Just as famous as the wall of famers are the local political buffoons who have through either action or words shown that you don't have to pass an IQ test to be a politician or an office holder for that matter...The BatBlog proudly presents the Wall of Buffoons....
Top row (Left to right)
Jerry (You have no rights) Jacobi - allegedly denied the most basic rights to several Drug court defendants and to save his own ass reportedly promised the state to never be a judge again..
NHBSM - Plays loose with the truth and flip flops among candidates including several pictured above to reportedly get a political appointment. The only appointment he ever got was fired after a few weeks..
Tom "Bulldozer" Galligan - Wasted thousands on "Galligan's Gully", started work without permits and once bulldozed the wrong building...
Larry "Can Man"Wilder - the picture speaks for itself...
John "Toxic John" Perkins - reviled by voters last won a election during the Coolidge presidency...
Chuck "Easy Money" Adams - reportedly was taped offering a supporter a cushy job on sheriff's dept. where all he had to do was play golf...
Matt "Lapdog " Owen- former busboy who won an election on gimmickry then introduced ordinance to eliminate Jeff city court.
Debbie "No government" Harbison - lives in a fantasy world where you can barter a couple of chickens for brain surgery...
Danny "Lover Boy" Rodden - allegedly outfitted a prostitute in Clark Co, sheriff's gear for ????
Keith "Crapper Flapper" Fetz - solution to trebling city's sewer bills....outfit your toilet for a new flapper
Ed "Moe" Zastawny - Can't decide if he is a Dem. or Rep. or one of the 3 Stooges...
Honorable mention...Connie Sellers, Mike Smith, Dennis Julius, Peggy Wilder, Lisa Gill
Friday, October 30, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Breaking Announcement.....
The popularity of the BatBlog's Jeffersonville Wall of Fame and the crying of several of the Chatter Chicks has induced the "award winning" BatBlog to announce the creation of the CCC "Wall of Fame." To be introduced after Election Day the public will be available to vote in a BatPoll starting next week...Nominations will be taken immediately but all final decisions will be at the discretion of The BatBlog's election committee and staff....Thank You
The popularity of the BatBlog's Jeffersonville Wall of Fame and the crying of several of the Chatter Chicks has induced the "award winning" BatBlog to announce the creation of the CCC "Wall of Fame." To be introduced after Election Day the public will be available to vote in a BatPoll starting next week...Nominations will be taken immediately but all final decisions will be at the discretion of The BatBlog's election committee and staff....Thank You
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
The Jeffersonville Wall of Fame
Not to be outdone by the City of Jeffersonville the "Award Winning" BatBlog presents the Jeffersonville Wall of Fame 1st edition...Made up of honorable public servants, great athletes/sports stars and famous or infamous internet personalities....
UPDATE...Goliath rejects his Wall of Fame award and insults the "award winning " BatBlog... a search committee for a replacement is in place and nominations accepted....
TOP (from L to R)
Mike Flynn - Jeff High School's only Mr. Basketball 1971
Cowboy - Jeffersonville's most famous resident and No.1 JHS fan
Richard Vissing - the honorable "Rich" was elected 5 times Jeffersonville Mayor
Dale Orem - Twice elected mayor, NFL referee and Uof L athlete
Ted Throckmorton - "Mr. Jeffersonville" great ambassador for the City and a very nice man
Richard "Dicky" Jones - true public servant, held several different public offices
Goliath - 1000 year old giant who created Goliath and Wimmens and GAW News
Duard Avery - former city court judge (youngest in the state) nominated by K. Vissing
Pesty Flannigan - metrosexual, bon vi vant, soldier of fortune, internet legend and great dancer
HT - Founder and CEO of the "Award Winning" Jeffersonville - Clark Co. Blog / The BatBlog
Cotton Nash - Not a native of Jeff but played 2 years at JHS before starring for the UK basketball team
Tomorrow the Wall of Buffoons....
