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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

More on RDA and a Question For Kevin Vissing

While it appears that the RCI (Regional Cities Initiative) is dead from lack of interest and serious questions about it's operation, another question has arisen. Clark Co. councilman Kevin Vissing has stated to the Jeffersonville - Clark Co. Blog .
"We may be coming up with a plan, that may satisfy both sides of this. It depends on how the state views it."

Fellow county councilperson Kelly Khuri has raised a question that is also intriguing to the BatBlog. Ms.Khuri asked :

"And Kevin just who is this "we"? Please do fill me in.

"Another "plan" ??
Well tell the citizens representative....ME all about this or is it another...hmmm how should I say ...oh I know , what Wendy Chesser calls "a secret," in the dark of night plan"

Ms. Khuri added :

"No more vagueness Kevin. It's time to REPRESENT the citizens NOT keep them in the dark.

To see Ms. Khuri's complete comments and KV's : ..CLICK HERE

It is not the BatBlog's intention to take sides but it appears Ms. Khuri has a legitimate question for Mr. Vissing. Why hasn't Ms. Khuri been involved in this "plan." The BatBlog is a big proponent of transparency and openness in government and hopes Mr. Vissing will be willing to share his/their plan with all of us.


  1. The only "plan" that I support is for the Council to vote to remove us from the RDA.

  2. Hopefully its a plan to get other counties on board. Would love to see that level of investment in our area.

    Obstructionists use ridiculous theories and ideas to try and scare people to their side. Poor babies fear change.

  3. Astounding that council members are trying to make an end run around Khuri, the only member who did her own research and asked the important questions of the council attorney in an effort to protect the interests of Clark County.

    If this plan really protects the citizens, Khuri will be all for it. It would be wise to get her support.

  4. I hope this is not true that other council members are circumventing Ms. Khuri. While we may not agree with her politically, she was elected by the people and for the people. She also has shown she is a hard working, well informed councilperson who has shown to be a determined advocate for what is best for us voters and taxpayers of Clark Co.

  5. When KV says "the state" I assume he means the quasi-government agency - the IEDC.

    Funny how my big "obstructionist theory" was backed up by the Clark Co Council's attorney, who consulted with other local government attorneys to come to his conclusion.

    The RDA board absolutely has the power of eminent domain. You cannot supersede state statute with a local ordinance. Which he also specified that the by-laws you passed are also in the same boat, since the RDA board writes their own by-laws.

    Also odd that 3 of the 5 counties said "no way". Wonder how many of the pro-RDA council members came to those meetings to listen to THOSE council member's questions? Oh wait, I know. ZERO!

    This whole RDA is supposed to be about the utopian ideal of regional cooperation, but few of the council members traveled to other counties to discuss cooperation with them. I suppose that's how it'll be going forward. Complete trust in an UNELECTED board of bureaucrats.


  6. Goliath has posted KV's plan unfortunately due to old age or too much Jaegermeister he posted it to the More on the RCI thread of about a week ago...To view go there and I'll fix it later can'
    Goliath has left a new comment on your post "More on the RCI ....We Still Have Another Chance T...":

    KV referring to planned hatched with Goliath over keg of Jagermeister.

    Clark, Floyd and Scott to delegate all executive and legislative and Judicial
    authority to Goliath. Goliath to be "King of Southern Indiana" The KSI plan.

    Goliath to rule with Iron fist. Goliath designated proxy owner of ALL personal
    and Private Property.

    Goliath promise '5 year plan' to return the Kingdom of Southern INdiana to

    First 100 days:

    1. All 1SI member thrown in dungeon or Clark County Jail (Sheriff Noel's minions will
    subject them to cavity searches @ 72 hour intervals)

    2. Bridges completed. IMagine what can be done when OSHA regs disregarded.

    3. Declaration of War on Louisville. First capture the "Belle of Louisville"
    outfit it with cannon and spray the 'Great Lawn' with artillery fire until Mayor
    Greg Fischer pays tribute of 50 Million. (He's got it).

    4. All Floyd County government structure permanently obliterated. Floyd annexed
    to Clark County and taxes on Floyd county peasantry DOUBLED.

    5. SPORTSDROME converted to Colisseum like Stadium and declaration of TO THE DEATH
    GLADIATOR bouts.

    You are welcome. Sincerely Goliath

    HT....You owe GOliath for Goliath allowing you this MASSIVE SCOOP.

  7. I understand that the city council has a "growing problem"
    with the latest on the plant mess and brand new revelations as well.
    Let us see what type of "cover stories" are dreamed up by the council.

    Rumors say that the hard working, dedicated, and Award Winning Bat Blog
    may be in possession of new information!

  8. H-T, I have to say
    that when The Goliath
    applies his-own-self to solving guv-mint problems and such-like,
    he is remarkable!

    That is quite a "Five Point Plan".

    The government critters that b ruling the county council and other
    gov-mint entities will be in a lot of stress!

    Poor K-V.....

  9. That isn't too shabby of a plan. Points 1 and 3 certainly deserve consideration.

  10. Where's Kevin when you need him?


  12. Goliath has certainly taught
    the "weak wannabe" Jeffersonville City Council Critters
    a thing or two about seizing power!


    Their weak power grabs pale to the 3,000 years of experience by the Mighty G !

  13. 3red District VoterAugust 27, 2015 at 5:53 AM

    The Mighty Goliath's implementation of:
    “Clark, Floyd and Scott to delegate all Executive and Legislative and Judicial
    authority to Goliath really rocks!

    K-V (a.k.a. KV in 07=08-11-12-15)
    and certain members of the Clark County Council
    tying to trump the Jeffersonville City Council's weak power plays
    is setting a new standard.

    The Mighty G knows how to seize power!

  14. Funny Vissing isn't responding what happened to transparency in government?

    1. Maybe he doesn't check this blog everyday. He has a full-time job in addition to his duties on the council.

  15. Hopefully KV will respond I know he's a regular reader...He may be on vacation, busy at work or something else. I think Kelly has asked some interesting questions and I would also like to hear about any compromise discussions KV mentioned...

    And two thumbs up to Goliath's plan which might be the best option of all... and KUDOS to HT"s adopted hometown of Pekin who turned down the RCI as well after secret consultation and recommendation by HT and the BatBlog staff...

  16. HT, how many different responses are from your IP address?

  17. All the ones that have my name on them....duh...

  18. The Bat Blog references the "Eleventh Commandment"

    Yes, the city council's extensive controversies are ignored
    by the "Carping Politician Councilperson"
    while he attacks a "fellow" Republican,
    who is the mayor of Jeffersonville,
    and is working very diligently for the citizens.
    The mayor has a lot of great things going on.

    That’s why Ronald Reagan invented the “Eleventh Commandment":

    "He spelled it out for reporters. When they came to him with sharp criticisms from other Republicans, Reagan would genially wave them off with this explanatory note:
    “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”
    That’s what he always said.

  19. Too bad the Republicans have a pension for cannabalism.
