Reports have Clarksville officials in secret meeting to negotiate a cease fire. After learning of HT's 6 point plan which included carpet bombing Theater X ,they have massed police and all available personnel to protect their famed, prized shrine and symbol of their town.
More than likely hostilities will come to end shortly and Court Ave. will be opened and returned to the City of Jeffersonville. Meanwhile Evangelical's have massed in support and encouragement for HT and the BatBlog's plan to reduce Theater X to rubble....
Stay tuned for further updates....
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
A Call to Arms....The War on Clarksville
The City of Jeffersonville led by General Mike Moore has declared war on the town of Clarksville. The sneaky, terrorists of our little sister town fired the first shot by shutting down and capturing one of our main streets Court Ave. in a cowardly act....
Here is the directive from General Moore...
This is how bad neighbors behave. Fresh off losing a 5-1 vote to sell 12 acres to Greater Clark on Tenth Street for a bus compound, Paul Fetter, who is the Town Board President of Clarksville ordered a Jeffersonville street demolished. Clarksville has no legal authority to shut down a Jeffersonville street and Jeff businesses....and yet he did. Coincidentally the new Clarksville Town Board Attorney is none other then Greg Fifer, who represents the Auto Auction and Greater Clark Schools. BAD NEIGHBORS, BAD POLITICIANS...BAD FOR CLARK COUNTY.
This is a call to arms., general Moore needs you... HT and the BatBlog has already called City Hall and enlisted to lead a major initiative to put down Clarksville for good. The BatBlog and HT are seasoned war veterans (HT former Navy Seal) who have defeated GAW and Goliath and has practically shut down the Clark County Chatter as irrelevant in the blog wars. HT also has volunteered to take out Fifer, HT has already taken him out on the Chatter and even though HT is getting older he knows he can take his scrawny, weasel ass.... We will do our duty to bring down Clarksville....
HT's 6 Point Plan to Victory
1. Shut down I-65 just past the Jeff exit and barricade Veterans Pkwy. on the Jeff side...this will keep suppliers and customers out of their jillion stores and kill their economy...
2. Capture Walmart this is were most Clarksvillians go for supplies...this will bring them to their knees...
3. Have Tom Galligan and John Perkins and NHBSM move to Clarksville this will kill their political infrastructure.
4. Burn down Theater X and build a wall to block Thunder over Louisville from Clarksvillians... this will destroy their main entertainment outlet and put Evangelicals on our side of the war...
5. Trade Ed "Moe " Zastawny for Paul Fetter this will increase the collective intelligence of Jeff and decrease Clarksvilles ....then put Fetter in the Clark Co. jail as a paricipant in "60 Days In" and while he's in jail take his new property for the Car auction and give to GCC schools...killing two birds with one stone...
6. Finally annex the whole damn town and raise their taxes like Jeff has done in the past to other infidels....
This should be an easy victory as Clarksville isn't nothing but a town ...hell they don't even have a mayor/ general...After our victory we take the captured Colgate Clock and place it in the Big Four Landing Park to remind Clarksville to not f _ _ _ with Jeffersonville ever again....
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General Moore |
This is how bad neighbors behave. Fresh off losing a 5-1 vote to sell 12 acres to Greater Clark on Tenth Street for a bus compound, Paul Fetter, who is the Town Board President of Clarksville ordered a Jeffersonville street demolished. Clarksville has no legal authority to shut down a Jeffersonville street and Jeff businesses....and yet he did. Coincidentally the new Clarksville Town Board Attorney is none other then Greg Fifer, who represents the Auto Auction and Greater Clark Schools. BAD NEIGHBORS, BAD POLITICIANS...BAD FOR CLARK COUNTY.
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Retired Navy Seal HT |
This is a call to arms., general Moore needs you... HT and the BatBlog has already called City Hall and enlisted to lead a major initiative to put down Clarksville for good. The BatBlog and HT are seasoned war veterans (HT former Navy Seal) who have defeated GAW and Goliath and has practically shut down the Clark County Chatter as irrelevant in the blog wars. HT also has volunteered to take out Fifer, HT has already taken him out on the Chatter and even though HT is getting older he knows he can take his scrawny, weasel ass.... We will do our duty to bring down Clarksville....
HT's 6 Point Plan to Victory
1. Shut down I-65 just past the Jeff exit and barricade Veterans Pkwy. on the Jeff side...this will keep suppliers and customers out of their jillion stores and kill their economy...