UPDATE...Goliath rejects his Wall of Fame award and insults the "award winning " BatBlog... a search committee for a replacement is in place and nominations accepted....
TOP (from L to R)
Mike Flynn - Jeff High School's only Mr. Basketball 1971
Cowboy - Jeffersonville's most famous resident and No.1 JHS fan
Richard Vissing - the honorable "Rich" was elected 5 times Jeffersonville Mayor
Dale Orem - Twice elected mayor, NFL referee and Uof L athlete
Ted Throckmorton - "Mr. Jeffersonville" great ambassador for the City and a very nice man
Richard "Dicky" Jones - true public servant, held several different public offices
Goliath - 1000 year old giant who created Goliath and Wimmens and GAW News
Duard Avery - former city court judge (youngest in the state) nominated by K. Vissing
Pesty Flannigan - metrosexual, bon vi vant, soldier of fortune, internet legend and great dancer
HT - Founder and CEO of the "Award Winning" Jeffersonville - Clark Co. Blog / The BatBlog
Cotton Nash - Not a native of Jeff but played 2 years at JHS before starring for the UK basketball team
Tomorrow the Wall of Buffoons....
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Poor Ole Moe !!!
Let's all get get our crying towels out and give Jeffersonville city councilman Ed "Moe" Zastawny a shoulder to cry on and a big hug. It appears that poor Moe wasn't consulted by Jeff mayor Mike Moore on the "Wall of Champions" a dedication to some of the important people in Jeffersonville history. Poor Ole Moe claims he didn't even know about the "Wall" until he received an invitation to the dedication ceremony. Waaahhhh !!! Waaahhh !!!!

Here's another idea Moe, do YOUR job and quit trying to run the whole city. The city council is the fiscal body to pay the city bills, the council is NOT the executive branch...If you want to act like a mayor grow some balls and run for the office.... in the meantime quit crying it makes you look more childish and stupid than you really are....
UPDATE... Now ole Moe is crawfishing , saying he DID know about the Wall just not the location...Which is it Moe ?? I guess he realized how stupid he looked not knowing what was going on....him and his fellow council members that he threw under the bus . My guess the fellow members that Moe said didn't know about the wall either are Sellers, Smith, Gill, Samuel and Julius (the anti Moore coalition)... Its all politics my friends, once again trying to make the mayor look bad right before the election....but this was a very stupid attempt....Stupid does as stupid is ...
Tomorrow Batblog unveils it's Jeffersonville's Wall of Fame
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Conversations With the Commissioner....
A message from Clark Co. Commissioner Rick Stephenson :
I want to thank everyone for their comments regarding me setting aside a night that anyone can meet with me and ask any questions they might have about the county. The results were overwhelmingly in favor of the idea. I have decided to have the meetings on the 2nd Monday of every month at 6pm. I will have the first meeting on November 9th. The meetings will be held in the Commissioner's office on the 4th floor of the County Building. I have decided to call these meetings "Conversations with the Commissioner", I know, kind of hokey but I have to call it something.
I will listen to your issues and try to make them right. Understand that some of the issues might need some research, so you might not get an answer that evening. Also note that this will just be me, I will be working without a net. I will not have the county attorney present to answer any legal questions. I can only address issues that pertain to the County Government. If you have any questions about other offices of county government all I can do is forward that question to the appropriate office holder.
These meetings will be very informal and as the name implies, we will just be talking about issues that one might have with me or county government. I do not want to put to many rules in place that might hamper the open communication. We are going to play this by ear and see how it goes.
As always, anyone can contact me with issues by phone or e-mail. Phone number is 502-468-9325. E-mail isRickyWStephenson@yahoo.com. Also if you really need to speak to me in person and can not make the meetings on the second monday of the month drop me an e-mail or give me a call. I will meet you some place and some time more convienent for you.
Any group that would like for me to come and speak please contact me and let's set up a date.
