Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Just Four Years Ago
It was only four short years ago local self appointed political pundit NHBSM was telling the world of the greatest leader the City of Jeffersonville has ever seen in Mike Moore. We were told of the growth, honesty and leadership the city was in for under Moore's leadership. Alas the love affair was short lived after Moore gave NH his walking papers for his short stint on the redevelopment commission. Now Moore according to NH (Not Honest) can do no right and Dennis Julius is the new savior. Only time will tell but just like previous mayors Galligan and Moore one wonders if Julius if elected will also fall victim to NH's vindictiveness if he isn't granted a position in City Government.
This story can best be told in two songs "I Got You Babe" and "Never Gonna Give You Up"...brought back to the BatBlog by popular demand ...lets go back four years ago to CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Jeffersonville City Council at Large...Election 2015

The BatBlog has been highly critical of the current city council but we feel Samuel and Webb are two of the more solid members though who we would like to see them exert more leadership qualities than just voting with the status quo. Ron Ellis will give the council some diversity that it needs...

Name recognition which is so important in local politics could still get Owen elected and newcomer Josh Rodriquez is campaigning hard and could be in the mix. Steve Cooley (R) the final candidate will probably be a non factor. This could be close for the three slots, but the BatBlog feels Webb, Ellis and Samuel are the best choices and will win but Owen on name alone will be in the mix...
Monday, September 28, 2015
Election 2015 ...Easiest Prediction...NO on the School Referendum
The easiest prediction on the upcoming election is that voters will reject handily the GCCS referendum to update area schools. The referendum if approved would raise local taxes approximately $60.00 per household.
The BatBlog says there is NO way this referendum passes. Voters hate tax raises for what ever reason, plus the public has virtually no confidence in this school board or school administration to spend the money wisely. The whole initial plan of closing certain schools and the money spent to market the public for approval has doomed this referendum from the beginning. As well the true perception that tax money is never spent in a smart, efficient manner makes this plan a DEAD deal...
The BatBlog endorses a NO VOTE on the school referendum....
Sunday, September 27, 2015
The BatPoll is Up !!! Election 2015
The 2015 BatPoll for the Jeffersonville City elections is up. The highly accurate (over 90% accuracy rate) always interesting BatPoll is the leading indicator of upcoming elections. Get the word out and tell your friends and neighbors and be sure to vote ...
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Democratic or Republican ???
This base will help the Dennis Julius (D) bid for the Jeffersonville mayor's position, though they are old....older people do vote ...and at percentage wise more than younger voters. This older base will never forgive or forget Moore beating Tom "Boss Hogg" Galligan no matter how good a job Moore may have done.
Not to say a Republican incumbent can't win a second term but years ago (R) Dale Orem did a great job in his first term only to be thrown to the street on his reelection bid by perennial candidate and officeholder (D) Raymond "Buddy" Parker. Parker was a lousy mayor but a big Democrat and a popular vote getter. So history has shown that Republican incumbent mayors can be beaten the second time around.
It's too early to make a prediction and even though Dennis Julius will never be another Buddy Parker it could a difficult reelection bid for mayor Mike Moore....
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Is that Ed Z in the Democrat booth ??/ Where's his Julius shirt ?? |
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Where's The Moore Signs ???

Dennis Julius has gotten a jump on incumbent Jeff mayor Mike Moore as far as political signs. Julius who must have started at the earliest possible moment has a substantial lead on the amount of "for mayor" signs already up. Is Moore overly confident ??? Is Julius that more popular ??? what gives ??? it's kind of surprising really, as usually candidates don't like their opponent to have any kind of advantage ...real or imagined.
