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Monday, October 23, 2017

Good Riddance Pitino !!!

 After three separate sordid affairs the Univ. of Louisville finally has fired their sleazebag basketball coach Rick Pitino. Supposedly a good catholic Pitino allegedly coughed up money to pay for an abortion for a woman he admittedly had sex with on a local restaurant table. She later was found out not to be pregnant and tried to extort Pitino but U of L stood behind "Tricky" Rick and he kept his job.

  Couple years later the Uof L basketball program which Pitino runs was found to have supplied prostitutes and strippers on campus dorms to recruits and basketball players. Once again Tricky Rick kept his job, denying he knew anything about the practice of supplying blow jobs and whatever to his players.Sure he knew nothing about it <sarcasm added>....

 Finally while being on probation for the earlier disgrace, Pitino's program is now charged with paying  $100,000 to  a recruit to attend U of L to play basketball. This was apparently the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back and U of L trustees finally fired Pitino along with A.D. Tom Jurich last week.

The BatBlog doesn't know what is more disgraceful Pitino's  hypocritical sleazy actions are the fact it took U of L three separate embarrassing instances before firing "Sleazeball Rick." It is also another example of the mess of inter collegiate athletics and the importance schools put on winning at any cost...U of L deserves all the embarrassment heaped on it by not acting as soon as "Sleazy Rick" showed who he really is the first time he disgraced the university...Good riddance Sleazeball !!!


  1. No fan of Rick or Louisville. But I can understand staying with him after the restaurant incident because it wasn’t job related.

    The second one is a toss up for me. I actually believe that he had no knowledge of hookers in the dorm. I was friends with a former Louisville basketball player. Trust me. There is no need for prostitutes. I think McGee was just trying to make a name for himself.

    This last scandal I have no idea if Pitino knew or not. But unfortunately for him, he had burned all his chances and is probably out of coaching in college for good.

  2. JMO but someone in a high profile job representing a university has to have enough moral integrity to avoid this kind of situation. it isn't job related true, but his job is representing U of L and he should have been fired,,,

    Pitino is a control freak and I find it hard to believe he doesn't know everything that goes on in that program...regardless the responsibility on any infraction fall ultimately on the man in charge...

  3. I love how this idiot keeps saying he had no knowledge of any of the hookers or money. Well then, you should be fired for having no knowledge of what's going on in your program.

  4. Pitino showed his real character in the restaurant episode, of course character isn't important if you win basketball games.

  5. a GAW News investigation is trying to tie The Bat Blog
    to a club with like, totally nude dancers.......and music....

    Should H-T be fired
    from the Bat Blog and/or
    have his prior awards taken away?

    What did H-T know and when did he know it?


  6. Bat Blog Breaking News Question
    Did Pesty Flannigan frequent
    the Bat Dance Club free
    expression place
    and be....."entertained"......?
    without the knowledge of Goliath?
    Should Goliath have exercised better
    oversight/control if it indeed frequently happened?

  7. Rick Patina frequented the Batcave with strippers etc., That's what Pesty reports.


  9. I was in......LONGER......than 15 seconds....


  10. I used to see him going into Buckets.

  11. I'll ignore his tryst with that woman who tried to blackmail him, because we all have personal failures. That's between him and his wife... Rick Pitino is one of the best coaches in the country. Bevin-appointed board at UofL took him down. Pretty fantastic how there is no evidence of his wrongdoing, otherwise the FBI would've arrested him. Wait for his lawsuit... lots of folks gonna rue the day they did this to him. UofL will pay him the big $$... wait for it.

    1. AGREE!.....they(UL) WILL PAY both'ese dudes....and with pay'n back $$ from NCAA games....they'a never afford it,an' WITHout the athletics...this's UL in NEAR FUTURE....

  12. Some believe that Patino has mob ties. Any mob member that cried like a baby in Federal Court would now be in a 55 gallon drum at the bottom of the Ohio River. Patino is not a mobster but only a punk!