2. Capture Walmart this is were most Clarksvillians go for supplies...this will bring them to their knees...
3. Have Tom Galligan and John Perkins and NHBSM move to Clarksville this will kill their political infrastructure.
4. Burn down Theater X and build a wall to block Thunder over Louisville from Clarksvillians... this will destroy their main entertainment outlet and put Evangelicals on our side of the war...
5. Trade Ed "Moe " Zastawny for Paul Fetter this will increase the collective intelligence of Jeff and decrease Clarksvilles ....then put Fetter in the Clark Co. jail as a paricipant in "60 Days In" and while he's in jail take his new property for the Car auction and give to GCC schools...killing two birds with one stone...
6. Finally annex the whole damn town and raise their taxes like Jeff has done in the past to other infidels....
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Hostage exchange ...Moe Zastawny for Paul Fetter |
This should be an easy victory as Clarksville isn't nothing but a town ...hell they don't even have a mayor/ general...After our victory we take the captured Colgate Clock and place it in the Big Four Landing Park to remind Clarksville to not f _ _ _ with Jeffersonville ever again....
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
I've Seen Enough of 60 Days In....How About Dancing With the Sheriff ???
The BatBlog finally got around to watching several episodes of 60 Days In, the reality series filmed in the Clark Co. jail. For those who haven't seen it a little advice...Don't waste your time, it's phony as hell and frankly boring as hell too...
Like most all reality series it's scripted and staged to try and create drama. The cameras and camera crew are always on and the inmates know it, so while there is an occasional fight and raw language nothing I've seen is that shocking or even interesting for that matter.
The word about the supposed "every day citizens" placed into the facility is already leaking out, they are not who they pretend to be. The lesbian cop really isn't a cop at all, she had a short stint in law enforcement 15 years ago. The supposed teacher is more of an actor as is the homemaker mom who attempt to get their 30 minutes of fame on reality shows.
From what I've seen there is nothing in these episodes that is embarrassing to the community as was feared initially. Actually the most embarrassing thing is that the Clark Co. sheriff Jamey Noel could be duped into participating along with sidekick Scottie Maples. It may end up having our supposed top law enforcement officials look like clowns for being part of this.
These pods being filmed are for mostly low level small time thugs, drunks and hustlers, the really bad guys are isolated away from this general population. Jail time is boring and this show proves it ...the only drama is trying to make these impostors they have thrown in jail seem real...
If Noel and Maples want to be reality stars they should have chosen Dancing With the Stars at least it's half way credible...or maybe even created their own show "Dancing With the Sheriff"...
Monday, March 28, 2016
The Election That Never Ended....Still a Mess
The seemingly never ending City council at large race from the 2015 Jeffersonville city elections is still in limbo as judge Andrew Adams ruled Friday in favor of Josh Rodriquez on his appeal of the recount decision that awarded the seat to Steve Webb.
The judge still has to rule on what measures to take in order to declare a winner in the race. The BatBlog feels confident Judge Adams will declare a new recount to be held. While holding a new election would be an option, we just don't see that happening. If the new election was declared it would in our opinion invalidate a lot of votes and voters from this past Nov,'s election...It would be impossible to duplicate the conditions and get the same voters (for multiple reasons) to revote as they did in the fall. Also... you would think a new election would have to include all of the other candidates that were in the race as well...three from each party.
Judge Adams needs to appoint a panel of as non partisan as possible, respected area citizens to recount the votes. Keep all the politicos and Larry Wilder types as far away from the process as possible. Have any questions that arise directed toward Judge Adams directly for his ruling...and all votes of all candidates in the council at large case be recounted....
Then and only then can a possible fair ending and result be determined to what someone close to the original recount declared was a real clusterf_ _ _. This is still a mess and truthfully the way it's been handled the real results of this original election probably can never be determined....
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Election 2016... A First Look

There aren't a lot of contested seats in the county races in May's primary only in the Co. council at large where 4 candidates from each party vie for 3 seats in the Nov. election. Also in the Co. Commissioner 1st Dist.race two candidates Connie Sellers and Kyle Williams have signed on to face incumbent Comm. Rick Stephenson in the Republican primary....