If your a Moore supporter I wouldn't be too worried , I'm sure the signs will be coming soon. And to be honest the number of signs aren't a true indicator of success. In the last county elections "Toxic" John Perkins and Jerry "You have no rights" Jacobi had more signs than anyone and by large margins over their opponents ....yet both lost convincingly . As a matter of fact it wouldn't surprise me if "Toxic" John (probably the most reviled politician in Jeffersonville history) didn't pay people to hang one of his signs in their yards as normally Perkins had more signs than votes
Josh Rodriquez has the early lead on City council signs with nice glossy ones with his picture on them ...pretty jazzy for a position that pays about what you make part-time at McDonald' you don't get fries with a City Council position...
Monday, September 21, 2015
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Election 2015...
Once again the Jeffersonville - Clark Co. Blog (The BatBlog) will be the place to be for all the endorsements, analysis, predictions, inside stories and the highly accurate BatPoll for Election 2015, Starting this week we will look at the various races in the Jeffersonville City elections as well as looking at the races in Clarksville....
Will the GOP continue their recent domination here in Clark Co. ??? Will incumbent Jeff mayor Mike Moore win a 2nd term as mayor ??? Do the Libertarian candidates for C-ville town council have any chance ??? Stay tuned to the "Award Winning" BatBlog for all the answers and stories through Election day 2015
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Big Chicken ??? What's He Afraid Of ???
Reportedly Jeffersonville City councilman Matt (Lapdog) Owen told the other Republican candidates for City Council seats not to show up for last evenings debates sponsored by the League of Women voters. Not to waste their time...
Granted these debates for local positions aren't earth shattering events but it is a slap in the face of a respected organization like the League of Women voters who put in their time and effort to put on this event and a disservice to local voters who took time to attend.
One wonders why is "Lapdog" Owen is such a big chicken, or is he merely relaying a message from his master and GOP chairman Jamey Noel ??? Lapdog hasn't shown much leadership or promise in his capacity as city councilman and in the BatBlog's opinion would be a poor choice to replace Noel as party chair as has been rumored.
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GOP chickens |
Watcha scared of Matt ??? and why would the other candidates listen to "Lapdog" ???
If this is true an organized boycott the BatBlog believes voters should follow suit and not "waste their time" either, voting for the Republican candidates who didn't attend the event...Especially Matt "Lapdog" Owen....
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Roundabout...Everybody's Complaining

The design is basically to allow traffic to move safely by lowering speeds and to allow traffic to flow smoothly and avoid the congestion of stop lights. It is mind boggling to those who have never encountered one, but I think in time when everyone becomes accustomed to them people will see the benefit.
Slower traffic is safer with less serious accidents...but only time will tell if this is a good application..And for all you old people... actually roundabouts have been around a long time and are very popular in Europe...So everybody relax, don't forget to yield and drive safely..
Friday, September 11, 2015
Economic and Retail Growth and Development Spurs Moore Reelection Bid
Love him or hate him the recent and continuous economic and retail growth and development here in Jeffersonville is spurring forward incumbent (R) Mike Moore's reelection bid. Whether this growth is from an improving economy and luck, or the work of the Mayor and his Redevelopment Dept. is open to debate, but whatever the circumstances and reasons, things are booming all around the City.
Two recent stories CLICK HERE and HERE
Jobs are plentiful, housing prices are up, more and more east end development is occurring, Veterans Pkwy soon will be fully developed...downtown Jeff is booming and the face lift of the riverfront east of the Riverstage is coming together with new docks , landscaping and fishing pier.
All the Gloomy Gusses like NHBSM and the leftover Galligan cry babies try as the might to spin negativity about Moore's 1st term can't deny there has been progress just about everywhere in the City. The casual observer and voter will most likely be impressed enough with all the new bells and whistles around town to give Moore another term as mayor.
You have bitter want to be's like Not Honest Mike and the Galligan bunch trying to bad mouth Moore , but action and progress go a lot farther than bitterness and resentment. Moore who has defonitely benefited by the timing of the "bridges project" which has spurred unparalleled growth in River Ridge, and the surrounding area is now busting at the seams with growth as well.
