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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Mess in the Middle....

**************************BREAKING UPDATE *****************************************
The BatBlog once again draws attention and gets action....unfortunately the stooges on the council/ Parks board decided to pour nearly a cool 100 grand to maintain the "Mess in the Middle." Yeah the same council that eliminated City court to save money (rolling eyes) is frittering away 100K in an attempt to clean up the mess...Uhhhh by the way when did the medians become a park ??? This landscaping gift (rolling eyes again) to the taxpayers is a gift that will keep on taking a $100,000 a year  and right down the old drain....I 'm sure that taxpayers would rather see this money go to reduce the outrageous sewer bills...but that makes too much sense...for this bunch of clowns..

 It will be interesting to see what the taxpayers get for their $100,000....don't worry the BatBlog will be there to report and will Remain Vigilant.....

Continuing on from yesterday's post, everyone we've talked to is embarrassed and dismayed at the money spent and the sight of the "landscaping" mess along Hwy 62 (10th St.) medians. To actually call it landscaping is a stretch in itself. It's hard to fathom that a landscaper and nursery with the experience and years of service as does Walnut Ridge and Dennis Julius, would do such a poor job or even have their name attached to it.

  Even the most inexperienced weekend gardener knows you don't cram plants nearly on top of each other as was the case with the median project. Now after a couple of years of maturation what we have is an overgrown sightly mess that the city doesn't have the manpower or funding to maintain...

Supposedly Walnut Ridge didn't due the design work on the project, but nonetheless is at fault in our opinion. No honest , self respecting landscape company would plant so many plants that close together knowing the result after a few years of growth. The designer should have been told about the bad design from  the landscaper and worked together for a better result. Some of plants have grown to the point that they are dying from the overgrown conditions.

 While we are sure WR made a handsome profit off the project, It makes you wonder about the qualifications, ethics and judgement of the owner (who is running for mayor) who would allow this high priced travesty to occur. Is money more important than quality work and doing the right thing ???


  1. This will go down as probably the biggest waste of tax money ever here locally. With Julius laughing all the way to the bank.

  2. Other Cities maintain decorative landscaped medians just fine, This idiot mayor chose to let them become over grown. No Moore lies .... No to 4 Moore ... Problem solved. IMO

  3. I believe the reason it looks as it does now (and I'm one who believes it looked good the first couple of years ) is the maintenance on it has been substandard the last couple of years. And I believe that it is on purpose.

    The single writer of this blog is quick to point out when he thinks the council is playing politics, but we would all be naive to think it isn't a two way street.

    1. Very true statement. This blog is so one sided.

  4. The Jeffersonville - Clark Co. Blog (The BatBlog) has no political agenda and is not one sided. We have called out the mayor on some of his stupid actions as well. We are well aware "playing politics" is prevalent on both sides.

    We are also well aware that the Jeffersonville's ... taxpayers and voters for the most part could give a rat's ass one way or another about the silly political games being played...They want efficient city services, amenities and progress which are neglected at times while our politicians play their games.

    The BatBlog will continue to call out the guilty parties with no consideration for a particular party or person.

    We will continue to remain vigilant and call them as we see them...

    Remain Vigilant My Friends....

    1. Who is the "We" you are always talking about? Is there a mouse in your pocket?

  5. The batblog and ht are not one sided. He has picked apart and praised both sides and both demos and republicans. Not everyone agrees with all of ht's comments but he is usually spot on with his criticism and it is usually deserved by the guilty party. Hail to the batblog!

  6. I love it when haters hate.

    Don't like one blog's opinion? Start your own!

  7. The Batblog is read by a lot of people including a lot of local politicians such as Rick Stephenson who has commented on several occasions. I find HT to be pretty fair and unbiased with his commentary and like the other anon. I don't always agree with him. Unlike Mike Hutt who has the credibility of a gnat and is biased for personal reason, HT only goes after those he sees as incompetent and a liability to this area in all parties. Like the issue in this post the landscaping on 62 he is right on target.

    Keep up the good work HT!! and Long live the Batblog!!

  8. Shake 'em off, HT!

  9. I thoroughly enjoy reading the BatBlog. Sure HT has his opinions and I don't agree with all of them, but at least he is doing his part to inform people and make them think. The people who we have hired to run our government don't deserve a free pass and I don't get that from HT at all. I'm glad someone's out there being vigilant and holding our employees feet to the fire. Hating on the blog writer will not have the desired effect you are going for. My suggestion would be to start one with an opposing point of view. Heck, if you present things in half as interesting a manner as HT does I may just read it too.

  10. The fact remains that the current administration is responsible for that median. It seems plausible to me that Moore is letting it go so that he can point to it and blame Galligan. He should either maintain it or dig it all up and replace it with something more suitable. Either way, it on Mike Moore. He's the mayor.

  11. The median at 10th is considered a bio swell. (Sorry for misspellings). It needs to be dense to remove contaminants. But also it must be properly maintained.

  12. The mess just cost us another $94,500. Parks Authority - ?Big 4 Station isn't a park, but a median is? - ok'd a contract with Burned Lawn Care to maintain it. That amount is for one year of maintenance.

  13. *Byrnes Lawn Care

  14. Bio swell/ bio swale I don't know what you call it other than a "mess." The only was to maintain it is to plow it under and start's overgrown, it's ugly and it cost too much it was even ugly when it first went in.....

  15. The old saying fits - "lipstick on a pig"

  16. Yeah want to see it.....
