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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Mayor's Veto...

As expected Mayor Mike Moore of Jeffersonviille announced today that he would veto the $400,000 that the Jeff city council voted last week to give to the Clark Co. Regional Airport for their runway expansion project.

  The BatBlog applauds Mayor Moore for thinking of the people of Jeffersonville first. While an expanded runway may be needed and beneficial later on in time, the Jeff traffic infrastructure particularly Holman Ln. needs attention NOW. Plus the fact that the airport is rarely used and only by a particular few of Jeff residents makes Mayor Moore's decision an easy and smart one.

 Hopefully the 5 councilmen who voted FOR the airport project will have a change of heart and do the right thing for the citizens they represent. Two of the councilmen Ed "Moe" Zastawny and Nathan Samuel  are pretty much lost causes for reversing their votes. They are pretty much in Airboard president Tom "Bulldozer" Galligan's hip pocket, having voted along side him in every wasteful project (Canal, road to nowhere, etc.) while Galligan was mayor...with Moe and Samuel it's all about politics not common sense.

 At last week's meeting Councilwoman Lisa Gill (who voted against) pretty much proved that the Airboard's finances are hard to get of hold of ...and that Moe Zastawny and Ron "Wishy Washy" Grooms pretty much pulled the Jeffersonville amount ($400.000) out of their asses with no basis for the inordinate amount Jeff was asked to donate...

The BatBlog has asked time and time again if this is truly a "Regional" airport and the benefits so great...Why aren't other regional municipalities being asked or donating to this project ???

The answer is an easy one, other municipalities would laugh them out of the building if asked for the benefits would be minimal at the best ...


  1. Ed "Moe" Zastawny doesn't care about the people --- only himself. And, he is a Democrat in disguise! Pitiful -- he needs to go.

  2. Very professional Mr Bat.

    The veto was a bad move.

  3. Thanks for doing the right thing, Mike.

    - kelley

  4. Farm Fence Post Hole Digger
    The ability of Jeffersonville Mayor Mike Moore
    to frame this as a decision about how best to spend scare resources
    for transportation and logistics to support economic growth,
    prosperity, job and tax creation,
    and quality of life for Jeffersonville's citizens
    The Holman Lane project
    and other road improvements
    are much more important in the short run
    for the quality of life and economic development
    than the airport expansion.
    The airport will have to be expanded, but the time frame
    is subject to other more pressing needs.
    The Element
    of the city council that is playing politics
    should learn and listen.
    The mayor is correct.
    The city council should listen.

    1. Good post FPHD, yes politics are being played...every councilperson knows that Jeff has more pressing needs than a second rate airport rarely used by Jeff residents.

      Congratulations to Gill, Maples and White who along with the mayor have their priorities in the right place and are voting in the best interest of their constituents not for special interests like Moe and Samuels...

  5. It's estimated to cost 8-10 million to complete Holmans ln.
    Farm Post Hole digger used to be a big supporter infrastructure. Rail, water, natural gas, electric, airport? What happened?

  6. I believe Mr. FPHD is currently a member of the current administration.

    That's what happened.

  7. A terrible veto! Giving up 10 million out of a childish dislike for the airport. Grow up mr. mayor!

  8. A great veto Jeff money stays in Jeff what is wrong with that?

    1. Jeff will end up with less money and opportunity as a result.

  9. Jeffersonville businesses use CCRA more than any city in our region. It should be called Jeffersonville Regional Airport.

    1. Then those businesses should be the ones who ante up -- not the taxpayers.

    2. No problem with that. But why not call it Southern Indiana Regional Airport

  10. Farm Post Hole Post Hole Digger
    Infrastructure rocks!
    Jeffersonville rocks!
    The Bat Blog rocks!
    The political process is fun!
    Enjoy, broski.

