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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Is He Gay ???

1. Is SpongeBob gay?
In 2002, series creator Stephen Hillenburg countered rumors that SpongeBob SquarePants is gay, saying the character is "somewhat asexual." But the questions persist. The evidence: His best friend is an "ebullient pink starfish" named Patrick; his neighbor Squidward takes bubble baths, listens to classical music, and "talks like Paul Lynde"; and SpongeBob and Patrick occasionally hold hands while watching a TV show called The Adventures of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. "You do the math, folks,"says the Gay Financial Network


  1. He is not gay he is a sponge. There is a difference. Of course I am absolutely the wrong guy to ask about matters such as this because it never dawned on me that Bert and Ernie were gay until a few years ago when Sesame Street was celebrating their 40th year. I posted congrats to them on Facebook and a friend of mine who happens to be gay commented that he admired them for having the first gay couple in childrens programming. It never dawned on me. I just always thought they were puppets.

    Brian Coffman

  2. This reminds me of the controversy over the tiddle winks or something. What was it that decrepit Jerry Falwell was outraged over? THe little alien dolls that lived in a sunshine village? One had a purse so he/she was gay? Heck, I couldn't tell they even had genders but Falwell was flaming!!! Jerry must have had an inner gay threat feeling from it.

  3. That photo brings to mind The Orifice and our FORMER Mayor. Ain't love grand?

  4. It was TINKY-WINKY Big Guy!!


  5. Tinky winky was gay.... I would never have thought now Sponge Bob that's a different story...
