Thursday, July 31, 2014
Moving Forward
Wow over 1000 page views in the last couple of days surrounding the Danny Rodden arrest. Thanks everyone for your comments and stopping by, they are all appreciated. I only had to keep from publishing a couple of comments that were way over the top. Even though I hate censorship and this is a blog I try and maintain respectfulness especially out of respect for Mr. Rodden's family.
This was a very publicized, big news story that has brought attention to Clark Co. from all over the country. In the past I have brought up issues within the Clark Co. sheriff's dept.and the county jail that have been related to the BatBlog by sources close to the matter. These issues are serious matters that need to be brought forward that haven't been touched on by the media. In the next couple of days the BatBlog is working on a story that will re focus on this and other issues.
Again thanks for the support and comments...and if you have any inside information on any issue contact us at your anonymity is guaranteed . Or leave a message in the comments section and put in "do not publish"....
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
The Rodden Affair.... Deceit, Humiliation, and Shame
Clark Co. once again is rocked by the embarrassment and outrage over the behavior of another one of their public officials, this time the head law enforcement official of the county, sheriff Danny Rodden. The apologists made up of his attorney, political cronies, and friends are coming forward trying to massage their fragile egos by declaring Rodden a good man who just made a mistake late in his career, and questioning the motivation, purpose and the validity of the federal and state law enforcement official's investigation.
First of all Rodden is not a good man. Good men don't break laws that they swore to uphold and in the process betraying the trust the public honored you with by electing you to the head law enforcement position in the county. Most important "good" men do not betray, humiliate and bring shame to their innocent spouse, children , family members who have done nothing wrong but to put their trust and loyalty into the hands of someone who would betray them so shamelessly.
The apologists also try and minimize the betrayal by questioning the seriousness of the crime by questioning, why are the feds involved ?, and wanting to know why the prostitute wasn't named ?. The apologists are grasping at every straw possible in an attempt to deflect the blame away from the only one who is responsible and must own up and take full responsibility.... and that's Danny Rodden.
It's not about the crime, what would it matter if the prostitute was named....she is an admitted prostitute. The state and federal law enforcement were working on a corruption in government task force. Sure there are more serious crimes to be investigated but the emphasis and the issue is not about the crime. It is the deceit, the humiliation and the shame Rodden has brought upon the citizens of Clark Co. along with personal hurt on his family that is the real issue.
Moving forward while Rodden is due his day in court, he needs to resign now. Public trust, his honesty, his honorable legacy, his good reputation....they are all gone. If you're guilty.... man up, step up like a man admit your guilt and move on. If you're guilty don't burden the residents of Clark Co., your family , friends and apologists with more embarrassment and humiliation of what will be a very public plea bargain or trial ...The sooner you can put this behind the better off everyone will be ....Resign Now !!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Monday, July 28, 2014
Friday, July 25, 2014
The MAC Asphalt Lawsuit

While it should be a no brainer that an industrial polluting sight shouldn't be allowed among residential property...this is Jeffersonville....and Mac was able to set up operations without the required variance on the zoning.
The problem facing Ms. Barrow and her fellow homeowners is they are faced with fighting both MAC Asphalt and the city of Jeffersonville. The City afraid to do what is right for fear that they will be hit with a lawsuit by MAC . The old saying you can't sue city hall comes to mind here and when you take in the fact of money, small town politics, and a judge (Jacobi) that has already ruled against the homeowners in an earlier lawsuit you have what looks like a very small chance of a victory for Ms. Barrow and company.
The BatBlog wishes them well and good luck in their court case because their plight is deserving of victory ...but remember the "right thing' is seldom done around here....
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Point / Counterpoint ....The Reasons We Need Jeremy Mull for Prosecutor
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Vote Mull for Prosecutor |
My friend and fellow blogger Goliath has posted and predicted victory for Bob Bottorff for Clark Co. Prosecutor GAW News in this November's election. No disrespect intended Big G. but you predicted "Toxic" John Perkins would win the Democratic Commissioners race in the primary (tee, hee). I'm sure Mr Bottoroff is a fine man and thought he made an excellent Dem. party chairman but....I'm going to make the case that current Deputy Prosecutor Jeremy Mull is the man for the job....