The BatBlog will be looking at the individual races in the coming weeks, make some predictions and endorse a few candidates. The always accurate BatPoll will also be up very soon to get an idea of what to look for heading into the Nov. main election...
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Battle Lines Are Drawn....
The Jeffersonville Planning Commission by a 5-1 vote rejected the recommendation to rezone the parcel by GCCS.
The Rezoning decision now goes to the Jeffersonville City council to be voted on next month.
Both sides of the GCCS bus depot controversy are firing their last salvos and campaigning in front of Tuesday night's Mar. 22 meeting of the Zoning Commission/ City council vote to rezone the Clark Co. Car Auction property. Rezoning is necessary for GCCS to purchase the property and convert it to a repair and parking facility for Greater Clark's school buses.
Superintendent Melin has held open house at the proposed facility, exchanged opposing guest columnist letters to the editor with the Jeffersonville Zoning director and in a desperation move asked teachers and staff from GCCS to sign a form letter urging rezoning to be sent to City council... Melin asked the letters be returned to him to be sent...presumably so he would know which staff members support him and who doesn't .... which seems like a little political blackmail.
On the opposing side Mayor Mike Moore has made a video with residents opposed to the bus depot and his Planning and Zoning director Nathan Pruitt has come up with detailed blueprint for alternative development of the property in question...The lines are drawn...
The BatBlog has stated it's opposition to the bus depot but also wonders why Supt. Melin doesn't stick with education what he was hired for. Leave the politics and the city planning to the politicians and city leaders. His first attempt at politics was a dismal failure trying to sell the GCCS referendum to a leery public and after Tuesday he SHOULD be 0 for 2....
The Jeffersonville Planning Commission by a 5-1 vote rejected the recommendation to rezone the parcel by GCCS.
The Rezoning decision now goes to the Jeffersonville City council to be voted on next month.
Both sides of the GCCS bus depot controversy are firing their last salvos and campaigning in front of Tuesday night's Mar. 22 meeting of the Zoning Commission/ City council vote to rezone the Clark Co. Car Auction property. Rezoning is necessary for GCCS to purchase the property and convert it to a repair and parking facility for Greater Clark's school buses.
Superintendent Melin has held open house at the proposed facility, exchanged opposing guest columnist letters to the editor with the Jeffersonville Zoning director and in a desperation move asked teachers and staff from GCCS to sign a form letter urging rezoning to be sent to City council... Melin asked the letters be returned to him to be sent...presumably so he would know which staff members support him and who doesn't .... which seems like a little political blackmail.
On the opposing side Mayor Mike Moore has made a video with residents opposed to the bus depot and his Planning and Zoning director Nathan Pruitt has come up with detailed blueprint for alternative development of the property in question...The lines are drawn...
The BatBlog has stated it's opposition to the bus depot but also wonders why Supt. Melin doesn't stick with education what he was hired for. Leave the politics and the city planning to the politicians and city leaders. His first attempt at politics was a dismal failure trying to sell the GCCS referendum to a leery public and after Tuesday he SHOULD be 0 for 2....
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
How "The Donald" Could Become President...
I thought it had no way of becoming true but there is a fair chance that Donald J. Trump "The Donald" becomes the next president of the U.S.
His candidacy seemed so far fetched and gimmicky in the beginning that nobody took him seriously until just recently. No matter... he's for real now...and while it's still only midway through the campaign I can see under certain circumstances were Trump can be elected president.
The Donald has found a niche core of fed up mostly blue collar voters, tired of nothing but political squabbling and gridlock between the two parties.with nothing being accomplished in Washington These voters tired of the decline of good paying manufacturing jobs due in part to a huge trade imbalance and politicians in general have rebelled against the establishment.
The stodgy GOP establishment hate "The Donald" and that along with Trump's tough guy, "tell it like it is", politically incorrect attitude and rhetoric has only fueled the Trump rebellion even more. His followers love "The Donald" for saying what a lot of people really think about illegal Mexicans, Muslims and protesters. A lot of it is over the top but it has hit a nerve none the less.
The scenario where Trump is elected president is narrow but widening more and more. Democrats always get their voters out in mass in presidential elections but if for some reason Dem.s get blase' or too confident and don't get their vote out... look out...
Hillary Clinton the probable Dem. nominee has her own detractors and some baggage from years of being under public scrutiny. The excitement in her campaign probably won't be there from the minorities like there was for Obama. There is a new minority rising....mostly blue collar white people who are very angry and motivated...The Donald is riding that anger anti- political establishment sentiment and he could ride it all the way to the White House...