Call it whatever... , good timing, luck, hard work, leadership and management, or whatever Mike Moore has earned and deserves another 4 years as mayor...
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Rest in Peace... Mr. Jeffersonville
A man I've known since I was a kid and good friend of my father's Ted Throckmorton Mr.Jjeffersonville passed away yesterday. A true ambassador for the City of Jeff, there aren't many nicer people around than Ted. Ted was as dedicated as anyone past or present when it came to Jeffersonville ,whether it be JHS athletics, local businesses or the Crusade for Children.... Ted had a passion like none other. Hopefully after Ted arrives at the pearly gates in his Red Devil Red he and dad can enjoy a round of golf and afterward their favorite beverage at Heaven's Elk's Club...
Rest in Peace Ted , you will be greatly missed.....
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
The Clark- Floyd Landfill Audit .... The Complete Special Report and Investigatiom
Over 2 years ago the BatBlog posted about the seemingly shady ....under the table payments to Clark Co.Highway Superintendent Jim Ross from landfill funds. These payments authorized by then Co. Commissioners Ed Meyer, Les Young with legal input from then Greg Fifer were to give Ross a raise when no other Co. employees were receiving raises due to the budget crunch.
Possibly legal, possibly illegal... but at the time the BatBlog thought these payments just didn't pass the smell test, and apparently the Indiana State Board of Accounts feels the same way. The special investigation and audit by the SBOA reveals that the commissioners didn't have the authority to give Ross a raise with landfill funds and also question why no bids were taken for work done during the expansion of the land fill several years ago
According to an article in the News/Tribune Ross has claimed the incoming commissioners (after election) Coffman and Stephenson along with appointed at that time "Toxic" John Perkins were aware of the previous agreement and even ok'd a raise in the payments to Ross from landfill funds. Ross though has refused to sign an affidavit provided by the SBOA saying that the incoming commissioners were aware of the arrangement as he has claimed.
Both current commissioners Stephenson and Coffman have denied Ross' account that they were aware of the agreement between the former administration and Ross, and stated they were under the impression Ross was contracted with the landfill.
Perkins has denied knowledge as well, though Clark-Floyd Landfill president Robert Lee has stated Perkins was the one who contacted him concerning increasing Ross' landfill payment $500.00 more a quarter.
The board of accounts is suggesting that Ross, Young and Lee refund $14,000.00 to Clark Co. also that Perkins, Ross and the landfill repay $4000.00 for 2013.
As one can see this has become a monumental cluster F_ _ _ and a classic case of "he said...she said". The BatBlog wonders if this money will ever be repaid as it is up to Co. prosecutors and law enforcement to pursue legal action...We'll wait and see....
The only conclusion the BatBlog has come to is "Good Riddance" to Young, Meyer, and Fifer who created this mess as well as several other controversies during their term in office and Co. attorney.Their attempt to circumvent the duties of the County council and these apparently under the table payments once again is a black eye to Clark Co.and Clark Co. politics ....
To see the full report from the SBOA (State Board of Accounts) CLICK HERE
The BatBlog recommends everyone check out the SBOA report linked above.... lots of interesting information as there appears to be more problems than just the story related ...make up your own minds....
Monday, September 7, 2015
Friday, September 4, 2015
Another BatBlog Exclusive
********************Breaking News ...Exclusive To the BatBlog****************************
The BatBlog has been informed and has received the documentation that Clarksville town council Dist. 2 candidate Russell Brooksbank has filed a State of Indiana , Open Door Law Violation against the Clarksville Redevelopment Director and the Redevelopment Dept. His complaint is detailed below... or to see the full complaint and documentation CLICK HERE also here is a link to the OLD CLARKSVILLE UNITED page...
The Complaint Filed:
On March 19 2015 there was a special meeting of the Town Council, Redevelopment Commission and Plan Commission of the Town of Clarksville. At this meeting, Mr. Lawrence announced the kickoff of the South Clarksville Redevelopment Plan was taking place at this meeting, It was also noted that a steering committee tasked with working with consultants through a 5 stage planning process for the future development of the South Clarksville Redevelopment project was formed. Members of the public were in attendance at this meeting to observe it.