  11. Farm Post Hole Digger thinks you might like:
    Transportation and Logistics and Investment Analysis
    We all know that it is true that there is a current discussion of the idea
    of a new airport location based upon analysis
    that the airport could be moved
    to near Henryville or above Charlestown.
    Access via I-65 or Hwy 62.
    The land around the new airport location
    can be better configured to be much better utilized
    for significant future economic investment.
    The current location is "locked in".

    The current location can then be developed
    with a master plan for that site!
    It would make a great industrial park for Clark County.

    BOTH sites
    will then generate
    a return on capital investment (ROI),
    jobs, prosperity, and lots-o-taxes!

    Some smart business people are talking.
    What are the best two sites for the new airport location?
    Lots of attendant vacant land will be needed
    to utilize a long-term investment
    and sound growth process
    for the new location.
    The current location
    has sufficient utilities
    and road access in place to develop it very adequately.

    The new location would additionally provide
    an area for very long term economic growth
    along with the air transport function.

  12. Southern Indiana Economic Planning
    Bat Blog Economics

    The idea discussed by Farm Fence Post Hole Digger
    for moving the airport to a better location that can see
    a lot of growth and economic development adjacent
    to the new expanded location
    and the subsequent development
    of the current location for an industrial park is very sound.
    It is a good concept and should be considered.

    1. The airport IS located very close to an industrial park. Three to be exact. One is River Ridge.

  13. So, where is the money coming from to purchase the new airport property? Will the state, feds expect their money back from expenditures at the current airport?

  14. The purchase of property to build a new airport is a "smoke job" by one of the mayors henchmen. No truth to it, and this idiot is trying to detract from spending money at our existing airport.

  15. Farm Fence Post Hole Digger
    Bat Blog Economics Fun !
    The idea for the new airport location is interesting.
    The current location is not the best. Any "idiot" can see that.

    "Name calling" over a discussion
    of the analysis of a the potential
    of a new location shows weakness.

    Instead, it seems a
    lack of mental acumen
    and a challenged mentality
    is displayed by the inability
    to comprehend the merits of the possibility
    of a new location.

    The "concept analysis" in reference to
    a possible new airport location shouldn't frightened you so much.
    It is just a discussion of an idea.

    The building and support
    of infrastructure is essential to Clark County's future.
    There is an honest debate about the need for more airport
    spending at this time AND the potential of a new location
    in the future.

    There is a question
    of the priority of the spending
    of scarce tax dollars and if the road improvements
    should come first, say over the next five years.

    Why so tense, dude?

    1. Wow. You use a lot of big words.

  16. Farm Fence Post Hole Digger
    Bat Blog Recall of Unwise Political Moves Fun
    Parallax View Division

    Some politicians
    strangely supported
    the disastrous move to abolish
    the city court which has created a nightmare
    for the Clark Ciecuit Court.

    Some politicians
    also supported the
    excessive $ millions $ of spending for
    the boondoggle soccer gig and unneeded indoor soccer arena.
    $147,000 an acre was proposed for an 11 acre parking lot.

    Some politicians supported the unwise $1,000,000
    in excessive spending for the "Plant Scam" on 10th Street
    and the perpetual additional $100,000 a year additional maintenance cost.

    "Smoke Job", "henchpersons", "idiot".

  17. The idea about the possible sale of the airport and the move to the new site is very intelligent.

    1. Explain. Why it is intelligent please.

  18. He or she cannot. The subject is to detract from the real conversation.

  19. Farm Digger
    Reading is fundamental!
    Re-read the above posts and try to comprehend.
    It is just a way cool Bat Blog discussion of possible "scenarios".

    [si-nair-ee-oh, -nahr-]
    ..."a projected sequence of events,
    especially any of several plans or possibilities"...

    Enjoy, broski!

  20. I read it and I liked the discussion of possibilities.
    Why are some so angry about ideas?

  21. The Farm Post Hole Digger
    does suggest that we think and examine different ideas.
    That is good.There is no need to get mad about it.
