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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Fly in the Ointment...Toxic John and the Recount


Whenever there is controversy in the local political scene usually "Toxic John" Perkins is somewhere close around. Whether it's being appointed to a position he has no chance of winning (County Commissioner) to filing for an election in a place he doesn't reside. or "Toxic" John just being Toxic....

 The latest is J.P. refusing to sign the certification of the recently completed recount by the Recount Commission for the in question Jeffersonville City council at large seats. The question is.... Is this just another case of "Toxic" John being toxic or does he have a legitimate complaint about the process ???
In the N/T article Perkins complains of changing counter teams that were unsure of the process to sleeping counters and vote total discrepancies.

 The BatBlog has no insight or inside information from the recently completed recount process so we like everyone else are left wondering. Is "Toxic John" just being difficult as he has a tendency to be ???  Are his complaints legitimate ?? Is the whole process flawed ???  Who and why in the hell knowing Perkin's history why would anyone appoint him to anything including a recount commission ???   Sherrif Jamey Noel went as far to say "John Perkins is the most unprofessional person I've ever seen in a hearing of this type of hearing."Is this just politics as usual ???  Finally is this another Bush/ Gore election to be decided in court ???

 Hopefully our friend Goliath's lawyer who represents one of the candidates and was involved in the process will weigh in...He may be limited to what he can say due to the on going court process but it would be nice to here from someone involved and in the know....


  1. Don't know if Perkins has a legitimate gripe but he likes to feel and act important. Which he is not.

  2. This is a typical Jeff-Clark Co. cluster fuck. Every time something like this comes up the super ego dick heads like Perkins and Wilder somehow get involved, along with the two idiot control freak party chairs Gilligan and Noel. Then it becomes a political fiasco free for all where all the above mentioned beat their chests and act like the Alpha male apes that they pretend to be.

    I feel sorry for all the conscientious counters trying to do their civic duty and volunteered their time and try and get this right. All the a aforementioned bags of hot air J.P., L.W., T.G., and J.N. should be banned from these type proceedings because all they do is create what this has become an old fashioned Buzzard Fucking contest.

  3. Good post Anon. you may be partially or totally right but I'm going to reserve judgement until Goliath's lawyer weighs in...If he can and does, He will give us an honest and fair assessment of the procedings....

  4. IMHO the recount commission should be a neutral non partisan body made up with people ideally with no political agenda and possibly even from another county. Keep politics out of it.

  5. Unfortunately, you will always have partisan people involved.
    Appeals coming, and this could be overturned. Republican recount commission, Democrat judge. Wait and see.
