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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Goliath Exonerated !! Chickens Found

  It looks like Goliath might be innocent in the missing chicken caper. Angelina reports in her blog Missing chickens found.that most of her prized chickens have been found by her neighbors down the street.Unfortunately a couple of her prized chicks succumbed at the hands of a raccoon , may they RIP.

  Angelina apologizes for the accusation that her chickens were stolen. Goliath is not guilty and Angelina and her chicks are reunited. A Happy ending....


  1. But what about those totally genuine looking photos you posted of Goliath sneaking around that lady's chicken yard?

    Uh oh. Looks like you've got some 'splainin to do, HT!

  2. Goliath welcomes the journalistics and professionalisms of 'fair and balance story telling'

  3. Goliath and these damn chickens! What is it?
    Looks like HT's slick surveliance photos were accurate.
    The chickens just managed to elude Goliath this time, but the photos did show Goliath STALKING the chickens!

  4. HT's photos do show Goliath STALKING the chickens!


  5. You have to really wonder where all the chickens on G's compound come from. Are they legal, are they treated right, does G. have a permit ?? Answers Goliath ???