I want to thank everyone for their comments regarding me setting aside a night that anyone can meet with me and ask any questions they might have about the county. The results were overwhelmingly in favor of the idea. I have decided to have the meetings on the 2nd Monday of every month at 6pm. I will have the first meeting on November 9th. The meetings will be held in the Commissioner's office on the 4th floor of the County Building. I have decided to call these meetings "Conversations with the Commissioner", I know, kind of hokey but I have to call it something.
I will listen to your issues and try to make them right. Understand that some of the issues might need some research, so you might not get an answer that evening. Also note that this will just be me, I will be working without a net. I will not have the county attorney present to answer any legal questions. I can only address issues that pertain to the County Government. If you have any questions about other offices of county government all I can do is forward that question to the appropriate office holder.
These meetings will be very informal and as the name implies, we will just be talking about issues that one might have with me or county government. I do not want to put to many rules in place that might hamper the open communication. We are going to play this by ear and see how it goes.
As always, anyone can contact me with issues by phone or e-mail. Phone number is 502-468-9325. E-mail isRickyWStephenson@yahoo.com. Also if you really need to speak to me in person and can not make the meetings on the second monday of the month drop me an e-mail or give me a call. I will meet you some place and some time more convienent for you.
Any group that would like for me to come and speak please contact me and let's set up a date.
Friday, October 16, 2015
The Jeffersonville Mayors Race ...Lies. Lies and More Lies and a Few Honest Points and Rules

1.) Probably about 85% of Jeffersonville residents could give a rat's ass who the mayor is
2.) You CAN"T believe ANYTHING local village idiot NHBSM says about current mayor Mike Moore. Not Honest has blown smoke up the asses up every mayoral candidate since probably the beginning of the century in order to presumably get a political appointment. After being dumped or looked over for a political position Not Honest turns on the candidate that he blew the smoke up their ass quicker than you can dump an ugly blind date...which brings us to Rule 1 in Jeff politics...
Rule 1, which a lot of people have discovered ....Don't believe a word coming from NHBSM's mouth. You really have to wonder about this dude....seriously
The third honest point is 3.) ALL Politicians take credit for everything good that happens during their term. Whether they planned it, initiated it, finished it or had nothing to do with it, if it happened during their term in office , they take credit for it....Since the first politician Adam ,this has been the case and if something bad happens, blame some one else like Eve...which brings us to Rule 2.
Rule 2. Don't pay ANY attention to any claims about who has done what or who was responsible for this or that...It's all a smoke and mirrors game by politicians and they ALL play it...
Lies, Lies, Lies
The lies and claims of opponent lying are flying fast and furious this year. The BIG LIE and probably the only provable lie is coming from Dem. candidate Dennis Julius. Julius claims he didn't vote FOR his own firm (Walnut Ridge) being awarded a million dollar contract to do the controversial landscaping of the 10th St. medians. Julius says he abstained...the public record (Minutes from the meeting ) says different ....the vote was unanimous. Unanimous means unanimous, no abstentions were noted and the minutes were verified by those attending which is procedure...Excuses have been made , affidavits written which doesn't mean a hill of beans...the only record and it is the official record will state FOREVER the vote was UNANIMOUS by all those members attending....Julius LIED ....
The main lies Moore is accused of ...The city council hasn't provided enough police and firemen per the annexation agreement , is much harder to pin down or prove one way or another. As is Moore's claim that sewer funds went toward the original canal plans...
The annexation which neither candidate was part of was real cluster f _ _ _ from day one and full of lies all the way through. There are so many differing numbers, excuses and lies surrounding it I don't know how anyone can separate fact from fiction.
Same way with sewer funds, money has been manipulated and always will be by government.... to say for fact that money from sewer funds was or wasn't spent for Galligan's Gully is unprovable one way or another....
Rule 3. A lot of claims and counter claims will be made, sort them out carefully a lot of them are pure bullshit some have merit ....decide accordingly...
Voters will make their choices for a lot of different reasons come Election day. By party, for personal reasons, name recognition etc. Rule 4 probably isn't always the main factor ...but should be
Rule 4. Make an educated vote on leadership ability and best qualifications for the job but do your part and be sure to VOTE !!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Congratulations and Thank You...
