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Friday, August 5, 2011

Exclusive Update on My 1501 Club

Jackie C. Chiles  Esq.
HT continues to be illegally held and grilled by the JPD as yet no charges have been filed. I expected HT would fold like a cheap lawn chair, but so far he has hung tough.

 On the other hand NHBSM continues to sing like a bird, saying the 1501 Club is a Democratic hangout and no good Republican would be caught dead in there.. Some more rather incriminating photos have been released ( shown below) purportedly taken at the alleged prostitution / massage parlor. The validity of these photos are being questioned. My client HT has told me that he did have a light finger massage at the alleged prostitution / massage parlor, but nothing more. Completely  incidental contact, and completely legal. HT's family is holding up strong although Mrs.HT is heavily sedated. I want to emphasize that holding of HT is illegal, he
has not been charged and I have demanded his release. My clients meds have been withheld which is an irresponsible violation of his civil rights.

 In regards of the two released photos below I cannot make a statement concerning the other gentlemen as I do not represent him, but I am available upon request. Contact Jackie C. Chiles  609 N. Shore Dr.Jeffersonville In. 47130

                   Newest Released Police Photos

JPD evidence photo Case No. 57649

JPD evidence photo Case No. 57649


  1. This blog is stupid ht and childs are obvously the same person silly poor phottoshopped pictures

  2. A very very astute reader you have there HT. Smart people prefer GAW

  3. Yeah, Yeah just another disgruntled voter who lost their vote in the award winning BatBlog's big win on GAW's big poll.

    Must say Anon.or should I call them Mr. or Mrs Obvious is really sharp to figure out ole HT.....
