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Sunday, April 9, 2017

Too Far or Not Far Enough ???

 President Trump's move to send missiles against Syria has been praised on both sides of the political aisle. The BatBlog feels it was the right move as well, sending a message that chemical weapons will not be tolerated anytime  and anyplace . Going forward though ...what is the next step ???

  Practically no one wants the U.S. involved in another war on some foreign land involving civil issues that frankly can never be solved. The Middle East is a cesspool of numerous rival factions where it is impossible to discern who are the good guys...if there are any good guys.  These people have been fighting and warring among themselves since time began , and as Iraq has shown our intervention only changed the dynamics not the situation.

  Hopefully we have learned you can't create a democracy where none has ever existed. Even if you eliminate a power crazed dictator as we did with Saddam Hussein another one somewhere will emerge into power, it's a vicious cycle.

 Trump's military message that chemical weapons WON'T be tolerated is the right one but caution and restraint have to be adamant in the future. We are dealing with several countries and dictators who aren't rational, can't be negotiated with, and have too complicated of a political situation too ever  be settled or even rationalized.

We must be alert to world situations, and while we sympathize with innocent victims especially children of these volatile countries  unfortunately there is little we can do  to stabilize and protect everyone. We can't be the world police and somethings just have to be settled on their own...


  1. Ok, good. On the surface. The purpose of this airstrike was to send a message...the US will not tolerate the use of chemical weapons. But now what? Trump and his team don't give me confidence if this escalates.

  2. I'a jus'......leave a note or 2 in here.....

    This ain' no .....woozzy,F'n... weak-tit outfit, can kik some serious' they's MORE if need'd....go'head, an' let'at mis-proportion'd fatazz bite off a piece.....LOL....

  3. Anyone else think that Trump bombing Syria might just be a diversion away from all the Russian conspiracy?

    1. That's possible Anon. but the missiles o Syria were still the right thing to do. The thing is we can't escalate this thing and get Russia involved. We could wipe Syria and N. Korea off the map but a confrontation with Russia could get ugly with no winners only losers...

  4. Was it the right thing to do? There is credible evidence coming out now that it was not the Assad regime who used the chemical weapons, but rather anti-Assad group, upset with the US stance on Syria of a week earlier when announced Assad would likely stay in power. Sounds like it was a trap that Trump fell right in to.
    And, yes Anon, this was likely a two-fer... Trump got to "look" all Presidential, and at the same time moved the Trump/Russia investigation to the back burner.

    1. Where is the credible evidence? Please refer us to this evidence that has been verified?

  5. The Trump /Russia investigation is but more sour grapes from the belittled democratic party. They are grasping at straws.
    The real story is the abuse of office by Susan Rice.

    As to Syria?
    It's going to take a long time to undo the damage to Americas reputation that the last administration did on the world stage.

    It is refreshing to have a once again have a Commander In Chief "with a set".

  6. The question here is what good did the airstrikes do ? This confrontation is a lot different than most. With Assad and Putin as allies we have to tread lightly. It's not like Afghanistan or Iraq. The Russians could care less about those two countries and what we did, especially Afghanistan where they got their butts handed to them (with our backing of course). And Iraq, turned out old Saddam and the boys were no threat to anyone but the good people of their country.
    So back to the original question what good did the airstrikes do ? Maybe got the hopes of the Syrian people up some but other than that nothing but stirring up the political pot.

    1. Militarily these airstrikes practically did nothing...It was suppose to be a message to Assad....We shall see...

  7. Oh Woo... that's funny.

  8. I will give Trump credit Bannon and "the bimbo" Conway are being left more and more out of influence and the public eye...Good move they are embarrassments...

  9. If old cotton balls Oboma would have actually enforced the red line he stated, maybe Trump would not have been forced to act now.

    This whole Russia thing is over blow crap.
    If the Oboma administration was listening in for over a year, as reported, then where the hell is the proof? It hasn't been released because it doesn't exist.

    1. Trump supported Obama on the "red line " issue and actually said we should leave Syria alone.

      Nixon claimed "over blown crap" as well right before he was forced to resign...

  10. We shall see Grasshopper.

  11. Our military deserves credit for having to deal with a deranged man in the White House.
    It takes a lot of skill to hit an airbase with 59 Tomahawk missiles and leave it operational.

  12. Hey Mr. smarty britches did it ever cross your mind that we left the runway operational in case we want to do use it

    1. That's one idea. Person like that is what we like to refer to as a "couch commando".