On March 31, 2015 a meeting of the Steering Committee was called to order at 12:01 pm in the executive conference room of the Clarksville Municipal Center Administration Redevelopment Director Nick Lawrence. Members who were present were- Nick Lawrence - Redevelopment Director, Tim Hauber Town Council Member, Sharon Handy- Clarksville Plan Commission Member,Bob McIntosh -property owner, Brad Cummings- Clarksville Street Commissioner, Corey Hoehn- Water Tower Square, Cindy Knopp- Derby Dinner Playhouse, Dr. Jayesh Seths- Clarks Landing Enterprise Investments, Sharon Wilson- Clarksville Planning Director,Cary Stemle- Clarksville Plan Comission Member, Andy Bremmer- Clarksville Community School Corp. Jane Sales- Town Historian, Brian Kaluzny- Clarksville Parks Dept.Superintendent, Wendy Dant Chesser – One Southern Indiana, Town Attorney’s Chris Sturgeon and Rebecca Lockard. Members of the public were at this meeting to observe it.
On May 28, 2015 and July 16, 2015 two more steering committee meetings were held. Both were also open to the public. On August 17, 2015, following a Town Council meeting, Nick Lawrence was asked when the next steering committee meeting was going to be held. He responded that these are “private meetings,” and that he had not called a meeting yet, but planned on calling one before the end of August. (There is an audio recording of this conversation). In trying to find out the date, two calls were made to Nick Lawrence on August 25 with voice mail answering, no message left. An email was sent to him that same day. Nick responded on August 26, giving the date only. He would not provide the location or time, which was requested on August 26. Mr. Lawrence’s response in an email on August 27 was:
“Indeed, these are not public meetings. Several members of the public did attend last meeting, and that was unexpected. I made a decision at that time that I was not going to ask anyone to leave in that particular meeting since it appeared we had the space to accommodate, and said as much in my opening remarks. Private meeting space is being donated to us for these meetings. Lunch is being donated going forward as well.
Thank you for your interest in the creation of this planning document!”
After getting the time and location from a steering committee member, I found the meeting and proceeded to walk in and sit in the corner without saying a word. Nick Lawrence called me into the hallway and proceeded to ask me to leave. (There is audio of this encounter as well) He did not force me to leave but kept trying to state that this was a private meeting and not a public one, to which I voiced my opinion that he was wrong. It is my opinion, that, since this committee was formed by our governing body and is manned by more than 3 people who are either elected or appointed officials of our town government, any meeting that is conducted by this committee is, in fact, a public meeting regardless of venue, and is thus subject to Indiana's Open Door laws. Mr. Lawrence is in violation of these laws by refusing to post the date, time and location of these meetings and by asking citizens to leave. I request that this be reviewed on a priotity status because at the last meeting it was mentioned that the next meeting would be scheduled for sometime at the beginning of October. The next meeting will have taken place before the usual 30 day period had lapsed.
Attached Exhibits:
Exhibit A- Minutes from 3-19-2015 kickoff meeting
Exhibit B- Minutes from 3-31-2015 steering committee meeting
Exhibit C- Minutes from 5-28-2015 steering committee meeting
Exhibit D- Excerpts from steering committee presentation on 7-16-2015
Exhibit E- Email messages to and from Nick Lawrence
Exhibit F- Transcript of conversation with Nick Lawrence at August 27, 2015 steering committee
Exhibit G- Links
The BatBlog has been informed and has received the documentation that Clarksville town council Dist. 2 candidate Russell Brooksbank has filed a State of Indiana , Open Door Law Violation against the Clarksville Redevelopment Director and the Redevelopment Dept. His complaint is detailed below... or to see the full complaint and documentation CLICK HERE also here is a link to the OLD CLARKSVILLE UNITED page...
