Let's make Prison great again !!! |
Who's next ??? Kushner, Sessions or even The Donald himself ??? Members of the Trump team are dropping like flies as the drip, drip, drip of the Russian investigation uncovers more and more lies and deception...and who is next to throw their former colleagues under the proverbial bus ???
Paul Manafort and now Michael Flynn both charged with Flynn already pleading guilty and it's only a matter of time until they all start singing like canaries to cover their own asses. Trump's wig must in a spin as special prosecutor Mueller slowly springs his rat trap...

Trump the ultimate control freak has to be in charge and had to know in his desperation to win at all costs that his team was working with the Russians. It's only a matter of time and who will sing first and drag the liar in chief under the justice bus...Maybe Trump can work now to make prison "great again"....
Lock Them Up !!! Lock Them Up !!!