While it should be a no brainer that an industrial polluting sight shouldn't be allowed among residential property...this is Jeffersonville....and Mac was able to set up operations without the required variance on the zoning.
The problem facing Ms. Barrow and her fellow homeowners is they are faced with fighting both MAC Asphalt and the city of Jeffersonville. The City afraid to do what is right for fear that they will be hit with a lawsuit by MAC . The old saying you can't sue city hall comes to mind here and when you take in the fact of money, small town politics, and a judge (Jacobi) that has already ruled against the homeowners in an earlier lawsuit you have what looks like a very small chance of a victory for Ms. Barrow and company.
The BatBlog wishes them well and good luck in their court case because their plight is deserving of victory ...but remember the "right thing' is seldom done around here....
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