It all comes down to experience, experience, experience....Mr. Mull as Deputy prosecutor for the last several years under Steve Stewart has gained a ton of experience prosecuting a wide variety of cases with success and little or no controversy, and has done an outstanding job. The BatBlog believes that it is very telling that in a very political job and position that Stewart a Dem. would choose Mull a Rep. as his Deputy Prosecutor and main man in the prosecutor's office. Politics which usually takes center stage in this type of appointment has been set a side and Mull the best man for the job has been in place...We need to reward people who have done a good job around here...something that isn't always the case in Clark Co (case in point Dan Moore)....Mr. Mull has done a good job and should be rewarded with his own term as prosecutor.
The only controversy the BatBlog has seen in the prosecutor's office is a reluctance to go after other political figures and county employees which I have pointed out before... examples: Chuck Adams, Drug court and sheriff's employees.but as Dep. prosecutor this isn't Mull's determination, pretty sure the final call is made by Stewart....
I would encourage everyone to check out Mr. Mull's website (linked below) it is an impressive display of his credentials, experience and history. He not only has experience here locally, he has national and international experience advising Afghan and Sudanese prosecutors as a United States State Dept. adviser and coordinator...
Check it Out... Mull for Prosecutor
Mr. Mull has an impressive resume' , credentials and experience...Vote for him this fall....he's the best man for the job and looks cool wearing an eye patch and he's from HT's adopted hometown Pekin...
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
While I was Gone....This and that.....
Looks like not a lot has been going on while I was away. Appears that the Jeff City Council might be softening their stance on the proposed hotel development, they must have realized how foolish they looked and how the public feels about this development, to back up on their original vote....
New guidelines in place for the Drug Court participants much less stringent rules and participant fees, a step in the right direction...It's amazing what a class action lawsuit will do.
Nice to see Goliath back blogging after his site was down for e few days...hopefully he will be posting more often...
Quiet on the Chatter...NHBSM missing in action ??? What gives ???
Glad the World Cup (soccer) is over....getting close to time for real football...
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Heeee's BBBBaaaaccckkkk !!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
County Commissioner Stephenson Rips the Co. Council's Ass

We here in Jeffersonville are fully aware of how lack of communication and mistrust between different bodies of government can have devastating repercussions for residents and taxpayers. We here at the BatBlog applaud Mr. Stephenson for his public , open reprimand of the seems to already have resulted in promises of more open dialogue between the two parties involved. Maybe Jeffersonville mayor Mike Moore should tear out this page of Commissioner Stephenson's playbook and go on the Chatter or the BatBlog and rip the collective asses of the Jeffersonville City Council...
***note*** Mr. Stephenson was also upset the Council rejected the Commissioner's request for raises for Highway dept. workers who have gone without raise for quite some time now....
Monday, July 14, 2014
Final Word on the Hotel Plan Nixed by City Council...
I have lived close to and in Jeffersonville for nearly 60 years and I know there has never been ANYTHING near the 10th St. entrance to the City. I mean NOTHING other an an old used car lot for years, and the stench of the old sewer treatment plant. Finally after all these years of NOTHING ...a plan was conceived, the property purchased, to precede with a nice Holiday Inn complex, also included would be a Starbucks coffee franchise along with a couple more fast food restaurants.
Keep in mind there has been absolutely NOTHING at the entrance to the City... EVER. So what happens, a few of the local City Council puts together their pea sized brains and decides to block the development by refusing to rezone the properties involved. The Council members who voted against the rezoning never took into consideration this was a smart, attractive feature for the City on a site where NOTHING has ever been, and that most citizens and taxpayers were excited about and approved of the idea. No once again this was about political back stabbing a mayor several members can't stand and a mayor they the council has battled and nitpicked with since day one.
