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Thursday, November 10, 2011

HT's Post Election Analysis

For the next several nights HT will analyze the recent local elections. Unfortunately HT wasn't available for his award winning  Election Eve Special, but will provide hard hitting analysis and go over all the races  and answer questions about the recent trends in Clark Co. politics

Jeffersonville Mayors Race
Tom Galligan seemed to have the perfect situation, incumbent, huge amount of money to spend on campaign, no state or national races, which usually brings a larger turnout, and  traditionally a position won by Democrat's, and an opponent that switched parties Dem. to Rep. at the last minute..

So what happened ???  What went wrong ????  Why is Mike Moore now Mayor elect of Jeffersonville ???

Top 10 reasons Galligan lost and Mike Moore won
1.) Mike Moore and his team simply outworked the Galligan team. Walking door to door  to a lot of households, Mike got out his message and it's the one the voters wanted to hear, Fiscal Responsibility. Galligan spent money like a drunken sailor trying to impress the electorate with new projects, the poorly conceived and expensive Canal, a new Riverstage, an overkill, unnecessary 10th St. landscaping job on the medians, a new expensive ball park which in the process destroyed a beautiful nature setting park,  etc

  These Projects are fine in times when the economy is flourishing, but Galligans timing was terrible, families are struggling, homes being lost and the taxpayers felt and rightfully so that THEIR money was financing these Projects and in times when people are doing without just to get by. Especially the recently annexed residents who saw their taxes raise after being told they wouldn't

Tomorrow more of the Top 10


  1. Mike had a very dedicated team of volunteers. Their only paycheck in the end was victory. It was a grass roots movement. They got out and spread Mike's message down the streets and sidewalks of Jeffersonville, and over the phone as well. It was an amazing effort and I was very impressed by the dedication of Mike's volunteers.

  2. Regardless of the how the election went I'm super bummed about the canal.

  3. Agreed Chopper, the dedication and hard work is what is distancing the GOP from the Dem.s in C.C.

    The Dem.s need to come out of their "smoky" rooms and work the people as M.M. did....

    Qouting Bob Dylan " the times they are a changing"

  4. Sorry about the Canal Matt...but under better economical times the Canal may have been a good idea.. Not now though.

    It was overpriced and the time frame and costs would spiral just as the Bridges project...

    And Galligans timing was terrible... Why were all his projects started in the last year ???

    He's had 8 continuous years and 12 in total to start these and waits until the final year....terrible decision

  5. Wow HT, your more of a multi-tasker than I gave you credit for.

    Maybe you are not just Dr.Phil, but maybe Mayor Mike Moore too!

    Who knows, right?

    Might have been the reason for the "Missing Batdude", or NOT, like you told ChopperWoman!!

    ~ChopperWoman~ said...
    Well it's about time you got back! It was a great party last night. Now I have to wonder .... were you there?

    November 9, 2011 11:28 AM

    hoosiertaxpayer said...
    Yeah sure was.... Guess Who ????

    November 9, 2011 2:52 PM

    Good way to promote oneself, don't you think? :)
