The BatBlog thinks Clark Co. sheriff Jamey Noel may have hit on a good idea with his recent food and T-shirt booth set up at this years Thunder over Louisville. Why not have all city and county government offices participate as well, and at other local fairs and festivals ??? Setting up various types of carnival food, t-shirt and novelty booths could prove to be a windfall, with the profits being used to help alleviate taxes and pay for government services.

We could even take this idea one step farther... how about a Clark Co. Carnival ??? Either on the court house lawn or at the Big Four landing...Pony rides, clown shows maybe some rides. A win win situation for everyone involved...create revenue for tax coffers and create campaign opportunities for local politicians...
We may as well make some money off the freak show.
ReplyDeleteOur elected officials, that is, not the poor exploited souls in our county jail.
this is for Jamey's wife, since we know she checks up on this.
ReplyDeleteThis is called satire. It means that your husband didn't actually think up a good idea. Let's not get silly here.
Lol Anon. Actually if it would reduce my taxes I'm all for it...(playing circus music)...
ReplyDeleteLooks like Noel has an order of his famous tater tots.
ReplyDeleteClark County is such a laughing stock --- a carnival is a great idea! Here come the clowns!! Oh, wait.... they're already here!! ha
ReplyDeleteSo the jail needs a body scanner and doesn't have the money --- and some on the city council are helping with their "bake sales" etc. Here's an idea ---- if the people on the City Council who have FULL-TIME jobs would obtain their family's insurance needs through their FULL-TIME employment rather than taking from the City, then there would be LOTS of money to buy a body scanner and plenty of other things. Come on Council --- let's do the RIGHT THING!! Stop being greedy and self-serving. Get your insurance through your FULL-TIME employment like the rest of us. Give the $600,000 back to the City.
ReplyDeleteThat's not going to happen Anon. for the most part politicians are self serving. There are a handful that are not but in a small minority. The best thing we can do is educate the public and attempt to make changes at election time. Eliminate the me first, look at me types who instead of just quietly do their jobs play up to the media and themselves....
ReplyDeleteI agree HT -- they have no conscience. They know what they are doing is wrong, but they just don't care and ignore those who question them. Let's hope they at least think about it every time they go to the doctor, the dentist or the optometrist!! ha
ReplyDeleteI hope the tater tots were better quality than what is served at the jail. 5 dollars for a few tots what a ripoff.
ReplyDeleteThose of you criticizing Noel for raising money for a body scanner are the same ones who would be trashing him for buying one. 2 years ago you were trashing Rodden for the condition of his fleet and now you are trashing Noel for putting every officer in a new or nearly new car. You post of the need for change in the jail and then poke fun at him the whole time he does it.
ReplyDeleteYou make no mention of the fact that Noel has made positive changes all the while complaining. Nothing will be good enough for what the same 20 of you on here and the chatter complain about. Maybe they are on TV a little much, maybe the show brought some negative attention to the county but for the most part it has been positive.
I see change... And that's what you asked for. And I expect to be bashed for this post.
You won't be bashed on my part Anon. Noel has started some positive programs and has done a good job in cleaning up the jail of the drug problem. The propensity to blow his own horn to the media is disturbing and the reality program is a joke but I guess that's just the way he rolls.
ReplyDeletePeople I've talked to seem to want a full time sheriff who just quietly does his job. There is also the trust and honesty issue with him having said he was giving up the party chair if elected. Ultimately though he can run the dept. as he sees fit and the voters will decide in the next election whether or not they like it.
The BatBlog pokes fun at a lot of politicians, don't take it so personally it's all in fun and how we see it.
Believe me in the next election the voters and his opponent will bring up the promise to resign issue and remember Noel won with a very small percentage of the overall vote when he was elected...He's rolling the dice with his political future, it is his call ,but don't be surprised when voters decide otherwise....
I'm pretty sure he has no plans to run again. I have no doubt that Noel sees Clark County as a jumping off point for what he considers to be a bigger and better political career. Let's be honest. This guy isn't a sheriff, or a public servant. He's a politician.
ReplyDelete"bigger and better political career"???? doing what?? I think he has already reached his top level and don't see him going any farther (at least I hope not!) That's the problem with elected people who say they want to "serve" --- they think it's a long-term career. Being a public servant should NOT be a career but a short-term period where people actually serve -- not get greedy and take.
ReplyDeleteNoel has kissed up to Pence on several occasions. I could see him getting some type of appointment from him.He is not popular enough to win any major position on his own, he barely won the sheriff's race where a 3 man field split the vote.
ReplyDeleteDo you people just set around and make crap up? Noel was a successful trooper, he owns a successful business in new chapel. He raised. Utica Fire from near bankruptcy and you honestly believe he sees politics as his career? He has has brought change to the Office as I said in my earlier post.
ReplyDeleteThis is debate about whether or not he would win again is laughable, unless you have a secret time machine.
Pence is on shaky ground...Hopefully he's history sooner than later.
ReplyDeleteIt appears the only one making things up is Noel...about resigning as GOP party chair. Whether or not he remains in politics doesn't matter to me. While he has done some good things I can't see any way he could ever get my vote, but that's just my opinion...
ReplyDeleteIt appears the only one making things up is Noel...about resigning as GOP party chair. Whether or not he remains in politics doesn't matter to me. While he has done some good things I can't see any way he could ever get my vote, but that's just my opinion...
ReplyDeleteHow many people who work in the sheriff's department are related to Noel??
ReplyDeleteHow many deputies are related to Noel??
How many people in any position within Clark County are related to Noel??