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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Congratulations Libertarians !!!

To be fair to my Libertarian friends after hammering them Tuesday on Soc. Security, The BatBlog gives them a shout out today for putting a candidate in every position for the Nov. general election here in Clark Co.While I remain dubious of some of the  Libertarian's  platform (see Tuesday's post) they do have a message and it's beneficial for voter's to have more choices at the ballot box.

 The Libertarian candidate for president  Gary Johnson   because of the unpopularity of the candidates of both major parties will get some serious consideration from dissatisfied voters this fall. This could bring the party itself welcomed publicity and news coverage...It's hard to imagine as of yet the Libertarian party being a viable force in the upcoming election but you have to admire their determination to be part of a grass roots message that may grow into something in the future...

Congratulations and Good Luck  to local Libertarian chairperson Kelley Curran and all  Libertarian candidates on this fall's ballot...

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

A Tip for the Libertarians...SS is not a Ponzi Scheme...

HT and The Batblog would like to poke a little fun at my Libertarian friends especially Debbie. HT is mostly fully retired now and would like to report that Social Security is NOT the "Ponzi scheme" they claim it to be...Every month now deposited into my account is nearly $1900.00 of government issued "Ponzi" money to spend at my discretion and any way I see fit...

So for all the Chicken Little "the sky is falling" rhetoric from the Libertarians The BatBlog says relax... SS is real, spendable money that makes life easier...

I'm not going to be too hard on the Libertarians though as I admire their grass roots movement to help change government and government spending. I think we all feel the need for lesser government and government intrusion in our every day  lives...Waste is common and out of hand, but several programs the U.S. does  get right are S.S. ,Medicare, Medicaid ...they are not perfect.... but they allow for everyone to at least lead some semblance of a quality of life whether  for the aged, disabled or a child who has lost a parent...

 If the Libertarians are ever to be a liable factor in the national political scene, they need to ease their stance on government programs that do work as intended...In other words "Don't mess with my Ponzi money".....

Monday, June 27, 2016

Gun Control

Another mass shooting has brought to the forefront the continuing emotional debate on gun control. I have very ambivalent feeling and must admit going back and forth on the debate, Owning various types of weapons (handguns, rifles, shotguns) I support the 2nd amendment right to own a gun. Though at one time I enjoyed target shooting and hunting, not so much anymore...especially hunting where I guess I have become a softie in my old age of taking any kind of life..

 While myself I have never had the desire to own an AR-15 type of rifle there are law abiding citizens that do enjoy the sport of shooting them and should be entitled to that right.  On the same behalf I really question the gun lobby and their minions uncompromising stance on background checks and waiting periods. How is it even sane to allow a potential terrorist on the no flight list  legal access to purchase these  same semi- automatic  killing machines.

The gun lobby led by gun manufacturers and the NRA have implanted paranoia so deep into a lot of gun owners and the GOP that common sense has been replaced with an irrational fear that even the slightest restriction on purchasing a gun will lead to  government confiscation of all weapons ...a delusional fear that is untrue on any level....

 Killing and violence will continue, someone determined to kill multiple individuals will use explosives, knives are whatever is the easiest to obtain...but why make it easy for them to obtain the AR-15 or similar weapons especially those known to be terror risks. A small delay and the inconvenience of a thorough back ground check seems like common sense, but then again no body ever accused the NRA of common sense....

Friday, June 24, 2016


 Congratulations are in order to the Clark Co.Regional Airport supporters on reaching their goal of achieving the local funding needed for the runway expansion project. With virtually no interest or  support from the taxpayers and voters... a group of local politicians was still able to hammer out a deal with a few of local municipalities, Clark Co. and the Paul Ogle foundation for the necessary funds ($750,000) to  receive the federal grant money.

 Make no mistake about it this was foremost political deal where once again Jane and Joe Taxpayer had no say so over how their hard earned tax dollars were spent. You can look at the cast and characters and early on and see how this would play out. Ron  "Wishy Washy" Grooms, Ed  "Moe " Zastawny, Tom  " Canal Digger" Galligan  that some have said  are "partners in crime" of  frittering away tax dollars for quite a while now were  clearly main characters.

