Only head stooge "Moe" is seeking reelection |
The BatBlog is excited and pleased over some fresh new faces that will be on the ballot for the Jefferesonville City Council...The current council will be for ever remembered as not the brightest crayons in the box. Their reckless spending on a soccer complex in a poor location that hardly anyone wants or feels necessary and the asinine decision to abolish the Jeffersonville City Court after over 50 years of stellar service are two of the most stupid moves by office holders in recent memory. The childish political bickering with the mayor by primarily the "Three Stooges " on the council (Zastawny, Sellers and Smith) along with aforementioned mentioned decisions have pretty much rendered this past term by the council virtually useless.
Becka C. Dist. 1 |
Thank goodness two of the three "stooges" (Sellers and Smith) are retiring and for progress sake lets hope we can remove the remaining seven and start from scratch. The BatBlog doesn't know a lot about some of the NEW candidates but there are several we know of and feel will make fine councilpersons. They include Becka Christiansen (D) in the 1st Dist. who was an outstanding GCCS schoolboard member until unseated by Teresa (Fingers) Perkins. Dawn Elston (D) attorney and former FBI agent in the 6th Dist. will make an outstanding councilperson as well, her knowledge and experience will be invaluable on the council.
We will touch on all the races in more detail as the election nears but here is an overview of the Districts....Like we stated Becka will be solid in Dist. 1. In Dist.2 the Democrats so far have no entry against Ed (Moe) Zastawny(R) the Dem.'s need to get in gear a put a good candidate up against Moe, he's been in there too long, is the daddy of the unwanted overpriced soccer complex , and plays childish political games...

In Dist. 3 (D) Kevin Vissing faces (R) Callie Jahn . Kevin is nice in parades with his Shelby but we need someone with a little more savvy on the council . Dist. 4 has sheriff's deputy Scottie Maples (R) and two Dem.s Albert Frazier and Ray Wilkey will face off in May's primary to go up against Maples. In Dist. 5 incumbent Lisa Gill(R) will face former councilman Keith Fetz(D).... Gill has been a disappointment in her 1st term but she's better than Fetz whose public, childish rants against current Mayor Moore are an embarrassing example of why he has no business in any kind of position, plus he was a Galligan puppet.
There is a big list of candidates both Dem. and Rep. for the at large berths (3). Incumbent Owen (R) needs to go, he won on a gimmick (his youth) last election but has shown little promise and is in over his head. He introduced the ordinance to eliminate City Court and is basically Jamey Noel's lapdog...
Nathan Samuel (D) is probably the only incumbent the BatBlog would even consider endorsing but he goes along with the crowd too much and Julius has shown by his term on the council that he has no business running for mayor....He's right where he needs to be in the planting flowers business...
If you have any comments or endorsements for other candidates please don't be afraid to share them. There are some candidates the BatBlog knows little or nothing about and would like to hear about them and the candidates themselves are always welcome to post on the Jeffersonville - Clark Co. blog the "award winning" BatBlog....
I bet 75 per cent of people don't even know who their city councilman is.
ReplyDeleteFetz is a 1st class jerk and it will be a cold day in hell before he gets my vote.
ReplyDeleteSo everyone else has the problem & Moore is the victim? Would you like some ocean front property is Arizona I've been looking to unload?
ReplyDeleteWill proudly vote for Fetz! We need people who reinvest into our great city.
ReplyDeleteNot an idiot for a mayor who does nothing and then says, "look how much money I saved".
Please point out where I said Moore is a victim...This isn't about Moore it's about the current council and the poor decisions they've made abolishing city court and the over priced soccer complex...these were their decisions and their's alone...
ReplyDeleteH-T said:
ReplyDelete"Their [the city council's]reckless spending on a soccer complex in a poor location that hardly anyone wants or feels necessary and the asinine decision to abolish the Jeffersonville City Court after over 50 years of stellar service are two of the most stupid moves by office holders in recent memory." H-T very well said!
Does anyone know anything yet about the new R appointees?
ReplyDeleteThe anonymous who said he would proudly vote for Fetz must not know him or what pride is about. Fetz is a hotheaded blowhard with no credentials to hold office.
ReplyDeleteOwen needs to go back bussing tables from where ever it was he worked.
ReplyDeleteFetz has my vote. He always says what he thinks and let the chips fall where they may.
ReplyDeleteOwen should get paddled and take a "time out" ...we need some body not owned body and soul by Noel.
The Shelby would smoke the batmobile, and I did speak out in favor of city court at their council meeting. Thanks, Kevin Vissing
ReplyDeleteThe Shelby would smoke the batmobile, and I did speak out in favor of city court at their council meeting. Thanks, Kevin Vissing