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Monday, July 18, 2011

Commentary by HT - HT's Opinion - Casey Anthony

HT has somewhat followed the recent Casey Anthony trial and aftermath. I kind of agree with juries decision, in the respect, they (the jury)  felt that she didn't murder the child. I believe it was a horrible accident gone wrong, and the prosecution dropped the ball by not charging her with  involuntary man slaughter. Instead  going for the 1st degree murder and possible death penalty. With no way of proving how the child died, there was no way the jury was going to buy into the death penalty for Ms. Anthony. On the same hand the jury had to be out to lunch to find her innocent of child abuse the secondary charge. Anthony now must go into hiding and is a pariah to most of society which may be punishment in it's self. Hopefully she won't benefit financially from her daughters death, but this is America.

A couple other things that bother HT about the trial was the defense throwing so much at jury without having to prove them. The abuse, the drowning, accusing the father everything they threw out there to me may have confused at the jury. I know it's the prosecution's burden to prove but the jury was bombarded with so many facts unproven by the defense.Another thing was the press coverage, this whole case exploded by the media coverage. Normally a trial like this would conclude in 2 or 3 days but the press like in the O.J. Simpson trial gave this a life of it's own and ultimately may have effected the verdict. Well anyway that's my opinion...


  1. And the press coverage is not over yet!!...HLN is still devoting the bulk of the air-time to her...That's what's made this whole thing a circus.


  2. So true Jules, HLN has devoted most of their airtime to Casey Anthony for the last 3 years.... especially Nancy Grace... it's time to move on

  3. Nancy Graces last words about "Tot Mom"
    First Not Guilty: Nancys face begins to turn red.
    Second Not Guilty Nancys face is very red and her body begins to tremble.
    Third Not Guilty: Nancys head swells, turns purple, and explodes getting blood and brains all over Ironhorses new Stergis Tee shirt. The last words I heard were "Good Night Friend"
