On the other hand one can see why ONLY Engle chose to oppose current sheriff Noel. Noel has managed and run the department virtually controversy free, and even his critics would agree has done a top notch job in cleaning up the county jail and efficiently running the day to day operations of the sheriff's Dept...
Even though Noel was in a tight.race in 2014 there is no reason to think he won't win easily this year especially with current domination by the Rep. Party. Engle is a veteran in law enforcement but in the political climate of today and with Noel's clean record Noel should win easily...The only thing critics might point out is the fact that Noel didn't give up the party chair as he promised after being elected in 2014, but that's really a non issue..
Jamey Noel is currently the king of Clark Co. politics in his duel role as GOP chairman and sheriff and will be reelected easily in November...Hail to the king !!!
This race really needs someone with a unique perspective to bring substance to the discussion.
ReplyDeleteI hope there is another candidate out there, maybe with experience in a related field and outside the two major parties.
Noel will mop the floor with Engle in a straight-up race. The GOBs were put out in Clarksville for a reason. Too early for a come back and come up.
Unless a sheriff really messes up name recognition will carry him to a second term. Noel has been very much in the news media and on positive notes.When you factor in Clarksville officials are considered mostly as jokes, Noel will win in a landslide.
ReplyDeleteClarksville's elected officials have been and currently are often
ReplyDeleteconsidered to be very challenged. Chief Engle was an exception.
Former Clarksville
Chief of Police Dwight Engle was an excellent law enforcement officer, built and maintained an excellent department, and stopped several disturbing practices
when he became chief. There was a new sense of service while he was chief and the department was very fair with the public. Chief Engle did a very good job.
Political times, issues, leadership, and demographics changed and the Democrats declined severely in Clark County. Sheriff Jamey Noel has build quite an IMPRESSIVE political organization and runs an excellent jail and excellent department. There is also an entire slate of very good GOP candidates. Sheriff Noel's leadership and the great list of R candidates that he has assembled will be most difficult to overcome.
Clark County is fortunate to have two excellent candidates from which to choose for sheriff. It is healthy for the political process for Chief Engle to run.
The decline of the Democrats is ACCELERATING and the Republicans are getting STRONGER. Sheriff Noel will obviously win by a huge margin. There is no reason to attack the D's as the R's will win on merit.
It is also good for Sheriff Noel's long term political future for him to have a good opponent so that he will have to work harder and it will INCREASE the Republican turnout which helps elect the R ticket. It will pull
in a couple of close races for the GOP.
Ingle is a buffoon who would not let his officers serve warrants without checking with him first to make sure it wasn’t someone who he knew or owed.
ReplyDeleteThat is false.
ReplyDeleteThe police can only advocate or ask the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney's office to issue a warrant for an arrest or search. THEY CANNOT FILE ANY CHARGES.
Ingle had and has a lot of integrity.
The R's should not attack but should campaign on Sheriff Noel's accomplishments.
Chief Ingle has a lot of information.
Noel wins easily.
A lot of information? Do tell.
DeleteThe new chief has brought much needed professionalism to the department.
Clarksville citizens have a lot of information too.
Yes Palmer did bring professionism to the department but that ship has sailed. The department morale has been destroyed by the current administration (with the exception of his inner circle of which a few were diehard Ingle supporters). The rank and file for the most part have lost confidence in Palmer,his assistant Chief, and most of the ones that were appointed to their administrative positions,
DeleteIngle has information ? He doesn't have jack#$%& !! He had some when the last board was in and used blackmail on two members to stay in his position. And as far as Palmer goes, yes he did make the police department great again compared to the Ingle years but unfortunately the above is true. Politics and other BS have brought the department morale to a low point. He is aware of the issues but has chosen not to act and it has hurt him in the eyes of his officers. Never to late to change Chief Palmer, you did it once you can do it again if you care to do so.
DeleteI clearly said SERVE the warrant, not issue. Get your argument correct.
ReplyDeleteI thought Brian Meyer might run again for the Dem.s he only lost by 2 or 3 percentage points in 14...
ReplyDeleteBut then again Noel has done a good controversy free job and it's becoming harder and harder to elect a Democrat here locally with no end in sight of GOP domination...
I think it’s hard to be in the incumbent who has it had any controversies .
ReplyDeleteThe Clarksville PD cannot prevent a warrant from being served.
ReplyDeleteAny of a number of local and state law enforcement agencies in Clark County
can serve a warrant duly issued by a court.
A [police department cannot UNILATERALLY prevent
the issuance or serving of a warrant.
For instance, the current CPD has officers that were arrested and
charged with the allegation of criminal conversion from a lumber/hardware store
and with the allegation of criminal conversion of money from a little league fundraising activity.
Maybe the Bat Blog can do updated stories on those situations??
It seems pretty quiet......
Ok Mr. Simple minded. I said he would not let HIS officers serve them. Please tell-read what I posted.
ReplyDeleteheh...heh...heh...My, my you are soooo stressed. Name calling is not nice.
ReplyDeleteWhy the spiteful attitude? Chill, bro!
It is GOOD for the R party that the sheriff
has opposition as it INCREASES
the turnout for GOP candidates.
Reading is fundamental! All I’m saying is if you’re going to respond to my statement respond to what I actually said not what you think I said or what you wanted me to say.
ReplyDeleteBuffoon doesn't even describe Ingle. Guy should have been locked up years ago. You name it he was into it..............
ReplyDeleteHe and Danny Rotten were pretty tight.
ReplyDeleteWho was?
DeleteOk, Ok, Ok....I got it!
ReplyDelete"What you thought that I said is not what they thought that you said when you said that they said that they thought that it did not happen."
Eight months to go in this glorious 2018 election in the Clark County Pol Wars!
The Bat Blog Rocks!
Been "on the road" for awhile but now back until next trip. Only have one thing to say, Dwight Ingle for Sheriff ? Is that the best the democratic party could come up with ? No wonder can't win anything.
ReplyDeleteMy sentiments exactly Mr. Gray, looks like another best down as Democrats become less and less relevant in the local election scene....
DeleteThat's "beat down"....
ReplyDeleteThe Bat Blog garnered the "2017 GAW 'Most Bestest' Award" again in 2017!
Some other awards for the 'Sage CC Political Warriors' to ponder:
Nice cartoon of the Oscars! It is good to see humor !
DeleteBat Blog Full Service News Watch Gig
ReplyDelete"Yuck... Snot Alert'....
KARL ROVE eats something dripping out of his nose...
The Bat Blog is diverse !
Delete"Ewwww....Is that really brother Karl Rove licking snot off his upper lip?"
Answer; "Yes".....
More Bat Blog Political Humor
ReplyDeleteHow many days until the Indiana Primaries?
Enjoy the pol fun!
Word is an intriguing new candidate has entered the race. A young guy with bold ideas and valuable experience in a related field. A fresh face sure to stir the pot.