Three time winner and without doubt "The Village Idiot" NHBSM proves once again he is the champion BatBlog "Asshole of the Month." Commenting on the local internet forum about the recent break in of mayor Mike Moore's garage, Not Honest showed once again his abnormal, delusional behavior toward Jeffersonville's mayor which appears to be to the point of obsession.
Not Honest Mike's comments (shown below) about the mayor's recent confrontation with a group of young thugs preparing to apparently burglarize Mr. Moore's garage show NH has taken his jealousy,vengeance and hatred of the mayor to a whole new level of obsession and frankly weirdness.
To take what was a dangerous situation with a physical confrontation by young criminals and attempt to turn the facts to actually try and blame the victim (the mayor) is absolutely a new low in decency even for a bitter old man like NHBSM. The mayor did what any homeowner would have done in that situation to protect his home and property and was well within his rights.
Because of a personal grudge Not Honest Mike continues to print lies and slurs in his attempt to discredit the mayor no matter or with out regard to any sense of decency. This is a man that supports the mayor's opponent Dennis Julius in this fall's election...That should tell the voters a whole lot moving forward.....
NHBSM you have topped yourself in your delusional,continual untruths and any sense of reality ...Congratulations you are once again the BatBlog's "Asshole of the Month" and frankly if I was the mayor I would be more worried by the delusional, obsession of NHBSM than those young thugs who accosted him....
1. Citizens should always call the police and not try to enforce the law or play police.
2. Was this excessive force? This was a garage, not his house and the garage is not attached to the house. Did any of the teens remove anything from the garage? Were they just looking? Did they go into the garage to take a leak? From the reports it sounds like the mayor just assumed they were committing a crime of theft.
3. From the papers and TV, there were five teens but the mayor says only 3 were in the garage. So was the one with dreadlocks one of the ones in the garage? Was he just with them and tried to get away before excessive force was used? Does a property owner have the right to pull someone off a bike by their dreadlocks and attempt to detain them for the police? Whose rights were violated by whom?
4. Is it politically correct in these times to use the term "dreadlocks". I noticed the CJ changed it to being grabbed by the hair. Is the mayor guilty of racial profiling when he said he was watching to see what the kids were up to?
5. Did the mayor violate the rights of the 5 teens? I may be wrong but I thought it violated the law to use force to stop anyone that was running (or biking) away from you unless they were endangering your life as in aiming or shooting a weapon. Was anything in the garage worth the risk of harming the teens?