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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Recount...City Council Races..

Kevin Vissing has informed the BatBlog that the recount for his Dist. 3 City council race with Callie Jahn and the council at large races will begin Friday Dec.11 at 4:30 P.M.with an expected completion day of Sat. Dec. 12....Stay tuned.... hopefully Kevin can fill the BatBlog in with details and allow us to post the final results first.....


  1. Yep "Toxic John" was appointed as the Dem. observer, by Galligan I presume...

  2. Both democrats and republicans will have 10 counters. They will pair up, counting Friday evening and Saturday. Combining both counts at large and my race. Any ballots that are dubious, will be set to the side, and will be looked at by a smaller group next week. Any ballots both parties can't agree on will go before a judge.
    Some interesting aspects, word is some were not initialed by both parties were counted originally may be thrown out this time.

  3. Was told those ballots I mentioned could thrown out, we're already certified by the election board last time. So they likely will count.

  4. Thanks Kevin for the updates keep us posted...

  5. Who is paying for this?

  6. Good question...I would assume the taxpayers of Jeffersonville but Kevin should know...

  7. I'm paying an excellent attorney, The honorable David Mosley for my legal council. Pesty, HT, Goliath all love him. I also pay a fee, and bond to the county. If I should overturn the election, I do not get reimbursed.

  8. It appears that 48 ballots that were initially "allowed"
    and were mysteriously "found" and counted.
    The "mysterious 48"
    were NOT initialed by EITHER the Republican or Democrat
    precinct election clerks at their respective voting sites.
    Therefore, under Indiana law they may be invalid.

    The elected Clark County Clerk, Susan Popp,
    has brought this problem to the election recount board.

    The ballots that mysteriously appeared and that were NOT legally
    initialed originally will be questioned and will probably be denied.
    There will most likely be a legal challenge if that happens.

    Hats off to Susan Popp for insuring an honest recount and revealing the existence of the 48 mysterious, questionable ballots.

  9. That sucks that the candidate has to pay for his recount. Looks like some city or county money should be set aside for close races. Parameters could bet set like a 100 votes so that only those really close races would qualify...

  10. Yea Mosley is a good dude...don't know why he hangs around with that snake Pesty and Goliath...

  11. H-T, maybe The Mose, Pesty, and Go-Liath, all hang together because they have those sexist beard thingies....

  12. You might have a point there SB....chicks dig the beards.

  13. My understanding is that the Democrat initialed them, not the Republican. Susan Popp told me tonight that they will likely count.

  14. Goliath says:

    The GSL relishes a good old fashioned election recount.

    He and Mickey Weber fought the good fight last year and Susan Popp won.
    Likewise, they challenged the election eligibility of The CTOWN judge
    and he withdrew gracefully from the field of combat.

    Past fights over 'challenged' voters... Now a Jeff City election recount
    and Goliath can't get the dad blasted GSL to take care of parking tickets
    scored against Sheba el Al's sporty Mustang. Goliath just be glad when
    this is all over.

  15. As I a 3rd Dist. resident and voter I hope this recount turns this election around to KV. Nothing against Ms. Jahn but she just doesn't have the political or life experiences necessary IMO to be an effective councilperson.

    It's good for young people to participate and join in the political process but I feel someone this young isn't prepared for this position, but on the same behalf some of those who have been on this council for several years now aren't prepared either...

  16. Are there approximately 3,535 absentee ballots to recount
    in the Jeffersonville at-large races?
    If there is only a 1% change city wide,
    that could be a potential shift of 35 votes,
    either gained or lost by a candidate.
    The results in the contest
    for the third slot at-large
    could be different
    with a small shift.

  17. The recount is over for me. I was unable to close the gap. Hats off to Calle Jahn. Congratulations!

  18. Congratulations are in order to KV as well, gracious in defeat , he ran a good race, worked hard and never to my knowledge put down his opponent. Some of the other candidates like Julius could take a lesson from Kevin on how to be gracious and classy whatever the result is...

  19. Thanks! I will be running next year to retain my County Council seat. Likely will be my final term.

  20. HT...this is the GSL reporting in. Saturday's attempt to
    count was scratched. Chaos came in and made it crazy.

    Now the recount commission will set the rules and we will
    see a second try.

    The counters from both sides are to be commended for valuable
    service to the community and the democratic process.

  21. Hat's off to those counters! It is tedious work. If you have time, I'm sure they could use more help in counting. Contact Josh Rodriquez, Ron Ellis, Or Steve Webb if you could help. Of course you may be eliminated if the attorneys think there is a conflict.
