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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Goliath and YMC Caught Selling BatBlog Material Illegally

Goliath and YMC were caught in the alley behind Olde Towne Grocery shamelessly hawking posters , prints and HT Gear whose images were stolen from the "Award Winning" BatBlog. This is copyrighted, licensed material not to be copied without written permission from HT or the BatBlog legal Dept.. Don't be fooled by these cheap remakes let's put these shysters out of business. They have been downtown all week during the Ice Skating on Market St. selling to unspecting children.... Buyer Beware buy only BatBlog originals

1 comment:

  1. Fair use.

    Deal with it.

    Those works of art are remixed pieces therefor creative in their own right.