His candidacy seemed so far fetched and gimmicky in the beginning that nobody took him seriously until just recently. No matter... he's for real now...and while it's still only midway through the campaign I can see under certain circumstances were Trump can be elected president.
The Donald has found a niche core of fed up mostly blue collar voters, tired of nothing but political squabbling and gridlock between the two parties.with nothing being accomplished in Washington These voters tired of the decline of good paying manufacturing jobs due in part to a huge trade imbalance and politicians in general have rebelled against the establishment.

The scenario where Trump is elected president is narrow but widening more and more. Democrats always get their voters out in mass in presidential elections but if for some reason Dem.s get blase' or too confident and don't get their vote out... look out...
Hillary Clinton the probable Dem. nominee has her own detractors and some baggage from years of being under public scrutiny. The excitement in her campaign probably won't be there from the minorities like there was for Obama. There is a new minority rising....mostly blue collar white people who are very angry and motivated...The Donald is riding that anger anti- political establishment sentiment and he could ride it all the way to the White House...
Monday, March 14, 2016
Interesting Video ... Clark Co. Sheriff Deputy
A reader sent me this link to a video concerning a Clark Co. sheriff's deputy from 2015...
Cops have a tough job but at times lose the fact they need to obeys laws as well...It's interesting... I just wonder the perception of how BatBlog readers see this ??? Read the captions in the video it helps explain the situation...
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Interesting Situation
An interesting situation has developed in the GCCS's request for the upcoming vote for rezoning to allow the purchase of the Clark Co. Car Auction site on 10th St. in Jeffersonville. The proposed purchase is for a school bus parking and repair facility.
On Mar. 10th Supt. Melin sent a memorandum to local realtors informing them that under his direction GCCS was putting up for bid 25 acres of undeveloped property CLICK HERE (owned by GCCS) at 4604 Charlestown Pike near Utica -Sellersburg Rd. and Hwy.62.
The BatBlog isn't sure what this means if anything but it does seem rather curious. This property would seem to be a perfect alternative site if not a better choice for the school bus depot that GCCS wants to currently locate on the 10th St car auction location.
Has Melin been told he already has the needed votes by the zoning board/ city council to purchase the 10th St. site ??? Allowing him to dump the Charlestown Pike property...Or is it merely a coincidence ???
As we said The BatBlog doesn't know if this recent memorandum means anything but the timing of Melin's announcement is rather curious coming on the verge of the upcoming decision that will allow or deny the purchase of the auction property.... Only time will tell......
The Memorandum wording from GCCS
TO: Area Realtors
DATE Mar.10 2016
SUBJECT: Land for Sale 25 Acres : 4604 Charlestown Pike Jeffersonville,
NOTICE TO BIDDERS Be advised that the Greater Clark County School Corporation has twenty-five (25) acres of undeveloped land for sale located at 4604 Charlestown Pike, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130. If you have buyers interested in acquiring land near Utica-Sellersburg Road and Highway 62, please keep this property in mind. I am providing you with a copy of the Notice to Bidders and the property survey. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Sandy Lewis or me at the phone number listed above.
Andrew T. Melin, Ph.D.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Tara's Garden....Tomorrow Mar.12
Fundraising Event to Celebrate Teen's Life
Everyone is invited to Tara's Garden: An Irish Celebration, an afternoon of fun, fellowship and fundraising in memory of the life and birthday of Tara Rose Willenborg, at St. Luke's United Church of Christ on Saturday, March 12 beginning at 3 pm.
There will be birthday cake, live music and a photobooth. Lincoln Crum ( will host a live auction starting at 4:30 pm. Proceeds from the event will benefit Southern Indiana Animal Rescue (, St. Luke's for care of the memorial garden dedicated to Tara, and the Tara Willenborg Scholarship Fund. Rescue dogs will be in attendance for cuddling and adoption.
Attendance is free. However, free will donations, donations of pet items for Southern Indiana Animal Rescue and support of participating artist and entertainer are appreciated. Artist Christopher DeGraaf donated the original design for a new “Love Wins” decal which will be provided to guests. Fiddler Tom Cunningham ( will be showing off his Celtic repetoire.