Just a quick Congratulations and Thank You to the Clark Co, council for voting unanimously to rescind the vote on the RCI that passed earlier this year. The RCI was a poorly thought out piece of legislation that a wary public quickly turned a leery eye to and eventually their backs to. Public outcry had a big part in this initiative being rejected by several other municipalities. Thanks to the Clark Co. council for listening to the public and Sellersburg town councilperson Martina "Tina" Webster for bringing attention to the public of the potential downfalls and dangers of RDA's....
Friday, October 9, 2015
Gill vs. Fetz in Dist.5
In the Dist. 5 Jeffersonville City council race incumbent Rep. Lisa Gill faces former councilman Keith (Crapper flapper ) Fetz. The BatBlog had hoped that Democrats would have put forth a stronger candidate than Fetz to face Gill.
Gill as council president has shown very little leadership qualities in leading this current council away from poor decisions (eliminating Jeff City court, 1 million spent on soccer field) and has been obstructive in supporting Mayor Moore's projects. On the other hand Gill reportedly is good at listening to her constituents concerns.
Fetz in our opinion doesn't have the temperament or ability to be an effective councilman which he exhibited in his tenure on the council earlier. Easy to anger and his personal dislike of mayor Moore make him a poor choice for District 5 voters. Fetz has in the past published childish rants about the current mayor over the internet, including jabs at the mayor's personal life. Fetz's answer to his council's nearly trebling sewer rates was to tell citizens to install new toilet flappers in their toilets... so you can see what we are dealing with...
Even with Gill's shortcomings she will most likely win, even though she is supported by NHBSM (Not Honest But Stupid Mike) Gill is the best choice in a poor field....
Gill as council president has shown very little leadership qualities in leading this current council away from poor decisions (eliminating Jeff City court, 1 million spent on soccer field) and has been obstructive in supporting Mayor Moore's projects. On the other hand Gill reportedly is good at listening to her constituents concerns.

Even with Gill's shortcomings she will most likely win, even though she is supported by NHBSM (Not Honest But Stupid Mike) Gill is the best choice in a poor field....
Monday, October 5, 2015
The BatBlog Endorses Kevin Vissing for Councilman Dist.3

Her opponent Kevin Vissing (D) current Co. council member has worked his butt off getting out meeting his constituents. The Batcave is in the 3rd Dist. and the BatBlog has seen KV several times traveling through neighborhoods meeting the people. Kevin is approachable and posts to the internet answering tough questions unlike very few candidates or office holders.
Kevin has gained experience and has improved as office holder during his stint on the County council. The only concern the BatBlog has will KV be able to work with mayor Mike Moore if Moore is reelected...Experience, hard work and approachability give Kevin a slight edge over Ms. Jahn but it could be a close race as the 3rd Dist. went Republican in 2011...
The BatBlog endorsement goes to Kevin Vissing...
Friday, October 2, 2015
Dustin White for 1st District Jeffersonville City Council
The BatBlog gives a big thumbs up and endorses the candidacy of local attorney Dustin White (D) for for Jeffersonville City Council 1st Dist. Jeff politics needs more intelligent, dedicated citizens like Dustin especially on the city council. The rumor confirmed by the BatBlog is that for some reason the local Dem. party leadership and factions within the party weren't especially happy with Dustin's primary victory and have encouraged the candidacy of independent candidate Brett Wilson.
This is another stupid move by the poor leadership that plaques the local Dem. party. Dustin won the primary fairly and squarely over a fine group of candidates. Dustin is a loyal party member who will make an excellent council member and whatever the reason for the tepid support it is more of an indictment of of the inept decisions made by the Dem. party hierarchy which has brought Democrats to record lows recently.
If you have a good candidate like Dustin the party needs to throw it's full support behind him as the BatBlog does. Dustin White should and will win the 1st dist. seat and the residents of his district will be well served with his victory....
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