Monday, July 31, 2017
Trump's Best Move Yet...
Donald Trump made his best move yet in an effort to set his struggling, revolving door presidency on the right course moving forward. Naming former marine general John Kelly as the president's chief of staff was the best thing The Donald has done yet. Kelly a no nonsense leader respected by both Dem. and Rep. leaders and rank in file voters has the experience and assets needed to bring this presidency as close to legitimacy as possible in these first six months of chaos.
The first good move Kelly did was throw "The Mooch" Anthony Scaramucci to the curb. The Mooch was an arrogant, profane, loud mouthed idiot and ass kissing distraction who was instrumental in ousting both Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer from Trump's staff. His firing was a smart , welcomed decision that could be the first step in bringing respectability to the White House.
If Trump listens to Kelly and that's a big if, you may see some of the other ass kissing bimbos. clowns and bigots disappearing soon as well. Jeff Sessions is already on borrowed time, bimbos Conway and Sanders have no credibility with the public...and Steve Bannon is a sulking klansman slob...Remove these from the staff and Trump could resurrect his falling favorability numbers.
Trump has some good ideas and good staff members like McMasters and Mattis also both ex-generals and if Trump continues to listen to Kelly and the other disciplined staffers maybe we will see some progress in restoring trust with our allies. A good move hiring Kelly and hopefully Trump will follow his lead....but only time will tell...
Friday, July 28, 2017
Why Good People Don't Run for Office
The BatBlog believes Mr. Conlin must be watching too much Donald Trump, who also throws out mindless , false accusations and lies about colleagues and political foes alike. According to BatBlog sources Mr. Conlin is somewhat of a drama king who tries to create controversy at every meeting in order to feed his need to feel important and relevant.
Anyone who knows Ms. Webster knows she wouldn't kick anyone even if they deserved it. She is a fine young woman, wife and mother, well respected who has exerted her self well in her short time in politics.
The BatBlog can see it now small time, local "want to be important politicians" everywhere like Mr. Conlin emulating The Donald spewing lies, creating drama and generally making asses of themselves. Mr. Conlin you threatened to resign on several occasions your Sellersburg constituents a favor and step down... now is the time, because you look rather foolish and a dunce, wear your hat proudly you earned it.....
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Drain The Swamp...
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Greater Clark Co. Schools Swamp |
The BatBlog's only advice to these disgruntled citizens is band together and work to "Drain the Swamp". The solution is to remove the school board members that coddle to Melin while ignoring voices of the tax paying public. The alternative is to eventually pay higher taxes to finance Melin's and the board's reckless spending spree and manipulation to circumvent the referendum that failed miserably...
Draining the GCCS swamp is a difficult endeavor as voters can be pretty apathetic on these local races and name recognition is often a determining factor of voters who are either unaware or just don't care about the issues. This school board apparently doesn't care about taxpayers concerns and are beholden to Melin for some reason ... for those voters who care about higher taxes and no input to the Melin dictatorship...
Drain that swamp !!! Drain that swamp !!!
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Time for Change...
It's time for local voters to put Indiana state senator Ron "Wishy Washy" Grooms (R) into retirement. Local attorney Anna Murray (D) announced today she would seek the 46th Dist. senate seat currently held by "Wishy Washy." Grooms a nice man who has had a good run ...first on the Jeffersonville city council and currently is in his second term as state senator.

Local commuters and taxpayers have been hammered twice here recently with bridge tolls and gasoline tax hikes. Enough is enough... Ron Grooms doesn't represent what is best for local residents and is easily manipulated to go along with his crowd of Rep. lawmakers...It's nice to see a fresh , new young face like Ms. Murray willing to take on the GOP and their domination in the state house. It's time for fresh ideas and someone to stand up for the people...It's time to put Ron "Wishy Washy " Grooms out to pasture...
Saturday, July 15, 2017
More Downtown School Controversy...
The proposed downtown school to replace Spring Hill and Maple elementarys continues to swirl in controversy. One of the proposed locations (the old Jeff H.S. building on Court Ave.) has come under fire from parents and concerned citizens because of it's proximity to the Clark Co. jail and courthouse. The BatBlog understands their concerns as the courthouse has a lot of traffic from lawbreakers, drug users, and other criminal element attending the various courts. While convicted criminals are held behind bars at the jail we are not sure this location is in the best interests of those involved.
Court Ave. is also a heavily traveled with automobiles and parking is difficult to come by during the operating hours of the courthouse. A new school will contribute to more congestion and the heavy traffic could be a detriment and safety factor for children walking to the proposed new school. In the BatBlog's opinion a location closer to downtown residential areas needs to be a priority. The Maple Elementary property fits more in line with a safer option to locate this new school for these small children. Safety has to to the deciding factor...
The New/Tribune is currently running an online poll CLICK HERE about the location of the new school and The BatBlog will run one as well (TO THE RIGHT) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>..
Currently leaving the two schools open leads with 51% of the vote. Unfortunately that is not an option for Melin and his puppets on the school board as Melin has already made up his mind to close the aforementioned schools. The old Jeff High location is running currently at 21%....locating atone of the current schools is at 18% and the bus depot location trails at 8% ....Be sure to voice your opinion and Vote....
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
"There's No Collusion" and "Fake News".... Becomes Real News
Looks like Trump's crying of "fake news" and his claim there was no collusion between the Russians and his campaign were just more of his ever growing list of lies to the American public. Trump, his son and the whole administration are scrambling and lawyering up after The New York Times released the story of Donald "Pinnochio" Jr.'s meeting and emails with a Russian attorney and operative in a plan to get dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Donald' Jr's ever changing story has progressed from "never meeting with Russians" to discussing adoptions to finally admitting the truth when the Times obtained and released the e-mails. The drip, drip , drip continues with videos of the "The Donald" hobnobbing and playing grab ass with some of the Russians involved in setting up the meeting with "Pinnochio Jr.
The question remains why does Trump attack everyone on Twitter including many of our allies but NEVER says anything bad about Putin or the Russians ??? His meeting earlier with Russian ambassadors was like a bunch of giggling school girls frolicking around in the oval office...Meanwhile word is that Trump is fuming sitting around watching TV as the intrigue grows
Drip, Drip Drip.....
Monday, July 10, 2017
What The World Thinks of Trump...
It isn't just America ...our allies have a pretty low opinion of The Donald as well....
Friday, July 7, 2017
Putin and Trump
To the the BatBlog it's kind of scary the United States has Donald Trump who a year ago was a TV reality show star sitting down negotiating with Vladimir Putin a KGB trained, master manipulator, murderer on world matters.
On this world stage the 71 year old partially senile "Trumpster" is clearly completely out of his league. Putin a mind control expert has been manipulating world leaders and the political climate for over 20 years ....and sadly for us the USA this is a mismatch made to order for Russia.
"The Donald" is too busy still worrying and tweeting about Democrats and the press that he can't even accept the fact like everyone else that the Russians meddled in last years presidential election and probably got him elected. Let's just hope Putin doesn't take Trump too seriously just like the most of the world doesn't.
The respect of the world and world leaders to the USA has clearly dropped since we elected "The Donald" and hopefully he didn't make a complete fool of himself in front of Putin like he has done numerous times before to us Americans...and of course Trump will send out his two bimbos Kellyanne and Sarah Huckabee Sanders after the meeting to tell a disbelieving public how he dominated Putin...
Yeah Right !!!
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