It doesn't matter about what the people want or the progress of the City and our area to these Council members...It's all about political posturing, chest beating and trying to improve their self image. Their self imposed sense of importance is channeled by lies, cowardice and deceit. Claiming they were left out of the process by being ignored for meetings that damaged their fragile but self absorbing egos. Yes lies about no meetings, yet admitting having met personally with developer on at least two separate occasions. Even after having met, the 2 councilmen were too cowardly and spineless to tell him they planned to veto the project, because they couldn't have their say so.
Then the ultimate lie saying to the public it was about fast food restaurants and traffic concerns. It's about time for a couple of these Council members to grow some balls, man up and tell us what it really is about politics clear and simple....the public doesn't buy the lies and once again progress is put on the back burner by these small men and women with their self exaggerated sense of importance and worth...Yes these small men and women will try keep the Jeffersonville entry like it is... NOTHING... all in the name of politics and their wounded egos....
Keep in mind there has been absolutely NOTHING at the entrance to the City... EVER. So what happens, a few of the local City Council puts together their pea sized brains and decides to block the development by refusing to rezone the properties involved. The Council members who voted against the rezoning never took into consideration this was a smart, attractive feature for the City on a site where NOTHING has ever been, and that most citizens and taxpayers were excited about and approved of the idea. No once again this was about political back stabbing a mayor several members can't stand and a mayor they the council has battled and nitpicked with since day one.
It doesn't matter about what the people want or the progress of the City and our area to these Council members...It's all about political posturing, chest beating and trying to improve their self image. Their self imposed sense of importance is channeled by lies, cowardice and deceit. Claiming they were left out of the process by being ignored for meetings that damaged their fragile but self absorbing egos. Yes lies about no meetings, yet admitting having met personally with developer on at least two separate occasions. Even after having met, the 2 councilmen were too cowardly and spineless to tell him they planned to veto the project, because they couldn't have their say so.
Then the ultimate lie saying to the public it was about fast food restaurants and traffic concerns. It's about time for a couple of these Council members to grow some balls, man up and tell us what it really is about politics clear and simple....the public doesn't buy the lies and once again progress is put on the back burner by these small men and women with their self exaggerated sense of importance and worth...Yes these small men and women will try keep the Jeffersonville entry like it is... NOTHING... all in the name of politics and their wounded egos....
Friday, July 11, 2014
Fund Raiser for Goliath ....
It looks like Goliath has let his domain name lapse. The BatBlog will be conducting a fundraiser in order to help the Big G. bring GAWNEWS back to the internet. Tentatively the dinner, fund raiser, and street dance will be held in the parking lot of Mick's Lounge...A chicken dinner followed by games, booths and a late night street dance....Features include a "pin the tail on the donkey(jackass)" game,
kissing booth, photo booth and other various games and booths. We are looking at a lot of the local politicians and dignitaries to appear donate their time for this event. Potential entries for "Pin the Tail on the Donkey (jackass)" include several members of the City Council and NHBSM...

Thursday, July 10, 2014
Where's Goliath ???
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Not So Fast...McDonalds Comes to Jeffersonville
While McDonalds gets a bad rap on their menu (some deserved) it is still hugely popular and a lot of people will be happy with the addition. To the City Council the BatBlog thinks you should embrace Ronald and "have it your way" at McDonalds....
Side note*** It's a shame NHBSM did all that ciphering on predicting traffic patterns in the area in question over on the Clark County Chatter...word on the street is NH (Not Honest) will be pushing mayoral candidate Julius for Traffic director in his potential administration....
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Same Old Political BS Stops Progress Again and Again and Again....

Stopping the progress of development in a key area of the City is bad enough, but a couple of the idiots (Zastawny and Samuels) on the Council's claim of traffic concerns and the inclusion of fast food restaurants for the reasons behind their no votes on the rezoning is laughable and an insult to the intelligence of the voters and citizens of Jeffersonville....We all know it's about politics ....stupid.
