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Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Blame Game.... The Big Four Bridge Project Delay

   The Big Four pedestrian bridge has been delayed once again and immediately the "Blame Game" begins. Mayor Mike Moore blaming (INDOT) Indiana Dept. of Transportation for the delay and threatened to open the new walkway anyway, but backed off when he discovered funding would be lost if he did so. INDOT has blamed the weather conditions this winter, a design flaw, and a change in the lighting plans for the delay. The two head idiots on the CCC Kruger and NHBSM blamed Moore for the delay. Of course they blame Moore for everything from global warming to Obamacare, so nothing is new....

   The BatBlog feels there is enough blame to go around without everyone pointing fingers. Yes the construction has been slow and this is primarily a state project so local officials have a right to be upset with the state. On the same behalf local officials and Mike Moore is mayor so he shares the blunt of the blame , having been equally slow in preparing the landing area at the foot of the bridge. What will eventually be a park looks like a war zone , unfinished construction, little or no grass and whats with those 4 or 5 dilapidated old houses sitting on blocks. Jeffersonville isn't ready itself for the opening of the bridge. This is one major embarrassment and eyesore. With first impressions being important there is absolutely no reason for someone traversing the bridge from the Kentucky side to want to leave the bridge and explore the downtown Jeff area .... Jeff needs it's act together soon or when the bridge is eventually opened the landing area will still be a complete mess.

 In the Batblog's opinion the Jeffersonville side has been a comedy of errors from day one. Under former Mayor Galligan all the property in this area was purchased for a "Canal " project which died an uneventful death. Mike Moore inherited all this land and decided upon creating a park in the City block of acquired land. Some park area is fine but the City really missed the boat to create a nice area of restaurants, cafes , bistros and shops in this area that would spur economic development. As it sits now pedestrians will have cross a residential area to reach the downtown businesses preparing for hopefully an influx of new customers exiting the bridge. If the City had been smart they would have acquired the small strip of residential housing between the bridge landing and Spring St. as well. Putting in the above mentioned business and creating a better transition for the downtown area.

In conclusion, no one ever accused this City of doing things the correct or prudent way and progress moves at a snail's pace around here. Considering all the political bickering and back stabbing, it's a wonder this project even got off the ground...and it's only fitting that the Big Four Project has been delayed, complained about and everyone pointing fingers that's the Jeffersonville way.....Meanwhile the two resident Grumpy old Men NHBSM and Kruger look around for something else to complain about and blame Mike Moore for.


  1. Yeah that's a great post ht.

  2. And NHBSM was the puppet and drum beater for the entire Moore campaign until he was "unrightfully jilted" from his position within the Moore administration. Now he's Moore's biggest hater. NHBSM is a joke and the reason I don't participate in the chatter

  3. NHBSM is a tool. He only spews what he is told to say.

  4. Didn't mean for the post to be about NH Mike even though he is a joke. I just say leave the damn bridge closed until the area is ready and looks decent enough to visitors...

    I don't believe the bridge will be the economic boon that officials hope and believe it to be anyway...

  5. I think the whole thing is hilarious...ESPECIALLY NSHBM!!!

    You got everybody running around pointing fingers....wondering who to blame. They are so busy figuring out where it all went wrong and meanwhile NOTHING getting done.

    This is why Louisville thinks Jeff is such a JOKE...not only can't they build a stupid CONCRETE RAMP but they can't even figure out WHO IS IN CHARGE HA!
