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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Election 2015...

Once again the Jeffersonville - Clark Co. Blog (The BatBlog) will be the place to be for all the endorsements, analysis, predictions, inside stories and the highly accurate BatPoll for Election 2015, Starting this week we will look at the various races in the Jeffersonville City elections as well as looking at the races in Clarksville....

Will the GOP continue their recent domination here in Clark Co. ??? Will incumbent Jeff mayor Mike Moore win a 2nd term as mayor ??? Do the Libertarian candidates for C-ville town council have any chance ???  Stay tuned to the "Award Winning" BatBlog for all the answers and stories through Election day 2015


  1. Easiest prediction of the season. The libertarians have no chance.

  2. Libertarians have no chance of what? Advancing liberty? Contributing to the loss of an incumbent that has flipflopped on district voting because he lost in his district? Raising awareness of their party, making it easier to solicit support and recruit candidates in the future?

    They have a very strong chance of being successful.

  3. If by "liberty" you mean your party's definition, which means to leave the citizens out in the cold? Then yes you have no chance.

  4. Anonymous, please show me where "leave the citizens out in the cold" appears anywhere in the Libertarian Party platform? I believe that Clarksville is fed up with business as usual. I think the people of Clarksville are fed up with a Town Council that does not listen to the people. I think the people of Clarksville are ready for Council members who will stand up for their rights instead of violate them. I believe Clarksville is ready for some Libertarians on the Council.

  5. The party's definition of "liberty" does not mean leaving citizens out in the cold. In fact, for many Libertarians, their concern for the most vulnerable is what made them choose libertarianism. A big, powerful state controlled by the wealthy and corporate interests is not an effective vehicle for helping the powerless.

  6. Honestly I don't believe a true Libertarian can win, their radical stance on social programs like Soc. Security, Medicare, and Medicaid just aren't practical in today's society. Not saying there aren't some Libertarians that would be good town council persons or other offices and there is nothing wrong with them trying to promote their message.

    I think everyone would like to see less intrusion by government but not to the extent Libertarians want to take it. Our social programs while not perfect provide essential help to those less fortunate and the elderly and while social services aren't a big issue in local and city governments the Libertarian stance is still a real turn off to a lot of voters....

  7. Well, this Libertarian would be happy if our government just stayed within the boundaries we set for it with our Constitution. I, just like most people, also want to see people taking care of those amongst us who need a helping hand. I just don't believe that the best way to archive that is at the point of a gun. I believe it would be much more efficient, effective, satisfying and meaningful if we took care of each other voluntarily.

  8. But....Mr. Brooksbank,
    remember what Chairman Mao said:
    "Every Communist must grasp the truth,
    "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

    How can we possible question or challenge
    the government or the viper mass media. They know what is best for us......

  9. Easy, you question it. Samuel Adams once said,"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." I believe, as our founders believed, that the good and proper role of government is to secure our rights. The general libertarian philosophy is that I ought to do what I please to pursue happiness provided I don't violate the rights of others in the process. Yes, government is force. A quote attributed to the father of our country George Washington has him saying,"Government is not reason, it is not eloquent: it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." The question we need to answer is do we wish to use that force to violate rights or defend them? I choose to defend our rights.
