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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How Jeremy Really Stands Hard on Child Molestation Cases

A recent case :THE STORY in the Clark Co. court system shows how Jeremy Mull REALLY stands on child molestation cases. Unlike how he was unfairly portrayed by former Clark Co. attorney Greg Fifer last week. Mr. Mull asked for 4 years prison time for the alleged molester inthe cited STORY only to have it reduced to probation by Judge Vicki Carmichael. Not knowing the circumstances the BatBlog won't go into detail about this particular case but Mr. Mull has proven time and time again he is a tough fair prosecutor who is NOT lenient on crime or punishment as Mr. Fifer insinuated by his recent comments on the CCC about another child molestation case....

The BatBlog thinks it would be wise for former Clark Co. attorney Greg Fifer to heed the words of Abraham Lincoln  " It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt"  As he continues to try and focus the blame of the other  recent, lenient, sexual abuse plea bargained case in Clark Co. on deputy prosecutor and Rep. candidate for Clark Co. prosecutor Jeremy Mull.

We will try to explain this very clearly and Mr. Fifer would be advised to read it very slowly in order to get the message to sink in...

1. Mr. Mull did NOT prosecute this case it was prosecuted by Jen Harmeyer....

2. Mr. Mull is NOT the current Clark Co. prosecutor it is Steve Stewart....who is a Democrat...

3. Mr. Stewart oversees the prosecutor's office and one would assume OK's all plea bargains by his deputy prosecutor's NOT Mr. Mull....

4. A plea agreement has to be agreed to by a judge it is NOT the sole call of the prosecutor and the judge in this case agreed to the plea bargain....

5. Mr. Fifer does NOT know the extenuating circumstances in this case of which there were many. He 's popping off on something he knows nothing about...

6. Mr. Fifer called for cleaning house in  the prosecutors office...the current prosecutor is a Dem. (so is Bottoroff who you are supporting) cleaning house would constitute removing the Dem. in favor of the Rep. The Rep. candidate is Mr. Mull who will be you'll get your wish on this one...

7. Mr. Fifer do you take the blame for every botched case in Clark Co. while you worked for the county ???  Was  it then your fault when the property owner got all that money on a recent botched land appraisal case for the Clark Co, airport???

8. Mr Mull is NOT lenient on crimes of any kind....

Mr. Mull will continue his tough stance on all crimes after he is elected Clark Co, Prosecutor this fall...


  1. It was total bull shit to try and blame Mull for the lenient sentence in the one case. In the other where Carmichael gave probation it was probably somebody with connections. The Democrats are desperate they can't afford to lose another high profile position like prosecutor to the Rep. why Fifer would even care is beyond me, he is a joke as far as I'm concerned.

  2. So is Carmichael. She needs to go!

  3. The Dem. candidate Bottorff works in Fifer's firm . Bottorff would probably prefer that Fifer would just STFU because his unfounded criticism is hurting his campaign IMHO....

  4. If Mr. Mull can work with judge Carmichael he can work with anyone. She is the biggest issue at the courthouse.

  5. Carmichael intends to rule the entire courthouse. She will brake the bank if given the opportunity.

  6. Yes she will if no one stands up to her.