"Moe" Zastawny and "Wishy washy" Grooms were literally puppets for Galligan during his Jeff mayoral stint and followed that puppet lead in their part of creating and funding the airport district. It was predictable..

 We as taxpayers have unfortunately become used to not having our voices heard and money wasted. This isn't the first or last time special interests and political cronyism have trumped public opinion...and in the grand scheme of things this will soon be forgotten about.... that is until the airport needs more money and the taxpayers will be forced to pony up again...

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Compromise and Cooperation

Working together, compromising on issues is a big plus in all phases and levels of government. Cooperation and compromise hasn't been the norm lately but Jeffersonville leaders showed how it can be done in working out two recent issues.

 While The BatBlog isn't a big proponent of the Clark Co. airport expansion it was good to see the Jeff donation reduced by negotiations to $ 250,000 and not detract from the Holman Ln. project. Taxpayers will still be footing the bill for the majority  of funding but there was still a little give and take. The money will come from another fund (EDIT) but at least opposite sides worked out an agreement....

Kudos though go to Lisa Gill who stuck to her guns and was the sole Nay vote on new proposal funding the airport project. Lisa can be proud and hold her head high knowing she was the only councilperson with the character to be honest and vote what her constituents wanted. Much like the GCCS referendum if put to a vote of all county residents the expansion project would have gone down in flames as well...

Finally... another compromise was worked out between Jeffersonville and GCCS superintendent Melin over the 10th St. bus depot project. In exchange for millions of TIF funds Melin has agreed to build his new bus depot elsewhere...

The BatBlog is not real pleased with the results of either of these negotiations but at least lawsuits were avoided and compromise and cooperation were attempted which in the past hasn't always been the case...

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Grumpy Old Man ??? Galligan Slams Mayor Moore

 It didn't take long for the Veto of funding the Clark regional airport by  Jeffersonville mayor Mike Moore to draw the ire of airport president and former Jeff mayor Tom "Grumpy" Galligan. In an article by the News/Tribune CLICK HERE Grumpy complained  " (Moore) doesn't  understand economic development. He's just reaping the benefits of everything that was sowed before and he doesn't know how to plant new seeds so I don't expect anything less from him." In the article Grumpy also called Moore "short sighted."

 After Moore defeated Galligan in 2011  TG must have moved into a cave or under a rock to not notice the economic development in Moore's 1st term and continuing into his current term. In the BatBlog's many years residing and observing the local scene never has growth and development been so prominent and promising as the last 5 years.
Sowing new seeds of Econ. development along Hwy. 62

 It appears that TG doesn't appreciate the job Moore and his Econ. developer Rob Waiz has done recently and can't get over his bitterness of losing to Moore in 2011. The BatBlog suggest that Mr. Galligan instead of crying to the press about the mayor's veto get out and attempt to solicit funds from other "Regional" towns and cities  for the airport expansion. Get out, look around and enjoy all the recent economic development TG, and for someone who "doesn't understand economic development" Mike Moore and Waiz are doing one hell of  a bang up job...

Enjoy it TG and smile or you might get the reputation as a Grumpy Old Man....

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Mayor's Veto...

As expected Mayor Mike Moore of Jeffersonviille announced today that he would veto the $400,000 that the Jeff city council voted last week to give to the Clark Co. Regional Airport for their runway expansion project.

  The BatBlog applauds Mayor Moore for thinking of the people of Jeffersonville first. While an expanded runway may be needed and beneficial later on in time, the Jeff traffic infrastructure particularly Holman Ln. needs attention NOW. Plus the fact that the airport is rarely used and only by a particular few of Jeff residents makes Mayor Moore's decision an easy and smart one.

 Hopefully the 5 councilmen who voted FOR the airport project will have a change of heart and do the right thing for the citizens they represent. Two of the councilmen Ed "Moe" Zastawny and Nathan Samuel  are pretty much lost causes for reversing their votes. They are pretty much in Airboard president Tom "Bulldozer" Galligan's hip pocket, having voted along side him in every wasteful project (Canal, road to nowhere, etc.) while Galligan was mayor...with Moe and Samuel it's all about politics not common sense.

