with his investigation of now private citizen Rodden's private life. Though he made the 6 o'clock news the result is "The Inspector" looks rather stupid and petty.

Prosecutor Mull used common sense in denying to prosecute the case even though he wasted Whelan's time consuming, tax dollar funded and wasted , investigative work. It appears common sense though is something Russ "Inspector Clouseau" Whelan seriously lacks ...
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Mixed Reaction on Danny Rodden...
According to news reports former Clark Co. sheriff Danny Rodden was allegedly in the company of an alleged escort /prostitute after a recent shoplifting incident at a local Cracker Barrel restaurant. Rodden who resigned in disgrace from the sheriff's position several years ago after being caught in a sting operation with another prostitute and then lying to investigators.
The Batblog's reaction is one of sadness on several counts. Yes Rodden disgraced his family , community and law enforcement with his actions, but he paid a deep price with divorce and the loss of respect of a lot of people in C.C. and the aftermath left a sad and disappointing situation for a lot of innocent people to deal with.
The BatBlog also is a little angry that local news media would sensationalize private citizen Danny Rodden's troubles. Rodden isn't sheriff any longer, he wasn't charged with any crime in this incident, and while prostitution and soliciting is a crime let's face it on the grand scheme of things there are a whole lot of things going on where police can be better utilized than deals between consenting adults.
Rodden deserved and received his punishment when he was sheriff, there is nothing to be gained for ostracizing Rodden now over this latest incident which it appears what the Sellersburg P.D. is doing by relaying this to the press. The BatBlog has known Danny Rodden most of his life we believe he is a good man, we wish him peace...
Here's the link to the story...below
WDRB 41 Louisville News
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Lock Him Up ! Lock Him Up ! Lock Him Up !
It appears that Comrade Donald Trump while hobnobbing and playing grab ass with Russian diplomats last week may have leaked out highly classified information. This comes after Comrade Trump and supporters urged that Hillary Clinton be "locked up" for her using a personal server while handling sensitive e-mails. Our Russian enemies didn't even have to hack into an e-mail account, The Donald just came out and told fellow Russians in person the classified intelligence.
You would think Trump would issue a stern warning to his Ruskie cronies to quit fucking with our elections ....instead they all giggled like little school girls , and laughed it up as Trump released sensitive, classified information. Putin must really be proud of his bro and fellow comrade as he squealed out information that could put our military troops and allies in mortal danger.
Who needs spies, wire taps, or espionage when all you have to do is ask Comrade Trump...
Lock Him Up !!! Lock Him Up !!! Lock Him Up !!!
Mr. Gray's Link ...CLICK HERE
Monday, May 15, 2017
Homeless Center in Downtown Jeffersonville
The Louisville Rescue Mission is in the process of opening a homeless center in downtown Jeffersonville. The faith based organization plans include a day center for homeless education and help with low cost clothing. At this time there are no plans for providing a full time shelter for the area homeless population. The center will be located on the corner of Chesnut and Walnut in the large, white church building.
Most everyone has compassion and a feeling of wanting to help the homeless but you can still expect a push back from local residents residing in and around the location of the proposed center. While the plans now are for a limited daytime center and no full time residence or shelter these kind of centers have traditionally met community opposition in the past. Recently plans for another proposed homeless center was shot down by the Jeffersonville zoning board/ City council which under pressure from area residents and spearheaded by former city councilman Mike " Mr. Greenjeans" Smith nixed a zoning change that would have paved the way for a day center...

This is a tough issue for residents in this area and The BatBlog understands their concerns. The Louisville Rescue Mission to give them credit is moving slowly and is aware of a push back that will occur, and are trying to keep the public well informed in an attempt to alleviate concerns..
This appears to be a very worthwhile project for low income and homeless individuals and families. The BatBlog believes it's the right thing to do and hopes area residents have the compassion to accept this help to the community...and help those less fortunate.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Clark County Sheriff... Can Anyone Beat King Jamey in 2018 ???

Noel's first term for the most part has been devoid of any major controversy other than the rumor of some minor internal dissension within the department. Noel instituted the reality TV series 90 Day's In during his 1st term which was an embarrassingly bad depiction of a less than factual premise, but it supposedly brought in some dollars for equipment needed by the jail and possibly saved us some tax dollars in the process.
Noel also failed to live up to his campaign promise of relinquishing the GOP Clark Co. chairmanship much to the chagrin of still wet behind the ears Matt "LapDog" Owen who faithfully followed behind his master everywhere awaiting the position. The BatBlog doesn't think Noel's staying in the party chair position will hurt his chance of reelection, as you can't argue with success and under Noel's chairmanship the Rep. party has prospered and dominated recent elections.

Noel is a polarizing figure as sheriff that many do not like his hobnobbing to the press (Fox News) and his penchant as a publicity hound... but still he has to be considered the favorite, especially considering the recent domination of Republican candidates and the fact he has done a pretty good job....
Will the reign of King Jamey Noel come to an end in 2018 ??? Stay Tuned....
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
The BatBlog is Back !!! and Comey is Gone !!!
After an extended vacation The (Award winning) BatBlog is back on the air and ready to dive back into the blog wars. Nothing earth shattering happened while The BatBlog was getting a little R&R that is until today when The Donald unceremoniously fired F.B.I. director James Comey.
Comey actually seemed like one of the good guys, working for both Dem. and Rep. presidents, Bush and Obama and respected on both sides of the aisle as a non-political ,intelligent, well spoken guy who just did his job.

Some say Comey actually was instrumental in getting Trump elected...Comey's remarks condemning Hillary Clinton's handling of the controversial e-mail investigation was praised by Trump himself at times, when they were to his benefit.
Reportedly Jeff (Forrest Gump) Sessions recommended that Comey be fired even though Gump was supposed to recluse himself from the Russo /Trump investigation...
So what's next ??? Time will tell...Drip, Drip , Drip....
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