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Monday, November 26, 2012

The Oracle's Followers - Censored

   Seems like the BatBlog's post last week on the Orifice has ruffled the feathers of some of his followers. Several obscene filled replies had to be censored and deleted due to some very crude language and content. HT normally detests censorship and is open to criticism, but these went beyond good taste.  I guess I should have expected as such , with the Oracle good taste , civility , truth and decency are pretty much not in his vocabulary....


  1. Does not surprise me

  2. Not saying all followers of the orifice are assholes but there are a several. Seems like those that dish it out can't take it, and don't seem to be able to take it when called out on their BS.

  3. School girl mentality runs deep with that crew.

  4. I don't give a plug nickel for Larry, Larry or Ed or any of their commenters, followers or worshippers! They all have issues.

  5. Well I will have to agree that this commenter/follower, ( won't go so far as to say worshipper), does have one issue right now...And that is whether to go with clear or colored lights on the tree!! :)

    Happy Holidays All!!


  6. Take that issue a step further, Jules, and consider me waking up in the middle of the night with my own Christmas "issue".... I couldn't get back to sleep because I got it in my mind that I wanted to change the whole color scheme of our tree this year. I told Bill the next morning and, although he thought I was crazy, we went out and bargain shopped for all new ornaments, beads, ribbon, and angel for the top.

  7. I've done that different years!!...Or decided I wanted to move the tree completely...Like to a different room. :) Makes for wonderful marital discord during the festive season, ( especially when he thought he was done with decorating).

    Do I care??!! :) :) :)

