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Friday, August 29, 2014

No Halloween Candy this Year ??? City Council / Parks Dept. Can't Manage the Event

 Unfortunately for Jeffersonville the same idiots that make up the city council run the Parks authority as well. In their infinite wisdom <add sarcasm> they have decided the annual Halloween candy give away downtown should be eliminated. Their reasoning came from I assume the chief idiot in charge Ed Z., who opined the combination of an influx of more people from the walking bridge, dim lit streets, cars speeding down Court Ave., traffic, adults and teenagers wanting candy has made the event unmanageable.

 Geez Uncle Ed, ever thought of applying certain rules to the event, I mean this isn't rocket science. Simple solutions... have an age limit (12) for candy, have the event before dark, cordon off Spring eliminate the danger of traffic.

Uncle Ed
I mean this isn't too difficult ...have a police presence maybe even provide them with a booth to hand out candy as well. Post the regulations in writing in the newspaper before the event and physically on the streets downtown, We do have a police dept. Uncle Ed , for those alleged speeders on Court Ave.

 You can see what we are up against here in Jeff, the same people responsible for millions of dollars of financial decisions for the City, can't even manage a Halloween candy give away event. Actually the BatBlog seriously doubts a huge influx of kids from the walking bridge are going to tromp 3 miles for a handful of candy to begin with and a police presence should insure that rules and regulations are strictly adhered to. This is a no brainer...

 Seriously Uncle Ed ,what's next canceling Christmas because of the Big Four walking bridge ???

This just in, it is rumored to be under discussion that the Parks Auth. will consider canceling the Jeff Christmas program and the annual children'e Easter egg hunt due to the increased traffic of the Big Four bridge. ***********************************************************************************************


  1. Not all of the council members are "idiots" though I will admit Ed Z. is one.

  2. It's a shame something can't be worked out for the kiddos.

  3. Things have been worked out, HT is just trying to stir up shit. You are just like your brother Moore

  4. Who said anything about my brother ???

    and I'll be glad to donate so the kids can have some candy...

  5. He ain't heavy, he's my brother !!!!