St. Luke's is located at 329 Walnut St, Jeffersonville. For more information, or to donate an item for auction, please contact Kelley Curran at 812-207-3416 or via email at
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Lights, Camera, Action...60 Days In ...A First Look
The BatBlog has previewed the first episode of 60 Days In the supposed reality show about the Clark Co. jail which you can see by CLICKING HERE ... After viewing episode 1 there are some serious doubts about the whole premise of this being true reality.
The premise: Eight innocent people from different walks of life are entered into the population of the Clark Co. jail to have the experience of being in jail and to see what it's like. Supposedly only Clark Co. sheriff Jamey Noel and his right hand man Officer Scottie Maples knows that these planted inmates aren't really criminals.
The jail staff and guards are "supposedly" unaware of the whole situation.
Really C'mon !!! All these supposed "reality " shows are primarily staged and most are scripted. We will give it another chance since this is the first episode and it mostly concerns the people/actors who are planted into the jail, The thing is's all too slick....closeups, facial reactions and moving cameras. There has to be a lot of cameras and cameramen to get these shots other than the surveillance cameras they would make you think picked up all this action. You've seen surveillance shots they don't move or zoom in on faces. This looks staged and the staff had to know something was up with all the cameras being used.
It appears from the first show to be going to portray Noel as some kind of a hero who comes in and cleans up a cesspool of a jail.....Plenty of Noel and Maples in the first episode and even a cheap shot reference to ex- sheriff Rodden. Like I said the BatBlog will give it another look but already we have serious doubts,,,Stay Tuned....
The premise: Eight innocent people from different walks of life are entered into the population of the Clark Co. jail to have the experience of being in jail and to see what it's like. Supposedly only Clark Co. sheriff Jamey Noel and his right hand man Officer Scottie Maples knows that these planted inmates aren't really criminals.
The jail staff and guards are "supposedly" unaware of the whole situation.
Really C'mon !!! All these supposed "reality " shows are primarily staged and most are scripted. We will give it another chance since this is the first episode and it mostly concerns the people/actors who are planted into the jail, The thing is's all too slick....closeups, facial reactions and moving cameras. There has to be a lot of cameras and cameramen to get these shots other than the surveillance cameras they would make you think picked up all this action. You've seen surveillance shots they don't move or zoom in on faces. This looks staged and the staff had to know something was up with all the cameras being used.
It appears from the first show to be going to portray Noel as some kind of a hero who comes in and cleans up a cesspool of a jail.....Plenty of Noel and Maples in the first episode and even a cheap shot reference to ex- sheriff Rodden. Like I said the BatBlog will give it another look but already we have serious doubts,,,Stay Tuned....
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Update: The GCCS Bus Compound
A really well written piece in the News/Tribune nails this issue... written by Nathan Pruitt Jeffersonville's Planning and Zoning Director this is a must read for anyone interested in this issue. Mr. Pruitt with facts and figures proves the fallacy and recklessness of Melin's plans...
To read the article CLICK HERE
The Batblog has obtained a copy of the flyer (see below) by Greater Clark Schools Superintendent Melin, inviting residents to an open house to explain the GCCS's position on the proposed school bus depot. Mr. Melin once again has put on his politician's hat to try and sell a poor proposal and decision by the GCCs administration. Mr. Melin can talk himself blue in the face and local residents still aren't going to buy into the plan to locate the bus depot at the Clark Co. Car Auction property on E. 10th St..
Much like the earlier school referendum this plan should crash and burn just because it is not wanted by the public. Unlike the rubber stamp school board that buys into everything Melin sells, the public is pretty savvy on what is needed and what is good use of tax dollars...this deal is neither.
The good news for Melin is he doesn't have to convince the whole electorate this time, only the Jeffersonville city council/ zoning board. In the past year 2015 the council led by Ed "Moe" Zastawny made some stupid moves eliminating Jeff city court and spent an obscene amount of tax dollars on a soccer field, so who knows what will happen with this rezoning request ??? This years council has some fresh , new smart faces and hopefully they will do the right thing and say "NO" to the zoning proposal....
