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Monday, January 29, 2018

He's Baaack !!!

Just when we thought that "Toxic" John Perkins would do himself and local voters a  favor and retire...Well he's baaaackkk !!!  and ready  to lose another election this time a state Senate seat..Obviously John just doesn't get it,... for the last 30  years he has been trying to win an election and every time he runs ,voters reject him nearly unanimously...

Finishing dead last every time he runs doesn't seem to phase  John "the legend in his own mind" so we might as well get ready for more Perkin's unsuccessful runs...Maybe us Democrats should give John a participation plaque or some imaginary position with an office so he can feel relevant...Otherwise he'll probably keep cluttering up the local Dem. ticket for years to come...

Democrats here locally have enough trouble as it is getting elected and with "Toxic John" on the ballot, people are going to be laughing behind our backs as they cast their vote for his opponent, who ever it may be and for whatever other office "Toxic" John decides to run for...

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Face the Facts...The BatBlog Take on Melin and the Downtown School

 The BatBlog has been letting the opposing views play out , and we appreciate all the comments but....

Let's face the facts... Andrew Melin has sole control over the Greater Clark Co.School system. The GCCS school board is spineless in standing up to him and  useless as tits on a boar hog on reining in his spending and what's best for parents and students...

With that being said, those opposed to Melin CAN either hold a grudge over something they CAN'T control and have innocent children bused away from their homes and inflict hardship on their parents....OR accept the FACT that a downtown school no matter what is needed...

The opposition while entitled to their opinion has only ONE option in controlling Melin going forward...Vote out the school board that rubber stamps his every move with candidates that share your opinion...Neither you or I or the mayor can control how GCCS is being run, we can voice our opinions but that is the extent of it other than at the election booth...

I guarantee those opposed wouldn't want their children or grandchildren bused out of their home areas so do the right thing and support the mayor and a new downtown school....

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

A Word from Mayor Moore on a Downtown School

The BatBlog has received a letter (presented below) from Jeffersonville Mayor Mike Moore on the proposed downtown elementary school. The BatBlog appreciates and thanks Mayor Moore's participation and heads up on the state of affairs and news of Jeffersonville and the surrounding area...

I respect the opinion of those opposed to a new downtown school. It seems we agree on our frustration with our school administration but disagree on how to fight. If I may,  please let me speak my mind. Jeffersonville has seen an incredible resurgence in energy and life. That energy has brought a lot of new dollars, dreams and families to our once struggling downtown. 

Together, we’ve created something special. Residents are once again beaming with confidence. The 1st District is once again 1st in pride. We’ve been dealt a difficult hand; allow our kids at Maple and Spring Hill to be bused out of downtown, or fight and unite to build a new school on Court Avenue? 

I believe we fight! Our kids deserve ownership of a school as well. 26 independent residents representing different districts and different opinions were asked to spend three months going over the criteria of finance, location and convenience for a new school, unanimously they voted on one location....Court Avenue/Meigs.

 Jeffersonville’s economic growth depends on a downtown school. I ask for your help. Please join me in supporting a new elementary school for our downtown. 

Mike Moore