The BatBlog has figured out even with the progress made toward revitalizing the downtown area and some possible exciting new projects...Jeff will remain a 4th class actually no class at all city...The reason too many dumb asses like the "Village Idiot" NHBSM and his attorney Larry "the CanMan" Wilder populating the city ... These two dumb asses have essentially stopped the progress of the proposed development at the 10th St. entry way into the City. The frivolous, politically motivated lawsuit filed by the "Villiage Idiot" and "CanMan" has made investors think twice about investing money in Jeffersonville and who can blame them. The deal is basically on hold until something is settled and here's betting the land will stay vacant for a long time thanks to these two dumb asses.

Finally another Dumb Ass ...GCC school board member Teresa Perkins plead guilty and plea bargained a shop lifting charge in Tennessee. Stupid move Teresa , for a handful of cheap jewelry you made Jeff look like a bunch of dumb asses for electing you and you threw your name,reputation and integrity right down the sewer forever, you will go down in lore as a cheap thief and you can proudly stand right beside all the other Dumb Asses in this City that keep us from even reaching mediocrity ...
Hutt is just a stooge for the anti Moore coalition around town. He isn't smart enough to think up the lawsuit that is pending and holding up the project.
ReplyDeleteHe is the frontman and is dumb enough to call it a class action suit.
Good post HT you nailed it.
ReplyDeleteThe prisons are full of depressed convicts that would love to have their sentences reduced and have pity on them like Perkins wants excuses excuses excuses. If she really wants to do the right thing resign and take your punishment.
ReplyDeletePolitics gets in the way of common sense in Jeff, always has and always will. These are classic examples of individuals doing things that impede progress and cost taxpayers money all in the name of political back stabbing and favors.