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Friday, November 23, 2012

                                            THE ORACLE UNMASKED

    The Oracle's return includes many  ALLEGED  conversations with some Republicans of  "notability." With that in mind The BatBlog  sent it's investigative team out to look into these supposed conversations and the "Orifice" err Oracle in general. Speaking with several top rank Democrats and Republicans and one City Councilman who only spoke on the promise of anonymity the BatBlog discovered some interesting information concerning the Oracle.

                                                  Oracle's Identity
     There has been much speculation on the identity of the Oracle and when asked the city Councilman who preferred to remain anonymous chuckled and replied the Oracle is the brainchild of old political enemies of the mayor many of whom contribute to the lies, personal innuendos that is the Oracle's method of operation. He went on to state that the Oracle consists of the usual subjects you might suspect from a former administration,  one of whom slithered out of a trash can where he resides on occasion, he said jokingly.

                                                     How it Operates
     Another prominent Democrat stated  you notice how the Orifice never names names it's always someone he bumped into. That's because these individuals he bumps into are basically a figment of the Orifice's collective imagination. He also shook his head and stated that's just the way these people operate, if you can't beat the mayor at the ballot box print lies, personal barbs, sleazy innuendo in an attempt to undermine him, with no regards to common decency or the families that might be effected by the lies and rumors.

                                                     On Switching Parties
     The BatBlog also talked to a prominent Republican in the know and asked him about the Orifice's claim of some Republicans being upset with the GOP accepting the mayor who was a former Dem. He stated of course there was some upset about it, but politically, party affiliation is basically not a big issue in City races a and the mayor if he choose to run for reelection he will be welcomed by party leaders. He is a proven, popular vote getter it would be stupid for the GOP to turn their back on him, he stated.

                                                     Local Watchdog
     The BatBlog also spoke to a higher up in the Democratic Party about the local self appointed "watchdog" who after campaigning for the mayor is now his biggest critic. He roared with laughter and said that's his method of operation, he did the same thing with the previous administration. He has  an exaggerated sense of importance like the Oracle  and feels he can effect the public's  perception and elections..... the fact of the matter 95% of voters don't follow all this political bullshit and could care less.

                                                     Final Thoughts
    Finally one local, well respected party leader and political observer concluded, I wouldn't put too much stock or believe anything printed by the Oracle, you have to consider the source and realize their agenda and that basically all they pander to are people that didn't vote for the mayor anyway....everybody else realizes it's more politics and lies and your basic bullshit from a bunch losing crybabies and narcissists ...


  1. I believe the Orifice is Larry Thomas, the writer, with major input from Larry Wilder, Ed Z and some from Matt Owen and of course Mike Hutt when they need to use him.

  2. Fetz, Sellers and Julius are rumored major contributors as well.

  3. All of what the 2 anon. posters posted may be pretty close to the truth according to reliable sources within the Oracles inner workings....

    Yes there is a mole leaking the truth in the Oracle's inner circle...

    Et Tu Brute ......

  4. The Oracle IS DEFINITELY John Thomas

  5. Les Merkley Orifice of the JPOL

  6. I think you mean LARRY Thomas Anon., but according to sources Thomas isn't the brains but does contribute...

    You have any proof ? about Merkley what ever happened to the public record request by Owen ???

  7. Everyone knows that The Oracle is really just HT's alter ego. It is a Jekyl and Hyde thing.

    Brian Coffman

  8. Sorry Brian but HT isn't the Orifice he is the collective work of a few mindless, spineless individuals who because of political jealousy resort to fighting like the cowardly vermin he/they are...

  9. Your picture of the oracle reminds me of how Larry Flynt used to depict his Asshole of the month feature in Hustler magazine