Flyer from GCCS
Dear Neighbor:
Greater Clark County Schools has filed an application to change the zoning from “C2” (Commercial) to “IS” (Institutional Uses) on the Clark County Auto Auction property located at 1611 and 1620 E. 10th Street, currently owned by Fetter Properties, LLC. We plan to use the property for a transportation service center and a maintenance facility. We are inviting adjoining property owners to an open house to learn more about the proposal. This open house will be held in addition to the established procedures of the Jeffersonville Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. The open house will be held on March 14, 2016 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Clark County Auto Auction, 1611 E. 10th Street in Jeffersonville. During this time, representatives of Greater Clark County Schools and Fetter Properties, LLC will be available to explain the proposal and to answer questions. If you are unable to attend, please feel free to contact me at your convenience for further information about the proposal.
Sincerely, Andrew T. Melin,
A really well written piece in the News/Tribune nails this issue... written by Nathan Pruitt Jeffersonville's Planning and Zoning Director this is a must read for anyone interested in this issue. Mr. Pruitt with facts and figures proves the fallacy and recklessness of Melin's plans...
To read the article CLICK HERE
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Can I park my 150 buses here ??? |
Much like the earlier school referendum this plan should crash and burn just because it is not wanted by the public. Unlike the rubber stamp school board that buys into everything Melin sells, the public is pretty savvy on what is needed and what is good use of tax dollars...this deal is neither.
The good news for Melin is he doesn't have to convince the whole electorate this time, only the Jeffersonville city council/ zoning board. In the past year 2015 the council led by Ed "Moe" Zastawny made some stupid moves eliminating Jeff city court and spent an obscene amount of tax dollars on a soccer field, so who knows what will happen with this rezoning request ??? This years council has some fresh , new smart faces and hopefully they will do the right thing and say "NO" to the zoning proposal....
Flyer from GCCS
Dear Neighbor:
Greater Clark County Schools has filed an application to change the zoning from “C2” (Commercial) to “IS” (Institutional Uses) on the Clark County Auto Auction property located at 1611 and 1620 E. 10th Street, currently owned by Fetter Properties, LLC. We plan to use the property for a transportation service center and a maintenance facility. We are inviting adjoining property owners to an open house to learn more about the proposal. This open house will be held in addition to the established procedures of the Jeffersonville Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. The open house will be held on March 14, 2016 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Clark County Auto Auction, 1611 E. 10th Street in Jeffersonville. During this time, representatives of Greater Clark County Schools and Fetter Properties, LLC will be available to explain the proposal and to answer questions. If you are unable to attend, please feel free to contact me at your convenience for further information about the proposal.
Sincerely, Andrew T. Melin,
Monday, March 7, 2016
The Implosion of the National Republican Party
In other words McConnell and gang are thumbing their noses at the average voter and telling them they aren't smart enough to select a candidate to represent them in November. If these elitist snob Rep.leaders somehow are able to wrest the nomination away from Trump with a brokered convention they will split the party right down the middle and alienate voters everywhere.
Trump supporters see him as an anti establishment, anti politics as usual, and an alternative to the status quo. While the BatBlog doesn't support The Donald we do support the right for his supporters and the Rep. rank and file voters to elect their own candidate without the manipulation of party leaders in their smoke filled backrooms.
It is still early in the campaign but the next big boom we hear might be the implosion of the Republican party.
Friday, March 4, 2016
The BatBlog extends a big congratulations to Clark Co. judge Vicki Carmichael on her recent consideration to be an Indiana Supreme Court justice, Though she wasn't chosen to be one of the three finalists just being considered and making the list of the final 15 judges considered is quite a honor. Judge Carmichael has a long, distinguished career and has served with honor and integrity here in Clark Co. and we thank her for her service...
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
The Right Thing To Do
As mentioned before this is a section of the 10th St. corridor that is already blighted by abandoned buildings and businesses and adding the unsightly thought of parked buses in this area will only add to the blight but will also thwart any new development.
Dr. Melin superintendent over GCCS has to beware of his unpopular decision with both residents and city leaders but appears to be going ahead with the purchase anyway. This is a great opportunity for the new City council to show some cooperation with the Moore administration (which was lacking in the previous council) and do the right thing and REFUSE to rezone the property to allow for this proposed bus facility.
As for Dr. Melin he once again has shown his arrogance of going against residents and taxpayers wishes. We realize his main interest is what's best for the schools but he also needs to be a good neighbor with the communities he serves. Another issue is the price he intends to pay for the above mentioned property, it does seem to be pretty inflated and the BatBlog questions if it is really worth the price and good use of our tax dollars..
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