 At last week's meeting Councilwoman Lisa Gill (who voted against) pretty much proved that the Airboard's finances are hard to get of hold of ...and that Moe Zastawny and Ron "Wishy Washy" Grooms pretty much pulled the Jeffersonville amount ($400.000) out of their asses with no basis for the inordinate amount Jeff was asked to donate...

The BatBlog has asked time and time again if this is truly a "Regional" airport and the benefits so great...Why aren't other regional municipalities being asked or donating to this project ???

The answer is an easy one, other municipalities would laugh them out of the building if asked for the benefits would be minimal at the best ...

Monday, June 13, 2016

Will It Ever End ???

Once again we woke up yesterday to news of another tragic mass shooting, this time in Orlando Fl. where 49 people sadly lost their lives and scores more injured. What makes this event even more scary to us locally, is the arrest of a local man heavily armed in California who allegedly was going to target a Gay Pride celebration. Yes things like this can happen anywhere, even here and everyone needs to be aware and vigilant.

 There is no answer and honestly no way of preventing these terrible events, sadly it is just a time we live in. As a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment The BatBlog still feels that measures need to be looked at to limit the ease of obtaining these assault type, semi automatic and automatic weapons.
While an outright ban would be extreme let's make a strenuous screening process mandatory and intensify back ground checks and waiting periods on these weapons that are killing machines.

 Any and all attempts will never end violence though, especially in this day and age where killing , war, violence , prejudice and hate are so prevalent....Sadly It will never end...

Monday, June 6, 2016

Mayor Mike Moore on the Airport Vote...

Jeffersonville Mayor Mike Moore was disappointed in last night's vote by the City Council. Voting 5-3 to give $400,000 towards the Clark Co. regional airport expansion. Voting FOR were Ed "Moe" Z, Samuels, Rodriquez, Owen and Hawkins. Voting AGAINST were Maples , Gill, and White. Mayor Moore said earlier he would veto the request if it passed here is Mayor Moore's words on last nights vote....

"Our city council has let us down. Sorry to the 19,000 travelers per day that utilize Holmans Lane who were ignored at tonight's vote. Obviously 5 council members don't place much value when giving their word. I guess airplanes are cooler then public safety." 

Mike Moore 

Bickering Office Holders....Sellersburg

The BatBlog in the past has highlighted conflicts among government bodies especially in Jeffersonville. Well bickering isn't exclusive to Jeff. Sellersburg residents are seeing their tax dollars wasted on what the BatBlog sees as a frivolous lawsuit by Sellersburg city clerk- treasurer Michelle Miller against the S' burg town council.

The council has already allocated $25,000 for Miller's potential legal fees that by statute the town of Sellerburg is responsible for. Miller hired Larry Wilder to file suit over a deputy position in the treasurer's office that was eliminated by the council and Miller now wants the eliminated position refilled.

The BatBlog has no idea if  Miller's request for the defunded position is valid and the position really needs to be filled. None the less The BatBlog feels it is every elected official's duty to work in cooperation with other sectors of government. Miller didn't even go before the council with a request before contacting an attorney and has brought up accusations against the council of wasted money on other projects...It isn't Millers job to tell the council how, are what to fund, or what not to. That is the council's elective duty and responsibility.

 These situations while not unusual are lose, lose for the taxpayers, not only does money get thrown away (attorney fees) that could be used for needed funding, it also going forward  creates a divisive relationship between the two bickering parties.

 The BatBlog feels Miller and all elected officials should quietly do THEIR jobs. They should work together with other office holders in the best interest of the taxpayer's hard earned dollars and not let petty differences be squandered away on situations like this,  where the only winners are the attorneys,

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Dancin With The Stars....Team Competition

Taking a break from the couples competition both the local Democratic and Republicans  have entered the Team Competition of Dancin with the Stars (Clark Co. edition).First up the Democrats with their version of the Chicken Dance...