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What could have been, but stopped because of politics... |
Another key development pushed forward by current Mayor Mike Moore would be a political plum moving forward into an election year and the Council with their own candidate (Julius) wants no part of making Moore look good at any cost including halting completely a multi million dollar investment.
If the Council is all of a sudden concerned about traffic congestion, why not do something about the terrible gridlock on Holman and Allison Lns. It's a disaster, 5 times worse than the intersection in question of the project site. And seriously fast food restaurants holding it up...I believe a Starbucks was one of those mentioned as being part of the development and Starbucks is an upscale, popular franchise which is actually needed and would be popular here locally...
I am disappointed and surprised in Samuels and Lisa Gill they at times have shown signs of thinking on their own and not following the political lead of the 4 Stooges on the Council (Sellers, Ed Z., Smith and Julius) but then again I'm not surprised at all this is Jeff and Clark Co. where politics trumps all including progress and doing what is best for the residents here..
It would just be nice if they (Council) would just tell the truth one time and admit it's all about politics and not feed us a line of BS. The bull shit reasoning not only makes you look foolish but also.....rather stupid.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Sad Situation

Saturday, July 5, 2014
4th of July Parade Images
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
More on the County Assessor...
I think taxpayers might be surprised of how little work the County Assessor will actually be doing or has done in the past during the reassessment process. According to the contract signed in March most of the work in the process will actually done by a contractor Nexus Group Inc. not the Assessor or office staff. The BatBlog has obtained a copy of the Contract good from 2015 - 2018, which outlines that the biggest portion of work involved will be done by Nexus with basically the Assessor and staff doing just data entry work and signing off on the work done by Nexus....and mailing out the bi annual tax statements
The BatBlog wonders if this in the best interest of the taxpayer. No wonder it is difficult to get answers from the Assessors office on the discrepancies, errors, and inconsistencies on our tax bills and assessments, when they (Assessor and staff) in fact are answering questions in work they had no part in doing. We we are paying for someone besides the Assessor and staff nearly a million and half over the life of the contract, plus paying salaries to the Assessor and office workers. The BatBlog also wonders if the Assessor's office staff has been reduced since the out sourcing was initiated. With a reduced workload from outsourcing the assessments it would seem there wouldn't be the need for the number of staff as in the past.
With the budget crunch in Clark Co. at a near crisis level it looks like this would a place that costs could be reduced by having the Assessor's office actually do the assessment work. The BatBlog wonders what they are doing in the slow months when there isn't any statements to mail out...
*** Note*** As always the BatBlog welcomes all responses and opposing views
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Local Libertarian Party Announcement
The Libertarian Party of Clark Co. certified candidates for local offices today, rounding out the slate of Libertarian candidates for Clark Co.
“We're participating in strategic races this year that will increase the number of elected Libertarians in Indiana and promote the ideas of liberty,” said Chairperson Kelley Curran. Curran is a candidate for Jeffersonville Township Advisory Board. Greg Hertzsch is running to represent District 2 on the Clark County Council.
“Voters will have alternative candidates for every level of office on the ballot this fall, but in order to maintain our access to the ballot, we especially encourage all those who support liberty and who appreciate having more than two choices at election time to vote Libertarian for secretary of state,” Curran said.
Indiana law requires the party to earn a minimum 2 percent of the vote for secretary of state to maintain automatic ballot access, an access Libertarians share only with Republicans and Democrats. Independent and other third-party candidates must go through a burdensome signature-gathering process to be placed on ballots in the state. The state party nominated Karl Tatgenhorst at their April convention. Tatgenhorst has committed to advocating for ballot access for all qualified candidates.
Also announced Tuesday, Clarksville resident Russell Brooksbank will run for Indiana District 71 Representative on a platform of equal and protected rights for all Hoosiers. Retired Greenwood businessman Mike Frey will challenge Todd Young to represent the 9th District in the U.S. Congress.
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