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Monday, December 21, 2015

Woo Declines Wall of Fame Spot...

 Woo has relinquished the prestigious  honor of being named to the BatBlog's  CCC "Wall of Fame." Whatever his reasoning he wants a Chatter Chick to replace him ....Since there are already several chatter chicks on the wall...We'll leave it up to Woo to choose his replacement..

 Woo needs to realize the position is non refundable and he also forfeits the prize package that goes along with the honor...The balls in your court Woo...Who will it be ???


  1. How could any one in their right mind give up a place on the award winning Batblog's wall of fame?

  2. Consider it done Woo, when I have time...Kelley is a wise choice...long time member, well written and knowledgeable posts...

  3. Lol. Wow woo. Thanks.

    I'm putting this on my résumé.

  4. Kelley is a great choice. I don't feel worthy of the honor of making "the Wall of Fame" either. Yes, I was there from the beginning but, since I have worked for the city for a little over three years now, I've learned to keep my mouth shut and my fingers off the keyboard at critical moments. I don't consider myself much of a *contributor* anymore.

