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Monday, December 15, 2014

Let It Go Republicans...You Can't Win Them All....

The local GOP needs to  "Let it go" and concede defeat to Susan Popp the Dem. County Clerk elect. It was a close election that demanded a recall and the process proved out that Ms. Popp is the winner. No need in threatening continued litigation all the way to the Supreme court like Larry "CanMan" Wilder boasted to the media. The process played out in front of partisan appointees of both parties who handled the re-count and the people have spoken.

 Ms. Popp is probably the more qualified of the two candidates
anyway and will make a fine County Clerk. Kelly Harrod who has lost more elections than even "Toxic" John Perkins needs to ride off into the sunset and collect his Soc. Security. More litigation will just cost taxpayers more money and will prove nothing. If "CanMan" want's to go all the way to the Supreme Court he better find his client a new lawyer. Judge "Uncle Joe " Weber and "Auntie" Vicky Carmichael won't be sitting on the Supreme court...this ain't Jeffersonville and "CanMan" might be out of his league,,,he'd better just plea bargain Harrod  a second place trophy  instead of risking the whole county further embarrassment....


  1. Good post! HT
    Looks like another long drawn out court battle where Wilder cleans up on our tax dollars.

  2. Seems like Kelly Harrod has been running for something or another for the last 30 years. Maybe we should give him this election as a lifetime achievement award. Something to write on his tombstone.