The Complaint Filed:
On March 19 2015 there was a special meeting of the Town Council, Redevelopment Commission and Plan Commission of the Town of Clarksville. At this meeting, Mr. Lawrence announced the kickoff of the South Clarksville Redevelopment Plan was taking place at this meeting, It was also noted that a steering committee tasked with working with consultants through a 5 stage planning process for the future development of the South Clarksville Redevelopment project was formed. Members of the public were in attendance at this meeting to observe it.
On March 31, 2015 a meeting of the Steering Committee was called to order at 12:01 pm in the executive conference room of the Clarksville Municipal Center Administration Redevelopment Director Nick Lawrence. Members who were present were- Nick Lawrence - Redevelopment Director, Tim Hauber Town Council Member, Sharon Handy- Clarksville Plan Commission Member,Bob McIntosh -property owner, Brad Cummings- Clarksville Street Commissioner, Corey Hoehn- Water Tower Square, Cindy Knopp- Derby Dinner Playhouse, Dr. Jayesh Seths- Clarks Landing Enterprise Investments, Sharon Wilson- Clarksville Planning Director,Cary Stemle- Clarksville Plan Comission Member, Andy Bremmer- Clarksville Community School Corp. Jane Sales- Town Historian, Brian Kaluzny- Clarksville Parks Dept.Superintendent, Wendy Dant Chesser – One Southern Indiana, Town Attorney’s Chris Sturgeon and Rebecca Lockard. Members of the public were at this meeting to observe it.
On May 28, 2015 and July 16, 2015 two more steering committee meetings were held. Both were also open to the public. On August 17, 2015, following a Town Council meeting, Nick Lawrence was asked when the next steering committee meeting was going to be held. He responded that these are “private meetings,” and that he had not called a meeting yet, but planned on calling one before the end of August. (There is an audio recording of this conversation). In trying to find out the date, two calls were made to Nick Lawrence on August 25 with voice mail answering, no message left. An email was sent to him that same day. Nick responded on August 26, giving the date only. He would not provide the location or time, which was requested on August 26. Mr. Lawrence’s response in an email on August 27 was:
“Indeed, these are not public meetings. Several members of the public did attend last meeting, and that was unexpected. I made a decision at that time that I was not going to ask anyone to leave in that particular meeting since it appeared we had the space to accommodate, and said as much in my opening remarks. Private meeting space is being donated to us for these meetings. Lunch is being donated going forward as well.
Thank you for your interest in the creation of this planning document!”
After getting the time and location from a steering committee member, I found the meeting and proceeded to walk in and sit in the corner without saying a word. Nick Lawrence called me into the hallway and proceeded to ask me to leave. (There is audio of this encounter as well) He did not force me to leave but kept trying to state that this was a private meeting and not a public one, to which I voiced my opinion that he was wrong. It is my opinion, that, since this committee was formed by our governing body and is manned by more than 3 people who are either elected or appointed officials of our town government, any meeting that is conducted by this committee is, in fact, a public meeting regardless of venue, and is thus subject to Indiana's Open Door laws. Mr. Lawrence is in violation of these laws by refusing to post the date, time and location of these meetings and by asking citizens to leave. I request that this be reviewed on a priotity status because at the last meeting it was mentioned that the next meeting would be scheduled for sometime at the beginning of October. The next meeting will have taken place before the usual 30 day period had lapsed.
Attached Exhibits:
Exhibit A- Minutes from 3-19-2015 kickoff meeting
Exhibit B- Minutes from 3-31-2015 steering committee meeting
Exhibit C- Minutes from 5-28-2015 steering committee meeting
Exhibit D- Excerpts from steering committee presentation on 7-16-2015
Exhibit E- Email messages to and from Nick Lawrence
Exhibit F- Transcript of conversation with Nick Lawrence at August 27, 2015 steering committee
Exhibit G- Links
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
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